
牛磊在海事海商,仲裁及争议解决等方面经验丰富。在牛磊加入环球之前,他曾是中国海事仲裁委员会上海分会副秘书长。牛磊也是中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会、中国海事仲裁委员会和香港国际仲裁中心的仲裁员。 他曾在近百起国内及涉外案件中被指定为仲裁员、首席仲裁员和独任仲裁员。


中伦在过去的一个月陆续增加了不少合伙人。就在四周前,两名锦天城前合伙人包伟和魏国俊加盟中伦上海办公室, 而前北京华堂律所合伙人周亚成则加入中伦北京办公室。

Zhong Lun Law Firm (中伦) has added two partners to its maritime and arbitration practice.  The two new additions are Niu Lei (牛磊) and Li Chenbiao (李晨飚), both of whom joined the firm from Global Law Office (环球).

Niu focuses on maritime, shipping, arbitration and litigation. Prior to his time at Global, Niu was deputy secretary-general of China Maritime Arbitration Commission. Niu, an arbitrator with the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, China Maritime Arbitration Commission and Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, has dealt with nearly 100 domestic and international arbitration cases during his career.

Li's main practice also includes shipping, as well as insurance and international trade.  Before joining Global, Li was a partner at GL & CO. Law Firm (格林). He also has experience working in-house after a stint with shipping giant COSCO (中远) in Guangzhou.

The appointments cap off a busy month for Zhong Lun on the lateral hire front.  A little over four weeks ago, the firm hired two former partners from AllBright Law Offices (锦天城), Bao Wei (包伟)and Wei Guojun (魏国俊) for its Shanghai office, while Zhou Yacheng (周亚成),a former partner of Beijing Huatang Law Firm (华堂),  joined Zhong Lun’s Beijing office.

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