Nominations are now open for the 12th annual ALB China Law Awards, with the winners being announced in a gala ceremony on Thursday 23th April in Beijing. The awards in 2015 features a revised set of categories, as well as revising both the geographical areas as well as revising the methodology across all award categories, to ensure a fairer and more transparent judging process.

The event covers a total of 36 categories, which are designed to highlight and showcase the leading legal practitioners in both law firms and in-house, as well as highlighting the key deals which have taken place over the past 12 months. For more information on the event, please visit the website: 

The nominations will once again be judged by our selected group of impartial experts, including both key in-house individuals and selected industry specialists, and will be judged on work completed over the course of the 2014. Finalists will be released in early March. 

Nominations are now open, and for more information, or to request a nomination form, please contact Colin Wang on or call +86-10-62674306.






提名现已开放,如需获得提名表格或更多相关信息,敬请联系Colin Wang, 致电:+86-10-62674306 或电邮 。