

参与活动的意大利律师事务所包括Bonelli Erede Pappalardo, Chiomenti, de Meo & Associati, Gianni, Origoni, Grippo & Partners and Scognamiglio。 其中Chiomenti在中国设有两家代表处。

An Italian delegation, which consists of leading lawyers from 15 prominent Italian law firms, has show cased the investment opportunities in Italy and highlighted the key legal aspects foreign investors need to pay attention to when investing into the country.

The one day workshop, themed "Italylaw", was held at the end of June in the Italy Pavilion of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.  Massimo Roscigno, Consul General of Italy in Shanghai, delivered the opening speech. Representatives from the 15 firms then gave speeches on various aspects of foreign investment in Italy during the morning session. A roundtable discussion on topics of common interest between China Italy was held in the afternoon, with Lv Hongbing, the vice president of All China Lawyers Association, among the guest speakers. 

The 15 Italian firms include Bonelli Erede Pappalardo, Chiomenti, de Meo & Associati, Gianni, Origoni, Grippo & Partners and Scognamiglio. Among them, Chiomenti has two representative offices in China. ALB

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