King & Wood Mallesons has boosted its energy and resources practice capability in Beijing with its latest round of recruitment, which includes the appointment of partner Dirk Walker and counsel Dina Yin.

Walker joins the firm from Dewey & LeBoeuf. With a background in petroleum engineering and five years of practice in Beijing, he has featured in the China National Petroleum Corporation’s (CNPC) $3.3 billion acquisition of the KMG oil asset in Kazakhstan. He has also advised several state-owned Chinese oil companies on their outbound acquisitions and developments of upstream and downstream projects in Africa, South America, the U.S., and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

“It is a fantastic time to be part of King & Wood Mallesons, a firm that has a clear vision and strategy in Asia. There are obvious synergies between our areas of expertise and focus,” said Walker in a statement issued by the firm.

Yin, meanwhile, arrives from Linklaters. She has acted for Chinese and international oil companies in their outbound and inbound projects, particularly bids and acquisitions of oil and gas, in addition to mining assets in Africa, Asia, Russia, and Kazakhstan.

Commenting on the hires, Wang Ling, managing partner of King & Wood Mallesons (PRC), said in a statement: “The energy and resources sector continues to be a priority for us. The regional market is fiercely competitive. With the arrival of one of the leading E&R teams to King & Wood Mallesons, we are able to provide clients with unparalleled substantive experience and firepower. This is proof that we are delivering on our commitment to our clients.” ALB

Liu Zhen is North Asia senior journalist at ALB. Follow her on Twitter: @ALB_Magazine.

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