Almost ten months after its last published decision, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) has recently issued its sixth conditional clearance decision since the enactment of the Anti-Monopoly Law (AML) in 2008. On 13 August 2010, MOFCOM approved the proposed US$28bn acquisition of Alcon by pharmaceutical giant Novartis, subject to conditions. It is the first time that MOFCOM has imposed conditions to address 'coordinated effects' arising from a merger transaction.

MOFCOM's busy two years
According to a source close to MOFCOM, about 150 notifications have been accepted by the regulator since the Anti-Monopoly Law became effective. 120 of the cases have been dealt with, and only one was blocked while six were granted approval subject to conditions.
A team from King & Wood, led by the firm's head of antitrust & competition practice Susan Ning, acted as the sole PRC counsel in respect of the antitrust aspects (including the merger filing with MOFCOM) of this global transaction. King & Wood worked alongside Novartis' international counsel Allen & Overy. So far, the parties have filed merger review applications in 19 jurisdictions, and the acquisition has been cleared by antitrust authorities in most of these jurisdictions.
Prior to Novartis/Alcon, Ning and her team also played a key role in obtaining MOFCOM's conditional clearance for Pfizer's US$68bn acquisition of Wyeth Pharmaceuticals in 2009 and MOFCOM's unconditional clearance for Mitsubishi Chemistry's US$2.1bn acquisition of Mitsubishi Rayon in 2010. According to an anonymous source, King & Wood has completed more than 30 merger filings with MOFCOM over the past two years. 

During the past two years of her practice, Ning has noticed an increased level of clarity and predictability of MOFCOM's merger control procedures. "The merger filing regime has improved and will continue to improve. We expect more foreign companies to file a merger notification with MOFCOM for their transactions in and outside China. The number of filings for mergers between domestic companies will grow too, but in a more gradual way," said Ning. 
Ning stresses the importance of lawyers and their clients having "sophisticated and informed" discussions with MOFCOM to understand the way the regulator is working and the issues that it is concerned with. 

Currently, the firm has an 11-strong team focusing exclusively on merger control filings and antitrust compliance. Liu Cheng, formerly a lead lawyer at DLA Piper's international trade and competition practice in Beijing, is the latest addition to the team. ALB

Anti-Monopoly Law – MOFCOM's seven decisions since 2008
Date of decision
InBev’s US$52bn acquisition of Anheuser-Busch
conditional approval
InBev-AB to obtain its consent before implementing certain transactions in China
18 November 2008
Coca-Cola’s proposed US$2.4bn acquisition of Huiyuan
18 March 2009
Mitsubishi Rayon’s US$1.6bn acquisition of Lucite International Group
conditional approval
Parties to divest a portion of their production capacity
24 April 2009
General Motors’ acquisition of Delphi
conditional approval
GM to abstain from a variety of discriminatory or exclusionary practices in dealings with other carmakers and facilitate transitions to alternate auto parts suppliers
28 September 2009
Pfizer’s US$68bn acquisition of Wyeth
conditional approval
Divestiture of Pfizer’s swine mycoplasma pneumonia vaccine business in China
29 September 2009
Panasonic’s US$9.4bn acquisition of Sanyo
conditional approval
Divestiture of entire business lines in the battery sector, including facilities outside China, and restriction of Panasonic’s exercise of its voting rights in a joint venture with Toyota
30 October 2009
Novartis’ US$28bn acquisition of Alcon
conditional approval
Novartis is barred from selling infectoflam or similar opthalmological anti-infective products in China in the next five years, and is to terminate the supply arrangements with Hydron within the next 12 months
13 August 2010

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