Reed Smith has appointed former Pfizer in-house lawyer John Tan as a counsel in its Global Regulatory Enforcement team.  His specialties in China compliance investigation and litigation are expected to strengthen Reed Smith’s Shanghai office.

As Pfizer’s China regional compliance director for the past two years, Tan was responsible for conducting FCPA and compliance investigations in mainland China, in addition to handling responses for government investigations. He has also practised at Keller & Heckman for three years, focusing on food and drug laws for clients across East and Southeast Asia. Early in his legal career, he had worked for the Public Defender Service of criminal defence and criminal investigation in the U.S.

Commenting on Tan’s arrival, Roger Parker, the firms’ managing partner for Europe, the Middle East and Asia, said in a statement: “We’re continuing to build our Asia practice, and John’s arrival allows us to further expand our China-Hong Kong and Asia capabilities to help all types of clients doing business throughout Asia, especially in the life sciences sector.”

“John brings us key experience, not only with FCPA and internal investigations, but a deep knowledge of the risk factors unique to the China market for drug and device companies,” added Jay Yan, Reed Smith’s Shanghai head.

Tan received his B.Sc. from MIT in 1993, and his J.D. from Georgetown Law Centre in 1998. He is fluent in Mandarin Chinese. ALB

Liu Zhen is North Asia senior journalist at ALB. Follow her on Twitter: @ALB_Magazine.

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