Shengli Oil & Gas Pipe Holdings Hong Kong IPO and global offering
Synopsis  IPO and global offering on the HKSE
Firm Client Role

Tian Yuan

Shengli Oil & Gas Pipe
PRC counsel
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe
Shengli Oil & Gas Pipe
Hong Kong and US counsel
Shengli Oil & Gas Pipe
Singapore law
Conyers Dill & Pearman
Shengli Oil & Gas Pipe
Cayman Islands law
Baker & McKenzie
Hong Kong and US law
Zhong Lun
[Lead lawyer: Dai Guanchun]
PRC law

Six firms have recently been instructed on Shengli Oil & Gas Pipe Holding’s US$204m IPO on the HKSE.

“Shengli is one of the largest oil and gas pipe line manufacturers in the PRC and plans to expand its business with the proceeds of its global offering,” said Edwin Luk, partner and head of Orrick’s Asia corporate practice.

The capital markets sector has set off to a great start this year with several major IPOs on the HKSE. Firms like King & Wood, Freshfields and Commerce & Finance benefited from instructions on China Pacific Insurance’s US$3.1bn IPO in January.

“As the capital markets start to pick up again in Hong Kong, we are seeing Chinese as well as other Asian companies across a broad range of industries, including the energy and natural resources sector, considering Hong Kong IPOs with US components,” Luk added.

*Macquarie Capital Securities acted as sole global coordinator, bookrunner, sponsor and lead manager
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