

请联系人将邮件转给律所相关负责人,经综合商量,代表律所提名两名律师。要求被提名律师1)具有中华人民共和国执业资格;且 2)201411日至1231日之间,曾在中国大陆开庭的诉讼案件中,或代表中国客户在境外诉讼案件中,有出色表现。



To whom it may concern,

Litigators are always the pillars of the legal professions. Every battle on court features thorough in-depth investigation, logical analysis, persuasive eloquence and quick wits from lawyers of both sides.

ALB values the work of litigators, and their irreplaceable contributions to the well-being of the society. For this reason, in its March 2015 issue, ALB is spotlighting the Top 15 litigators in China. We would come out with 15 best litigators based on their high profile cases, clients’ recommendations, and feedback from the market.As you may know, our previous litigator lists were quite influential, representing the top level in the industry.

One firm can nominate at most TWO lawyers who: 1)  admitted in PRC; and 2)had outstanding achievement in litigation case(s) EITHER taking place in Mainland China OR representing a Chinese client overseas, from 1 Jan 2014 to 31 Dec 2014

Please fill in the form in the attachment and direct submissionsatshangjing.li@thomsonreuters.com no later thanFebruary 13, 2015


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