在顺利打开欧洲市场后,盈科近日转战亚洲,与韩国Logos建立排他性联盟,共同开发亚洲市场。 同时,两家律所正在积极商讨筹建YingKe&Logos联合律所事宜。


今年5月,盈科率团考察了韩国十大规模律所中的6家律所。最终决定与韩国Logos确立战略联盟关系。崔英美说: “我们之所以选择Logos是因为他们的发展的理念和发展经历与盈科很相似。”

Logos成立于2000年,拥有大概86名律师,是韩国十大律所之一。 Logos在金融、税务、知识产权、投资、反不正当竞争、国际贸易等非讼领域拥有行业领先优势。

成立于2001年盈科,曾多次评为ALB中国发展最迅速的律所之一。 据最新的ALB数据统计,盈科已经跃居为全国第二大律所。 律所目前拥1583 律师,15家国内分所,同时在英国伦敦、匈牙利布达佩斯、意大利维罗纳、巴西圣保罗、台湾高雄等5个地区和国家设立了海外办公室。据介绍,2011年,盈科还将在中国大陆设立12家办公室及在全球10个国家和地区设立海外办公室,盈科全球律师总人数将突破2400名,员工总人数近3500名。

After completing its foray into the European legal services market, YingKe, China’s second largest law firm by headcount, has turned its attention to Korea announcing a strategic alliance with local law firm Logos.

The two firms, which are also working towards formalising their relationship as a joint venture under the name Yingke&Logos, are hoping that the strategic alliance will allow them to increase their market shares in the fast-growing area of Korea-China cross-border investments.

According to Cui Yingmei, head of Yingke’s Korean practice, the fact that Chinese law firms remain prohibited from opening branch offices in Seoul makes the strategic alliance the best option for now, but did not rule out the possibility that the firm would open a representative office in the country if the requisite regulatory changes occur. “Building an alliance with a Korean law firm is the best way to enter the Korean legal market. We are hoping that both of law firms will know and adapt to each other better through the cooperation. After a period of working together, we will decide when the best time to open the joint firm YingKe&Logos is. ”said Cui.

In May 2011, delegates from YingKe visited six of the ten largest firms in Korea and finally decided to tie-up with Logos. "Logos has a similar business strategy to ours and the evolution of our firm’s has many similarities," said Cui.

Logos, formed in 2000, has quickly risen to become one of Korea’s ten largest law firms by headcount.  It has 86 lawyers, and has offices in Beijing, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Moscow, and  three offices in Korea (Seoul, Incheon and Song Do). The firm specializes in finance, tax, intellectual property, and international investment and trade.

YingKe, established in 2001, has 1583 lawyers and 20 offices across the world. The firm is known for its ambitious and aggressive expansion and plans to open a further 12 domestic offices and ten foreign representative offices over the next two years. ALB

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by Charlie Wu 吴卓言 |
