美国必百瑞近日晋升合伙人萧焕华为上海代表处管理合伙人,同时也任命合伙人Scott Kline为中国区代表。

这是萧焕华在短短四个月之内的第二次任命。她在四个月前刚被提拔为合伙人。萧焕华于2008年加入必百瑞, 她在公司法和证券方面有着近17年的经验,重点负责与中国相关的资本市场的交易。

在加入必百瑞之前,萧焕华曾在芝加哥的美国百博律师事务所工作。 会多种语言的 (包括普通话、广东话、英文、荷兰语、法语)萧焕华也是美国律师基金会,上海美商会和美籍华人律师协会成员。

在这次必百瑞的晋升活动中,上海合伙人Scott Kline也被提升为律所的中国代表。 他主要关注所有与外国律所中国代表处有关的问题,并负责联络上海司法局和国家级的司法部门。Scott Kline在公司法及证券方面有着丰富的经验。

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP has installed Woon-Wah Siu as the new office managing partner of its Shanghai office and Scott Kline as its China representative. 

Siu is promoted to the new position after she was appointed as a partner of the U.S. firm four months ago. A veteran corporate and securities lawyer with 17 years of experience, Siu specializes in China-oriented capital markets transactions.
She has represented Chinese companies in various securities offerings such as initial public offerings, fully-marketed, confidentially-marketed follow-on underwritten offerings and registered direct offerings.  She also advises U.S. and international investors on China-related merger and acquisitions transactions and other matters related to foreign direct investments.

Prior to joining Pillsbury, Siu worked for Bell Boyd & Lloyd LLP in Chicago. A multilingual lawyer fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Dutch and French, Siu is also a life fellow of the American Bar Foundation, and a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai and the Chinese American Bar Association.

As a part of Pillsbury's firm-wide promotion, Scott Kline, a Shanghai-based partner was picked as the firm’s China representative. He is responsible for liaising with Shanghai’s Bureau of Justice and the national-level Ministry of Justice on all matters concerning regulation of foreign law firms' representative offices in China. Kline has extensive general corporate and securities law experience.  ALB

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