胜蓝律师事务所上海代表处近日宣布Iris Duchetsmann作为合伙人加盟,并成为该所大中华区劳动雇佣业务部负责人。

Iris Duchetsmann此前曾在从德国律所Beiten Burkhardt的上海代表处执业。她拥有在德国职业的资格,除了能够协助胜蓝加强涉外劳动雇佣法律服务能力外,她还能够促进该所中德业务的拓展。

Salans has geared up its labour and employment practice, appointing Iris Duchetsmann as head of its China labour group in Shanghai and Zheng Lijuan as another addition to the team. Both lawyers joined from the Shanghai office of German law firm Beiten Burkhardt, to strengthen the increasingly important nexus between the two countries.

Duchetsmann will focus on cross-border employment law in China, local labour law and international HR management, but also advises on residency, tax and social security issues. She is also qualified to give advice on labour law in Germany, which will provide a unique offering for Salans’ international client base in China.

Salans is particularly strong in former USSR countries, with offices in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. It also plans to set up a Russia desk in its Beijing office in the near future.