• 总部位于深圳的华商律师事务所近日开设了广州分所,分所未来重点业务领域包括政府法律服务、证券、房地产签约按揭、银行不良资产、常年法律顾问业务等。广州分所未来合伙人包括:李万秋律师,执业领域为商业银行及公司业务、房地产法律事务以及担保等诉讼、非诉讼法律事务;王立峰律师,专注于民商事诉讼以及IPO、新三板、公司并购领域;胡佳彬律师,执业领域为商业银行及公司股权业务、房地产、私募股权基金、民商诉讼等;周剑威律师,执业领域为房地产法律事务、金融投资、不良资产处置、以及公司并购、破产清算;以及崔明镜律师,专长于为在华日企提供公司业务法律服务。根据ALB的报道,华商的联营所华商林李黎联营律师事务所也于去年12月设立了广州分所
  • 盈科律师事务所近日设立了中山分所,根据广东省司法厅公告,分所负责人为王芸律师,其专长领域为诉讼、资本市场和并购重组;
  • 中银律师事务所近日设立了三亚分所,分所未来着重于为海南自由贸易试验区和自由贸易港提供专业法律服务。此举也标志着中银进一步深化了粤港澳大湾区法律服务战略布局;
  • 总部位于北京的中闻律师事务所近日设立了杭州分所,这是中闻第十一家分支机构,也是上海分所外第二家布局长三角的分所;
  • 山东众成清泰律师事务所近日与上海瀛泰律师事务所签订战略合作协议,达成战略合作伙伴关系,未来两所将整合山东与上海两地资源,联合市场开拓和业务承办,在资产处置、资本运作、IPO、涉外业务和破产重整等领域开展合作。瀛泰律师事务所总部位于上海,共设有五家分支机构,业务领域涵盖金融保险、国际航运、建筑房产、资本市场、公司商事、劳动法、知识产权等;众成清泰律师事务所总部位于山东济南,共设有十四家分所。


Chinese law firms: A roundup of recent office openings

  • Shenzhen-based China Commercial Law Firm has opened a new office in Guangzhou, which will focus on government legal services, securities, real estate, non-performance asset and corporate counsel. This is the firm’s second move in the GBA key city of Guangzhou, with its joint venture with Lam Lee Lai opening a new branch in the city in last DecemberThe new office sees the joining of several new partners: Li Wanqiu, who focuses on real estate and corporate issues; Wang Lifeng, who specializes in litigation, IPO and M&A; Hu Jiabin, who focuses on corporate equity, real estate, private equity and litigation; Zhou Jianwei, who specializes in real estate, financial investment, non-performance assets, M&A, insolvency and bankruptcy; and Cui Mingjing, who is an expert on advising Japanese enterprises in China;
  • Yingke Law Firm has opened a new branch in Zhongshan, Guangdong province. The new office will be led by partner Wang Yun, who focuses on litigation, capital markets, M&A and restructuring;
  • Zhong Yin Law Firm has opened a new office in Sanya, Hainan province, which aims at providing legal services to the Pilot Free Trade Zone and Free Trade Port. It also marks Zhong Yin’s further completion of its strategic layout in the Greater Bay Area;
  • Beijing-based Zhongwen Law Firm has opened a new Hangzhou office, which is the eleventh branch of the firm, and the second locating in the Yangtze River Delta Region after Shanghai office;
  • Jointide Law Firm has entered into a strategic alliance with Wintell & Co. The two firms will join hands to share resources in Shandong province and Shanghai. They will cooperate on business development and specific transactions, in areas of asset disposal, capital operation, IPO, cross border transaction, insolvency and restructuring. Based in Shanghai, Wintell & Co now has five branches and its practice areas include finance and insurance, international maritime, real estate and construction, capital markets, labour law and intellectual property. Meanwhile Jointide is headquartered in Jinan, Shandong province, with fourteen offices in both China and abroad.


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