General counsels’ (GCs) responsibilities have become increasingly complex in recent years. Not only as legal experts, GCs are also taking on a more commercial mind-set and more involvement in business decision. Meanwhile, the pressure is still high on GCs to reduce external spend and build in-house capability with a focus to get their budgets lower.

ALB 2017 China GCs Survey aiming to address the challenges GCs from different sectors are facing, their relationship with external counsels and what 2018 looked like.  The survey result will be illuminating as a barometer of what’s on the minds of GCs in China. Survey Report will be published on ALB China Issue November, 2017.

ALB invites below in-house counsels to join ALB 2017 China GCs Survey:

•Chief Legal Officer/Chief Compliance Officer (or the legal head at same level)

•General Counsel(or the legal head at same level)

•Legal Director(or the legal head at same level)

ALB 2017 China GC Survey Report will compose of:

•Industries of the companies respondents represented

•Legal team size and structure

•Legal team responsibilities

•Legal spend situation and trend

•Internal & external work split

•GCs’ challenges

•External counsels satisfaction rate

•Main concern for the external counsels

•Factors when employ new external counsels

•Ways to locate external counsels

Respondents’ benefits:

•ALB will keep respondents’ answers confidential;

•General Counsels who complete the survey successfully can receive a copy of ALB magazine of which issue publish this survey.

•General Counsels are welcome to share an additional opinion on any of the questions while taking the survey, the opinions will have opportunities to be published on ALB Magazine.

It will take no more than 5 minutes to complete the survey, please take the survey here. We will close the survey on October 18th .

ALB 2017 China GCs Survey is exclusively sponsored by Jincheng Tongda&Neal.

If any questions, please feel free to contact us at


ALB2017年中国总法律顾问调查旨在了解和分析来自不同行业的总法律顾问们面临的挑战、与外部律师的关系,以及对2018年的展望。调查报告将作为反映总法律顾问想法的晴雨表,极具行业启示性,调查报告内容将刊登在ALB中国版 2017年11月刊杂志上。





















