We are now accepting submissions for ALB China’s 2014 Fastest Growing Law Firms Rankings. This is a quantitative survey of those firms in the nation who are expanding at breakneck speed, and we at ALB would like to collect relevant information from your firm for our ranking.

Data we need from you includes total present headcount, departures and hires in the past year, and total number of offices across China. Other relevant information such as the growth in revenue last year, although not compulsory, will be appreciated.

Once we have composed and tested our Top 10 list, the rankings will be published in ALB China's April 2014 issue.

Only firms that participate and submit necessary information will be considered for the ranking.

Please click here to download and complete the submission form, which is due no later than March 21 at 5:30 pm (Beijing time). We will not accept any submissions after this.

Please direct all submissions and questions to Zhen Liu at zhen.liu@thomsonreuters.com  or at +86 10 66271288 ext. 1232.

We look forward to receiving your submission soon.


欢迎参加2014年度汤森路透《亚洲法律杂志ALB》 “中国成长最快的十家律所”问卷调查。此次调查旨在反映国内发展最为迅速的律师事务所的情况,我们感谢贵所的支持,您所提供的准确信息,将能够使我们的排名更加准确与客观。





请将完成的问卷以电子邮件方式发送至zhen.liu@thomsonreuters.com。 如有问题或疑问,欢迎致信至上述邮件地址咨询,或致电+86 10 6627 1288 ext. 1232.

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