As a leading technology-based conglomerate, BenQ & AUO is an inventor and owner of many intellectual property rights (IPR). Its legal department in China, unsurprisingly, has built up solid expertise in IP to safeguard the group's most valuable and intangible assets over the years. However, in the face of a rising number of IPR infringements in Southern China over the past 12 months, the team has to maintain an extremely high level of vigilance and pro-activeness.

"The government has made significant efforts to enhance IP protection and address the enforcement issues. The situation has indeed improved over the past three years. However, it's worsened again this year. The number and frequency of infringements of our brands are rising, particularly in Shenzhen," said the group's China general counsel Louis Wang. "It's a tough and long-lasting task, but we will push forward in our fight against counterfeiters."

Wang said that IPR protection is a critical skillset the team must have to protect its client in the country's challenging and fast-evolving landscape of IPR enforcement. Last year, her team successfully dealt with three major patent infringement cases, either through administrative or judicial actions. In all three cases, the company achieved favourable outcomes and damages awards were made.

The legal team also puts considerable effort into anti-counterfeiting and trademark enforcement. In the first six months of this year, it already initiated six trademark infringement lawsuits and six anti-counterfeiting actions.

Wang sees enforcement action as an effective way not only to protect IPR but also to help realise the commercial potential of rights protection through licensing. ALB

To read the full profile of BenQ & AUO Group's China general counsel Louis Wang and her legal team, pleae click here

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