
金杜律师团队由北京合伙人胡再持律师带领,该团对在此次项目中协助诚通进行尽职调查、谈判、交易建构、融资以及与俄方律师 — 伟凯莫斯科办公室的沟通和协调。“中国企业的投资范围已不再局限于能源及资源,而是扩展到地产、基建、农林、制造、科技、汽车等方方面面。只是公众及媒体的关注焦点仍然集中在两国之间大型能源交易上,”胡律师指出。过去十个月胡律师曾七次亲赴莫斯科,为客户解决在俄所面临的问题。

China Chengtong Group has recently completed its acquisition of the Greenwood business centre near Moscow, which includes 13 office buildings, business facilities and apartments. The total investment in the Greenwood project was reportedly about US$350m.

King & Wood was appointed by the large state-owned enterprise as the lead counsel in this transaction. The firm's team, led by Beijing partner Hu Zaichi, assisted the client in conducting legal due diligence, negotiating, deal structuring and financing, as well as liaising with the Russian legal counsel – White & Case's Moscow office.

"The scope of Chinese companies' investment has expanded beyond energy & resources to real estate, infrastructure, agriculture and forestry, manufacturing, technology, automobile and much more. But public interest and the media still primarily focus their attention on large energy deals between the two countries," said Hu, who has been to Moscow seven times over the past 10 months working on client matters in Russia. ALB

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