
这八位合伙人分别为管云翔、何敏智、李颖之、宋立伟、黄志刚、薛涛、罗赟、唐伯恩。其中管云翔和何敏智为原九州丰泽管理合伙人。管云翔在加入九州丰泽前曾是耀良律所的合伙人,这之前,他曾先后担任英国年利达及加拿大布雷克的法律顾问。 何敏智在加入九州丰泽前,曾担任麦当劳大中国地区的法律总监。两者都曾为多起大型涉外项目提供过法律服务。

对于八位合伙人集体跳槽,九州丰泽管理层认为, 他们在律所的发展理念和方向上与九州丰泽有所不同。因此,他们的离开不会对律所的业务发展造成较大的影响。目前,九州丰泽致力于发展为具有国际水平的精品所。



Eight former partners including two managing partners at Jade & Fountain, who won the ALB Fast 10 award for 2011, joined Zhong Lun as partners in their international business division.

All eight lawyers have worked across various  international firms— Scott Guan worked for Blake Cassels & Graydon and Linklaters as a consultant, while Song Liwei held a senior associate position at Gide Loyrette Nouel.  Zhong lun's managing team says the new eight partners would strengthen the firm’s expertise in foreign-related legal services.

The eight partners include Scott Guan, Mark Ho, Jill Lee, Song Liwei, Steven Huang, Xue Tao, Ricky Luo and Blaine Turnacliff.   Previous managing partners Scott Guan and Mark Ho were veterans in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), private equity (PE) and VC investments, and foreign direct investments. 

While Jade & Fountain are in the process of recruiting partners, they are prudent about candidates’ background and their concept of developing the firm.

The new managing partners elected in April at Jade & Fountain are Chen Gang, Qiao Bo and Yang Jun.ALB

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