在两位合伙人 Joe Sevack 以及Maurice Hoo相继离职分别转投长盛和奥睿之后,普衡近日任命前霍金•豪森北京办公室负责人Roger Peng 为合伙人,以加强并购和私募股权业务团队能力。

Roger Peng为最近离开霍金•豪森(五月一日起正式与路伟合并)的合伙人之一。其他离开的合伙人包括前上海办公室管理合伙人Author Mok (现为Ropes & Gray合伙人) 和原香港管理合伙人Gordon Ng (现已加入美迈斯香港办公室)。

Hot on the heels of losing Hong Kong partner Joe Sevack to Troutman Sanders and China PE practice head Maurice Hoo to Orrick, Paul Hastings has appointed fomer managing partner of Hogan & Hartson’s Beijng office, Roger Peng, as partner in its Beijing office.

Peng believes that the firm's collaboration culture and level of business orientation can help take his own practice to a higher level. “These attributes will help overcome the challenges ahead and will make the most significant difference to my career at this stage,” said Peng. “Challenges are inevitable, given that we are in an evolving and ever more competitive market,” he added.

Peng will work on M&A, PE, venture capital and commercial transactions, with a particular focus on the telecommunications, media and technology industries. “The growth of our global M&A and private equity practice is a key strategy for us,” said Seth Zachary, chairman of Paul Hastings.

Peng is the latest senior member to leave Hogan & Hartson following the departure of Gordon Ng, former Hong Kong managing partner, and Arthur Mok, former Shanghai managing partner, as the firm's merger with Lovells comes into effect.

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