ALB will identify China’s leading general counsels in ranking of ALB Top GCs in China 2017, which will be published in June. The submissions are open to all general counsels or head of legal affairs based in China. 

The research will be conducted through the following aspects:

1.Self-nomination forms for general counsels. In-house teams or the general counsels can fill out the submission form (as attached) and hand it in to research team at 

2.Private practice lawyers in China are invited to fill out a survey in which they can recommend general counsels for the ranking. Responses will be kept anonymous.

3.We will also take into account peer commentary, market feedback and ALB editorial input. Interviews will be conducted by ALB if necessary.

Some of the key qualities we are looking for are: 

•Scope and significance of work handled by the general counsels 

•Any significant initiatives launched by the general counsel in his/her current role

•Feedback of GC’s work from business partners 

•Years of experience and previous work history

•Awards and accolades

Submission forms can be downloaded here. It can be handed in by the GC, the assistant or in-house team. Only one entry is allowed per organization. The form can be filled in Chinese, English or both.  Please submit the form to for submissions is Thursday, April 13. 

The survey can be taken from here, which will be closed on April,6.

ALB Top GCs in China 2017 is exclusively sponsored by East & Concord Partners.

汤森路透《亚洲法律杂志》宣布ALB 2017年中国最佳总法律顾问评选活动启动,此次评选针对工作城市位于中国大陆的总法律顾问或公司法律事务最高负责人。ALB历届总法律顾问排名在法律界影响力颇大,此次调研结果将刊登在ALB China 2017年6月刊上。













ALB 2017年中国最佳总法律顾问评选由天达共和律师事务所独家赞助。