
Following the footsteps of fellow Beijing firms Dacheng, Longan, Gaopeng andYingke, Zhongyin has recently launched itself in Nanjing.

The Nanjing office, Zhongyin's 13th branch, is headed by partner Yang Wei, who relocated from Beijing. More than 40 lawyers from a number of local firms have joined the office already but according to Li Jian (another partner who relocated from Beijing to Nanjing) the goal is to have more than 100 lawyers by the beginning of 2011.

Listed Nanjing companies
  • In 2009, 33 companies based in Nanjing launched A-share IPOs and listed in Shenzhen and Shanghai.
  • By the end of 2009, more than 80 companies in Nanjing were listed either in China or overseas.
"The GDP of Jiangsu was ranked the second in China last year. Strong economic development equals strong demand for legal services. So the capital city is an appealing location for Beijing law firms seeking growth in commercial and corporate practices," said Li. "The State Council's Regional Plan for the Yangtze River Delta which was approved in May this year outlines further economic growth potential for the region. The plan brings more confidence to the Nanjing legal industry."

According to market speculation, Dacheng, which opened a Nanjing office in 2008, is in initial discussions with leading local firm Way-to-Justice on a possible tie-up. The two firms have been working closely on client matters in recent years. The tie-up, if it goes ahead, could create Nanjing's largest law firm, with over 100 lawyers. ALB

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