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  • 德恒律师事务所近期先后开设了南昌及银川两家分所。南昌分所目前有7位合伙人,分所负责人为肖明律师,其执业领域为建设工程、PPP项目和公司法务。未来南昌分所的重点执业领域是争议解决、刑事辩护、房地产与建筑工程、银行与金融、企业拯救与破产、证券与基金、公司并购与重组、知识产权、劳动与社会保障、“一带一路”与跨境投融资等。银川分所目前有18位合伙人,分所主任雷挺律师的主要业务领域为房地产与建设工程、投融资和企业债发行、企业重整与收购,未来分所将重点发展金融证券、知识产权领域业务。

  • 北京观韬中茂律师事务近期开设了福州办公室,这也是观韬中茂全球范围内的第20间办公室。目前福州办公室有近70位工作人员,其中13位为合伙人。办公室负责人为刘楷律师,其专长领域为资本市场、公司与并购,以及国际贸易。福州办公室同时设置了执行委员会负责日常运营管理,执行委员会主任为许秀珠律师,其专长领域为争议解决、银行与金融,以及房地产法律服务。

  • 中伦文德律师事务所近日正式设立家族财富传承办公室,该办公室将汇集中伦文德在家族信托、保险、金融投资理财、税务等多领域的律师,办公室设立在北京总部,同时可对接境外服务。其近日同时与美国律所 BECKER & POLIAKOFF LLP达成了联营协议;

  • 北京德和衡律师事务所近日设立了乌鲁木齐分所,分所执行主任为王敏律师;

  • 锦天城律师事务所近日设立了武汉分所,分所负责人为张超律师,其执业领域主要为证券与资本市场、公司与并购,以及知识产权业务。


Chinese law firms: A roundup of recent office openings

  • DeHeng Law Offices has opened offices in Nanchang, capital of Jiangxi Province, and Yinchuan, capital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The Nanchang office has seven partners, led by Xiao Ming, who specializes in construction, PPP and corporate law. The new office will focus on dispute resolution, criminal defense, real estate and construction, banking and finance and funds and securities, as well as overseas investment along the Belt and Road Initiative. Meanwhile, the Yinchuan office has 18 partners. It is led by Lei Ting, who specializes in investment and financing, M&A and restructuring. The new office will focus on securities and IP practices in the future.

  • Guantao Law Firm has opened a new office in Fuzhou, capital of Fujian Province. Guantao’s 20th office globally, the new office has a headcount of 70 people, including 13 partners. The office will be led by partner Liu Kai, who specializes in capital markets, M&A and international trade. There is also an executive committee responsible for day-to-day management, which is headed by partner Xu Xiuzhu.

  • Zhonglun W&D Law Firm has set up a new family office in Beijing which includes lawyers specializing in trust, insurance, taxation and financial investment. It has also entered into a joint venture with U.S. law firm Becker & Poliakoff.

  • Beijing DHH Law Firm has set up a new office in Urumqi, the capital of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It is headed by partner Wang Min.

  • AllBright Law Office has opened an office in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province. Partner Zhang Chao, who specializes in capital markets, M&A and IP, heads that office.


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by Charlie Wu 吴卓言 |


报名开始:2025 ALB China 争议解决业务排名 / Submissions open: 2025 ALB China Dispute Resolution Rankings
