
by Hu Yangxiaoxiao 胡阳潇潇 |




中国对外投资:中东地区 (ZH/EN)


2024 ALB China客户首选律师  (ZH/EN)

今年,1944余位公司法务及商务人士参与ALB调研,评选出了他们心目中的20位首选律师。在“持续内卷”时代,客户对于律师的服务提出了哪些新的要求?他们希望律师具备怎样的特质?法律人又如何应对这些挑战? ALB与上榜者聊了聊赢得客户青睐的秘诀。 

2024 ALB China 十五佳成长律所 (ZH/EN)


穿越合规“迷雾” (ZH/EN)


探索全新“出海”策略 (ZH/EN)


Offshore spotlight

by ALB, Ranajit Dam |

Midshore jurisdictions like Singapore, Hong Kong and Ireland, which incorporate elements of both onshore and offshore jurisdictions, are becoming increasingly popular among investors. Structured products are at risk of being caught by Europe’s AIFMD, which is designed for hedge funds. And Hong Kong’s new trust law is expected to enhance the SAR’s image as an international asset management centre. By Ranajit Dam, with additional reporting by Owen Sanderson of IFR

Cautious move

by Liu Zhen |

Despite the bold design, the one-month-old Shanghai Pilot Free-Trade Zone is taking a very cautious approach towards experimenting with financial reforms. And while foreign private equity funds are keeping watch outside, Chinese outbound investments are getting the early bird benefits. By Liu Zhen

Shanghai Free-Trade Zone: Opening the box

by Liu Zhen |

With the imminent launch of the highly anticipated free-trade zone and the upcoming reforms in financial and other sectors which are expected to reinforce the opening up and internationalisation of the city’s legal services, Shanghai law firms are working harder than ever before to cement their positions in a fiercely competitive environment. Liu Zhen reports