
与满律师同时加入奥睿律所还有前霍金路伟高级法律顾问海德 (Brad Herrold)。海德在中国有着将近二十年的工作经验。在成为商法律师之前,他在北京从事了多年的商业活动。

奥睿伦敦办事处的高级法律顾问,Veronica Lockyer也在最近加入了奥睿上海办公室。Lockyer在合规和交易事务方面有广泛的经验。她将为在欧洲投资的中国客户提供及时的服务。

近期加入奥睿的合伙人还包括孙捷 (Jeffrey Sun),胡振辉 (William Woo),徐作青 (Allen Shyu )和 胡立生(Maurice Hoo)。

Thomas Man, former partner of Hogan Lovells Beijing office, has rejoined Orrick's Beijing office as a partner.

Prior to his time at Hogan Lovells and Orrick, Man was a corporate and securities partner in the Chicago, Beijing and Shanghai offices of Baker & McKenzie.

Man has extensive experience representing both foreign direct investors in China and Chinese enterprises investing abroad, with a main focus on inbound and outbound M&A and complex cross-border transactions.

He was appointed by the Supreme People's Court of China as one of only two foreign advisors to the drafting committee of China 's Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science to draft the first Uniform Rules of Evidence for all Chinese courts.

Along with Man, former Hogan Lovells counsel, Brad Herrold, has also joined Orrick's China corporate practice.  Based in Beijing, Herrold  has nearly 20 years experience in the PRC.  He has worked in private business in Beijing for many years before becoming a commercial lawyer.

In addition to the appointments of Man and Herrold, Orrick has also relocated Veronica Lockyer to its Shanghai office. Lockyer provides expanded capabilities on regulatory and transactional matters, and on-the- ground support for Chinese clients investing in Europe.

Man and Herrold are the latest in what has been a steady stream of high-profile appointments for the firm in China. Earlier this year, Orrick appointed Jeffrey Sun, William Woo, Allen Shyu and Maurice Hoo as partners in its Shanghai office. ALB

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