Huaxin Securities Co., Ltd. officially completed the transfer of equity in Morgan Stanley Huaxin Securities Co., Ltd., a brokerage jointly established by Huaxin Securities and Morgan Stanley Asia, to Morgan Stanley Asia on Sept 8, 2017. Allbright Law Offices and Linklaters LLP acted as legal advisers for the deal.

Huaxin Securities transferred a 15.67% stake in Morgan Stanley Huaxin to Morgan Stanley Asia via a public listing on Shanghai United Assets & Equity Exchange on Sept 30, 2016, and the deal was delivered on Sept 8, 2017. Allbright held several rounds of overnight negotiations, on behalf of Huaxin Securities, with Morgan Stanley Asia and its attorney Linklaters (UK) revolving around a number of complex issues such as processing of original deal documents, design of overall trading scheme, policy changes and the impact of state-owned assets regulation on trading scheme and countermeasures. Design of overall trading scheme was successfully completed in the end, and the equity transfer was delivered after the execution of all relevant deal documents.

Allbright appointed its partners ZHU Linhai, QIU Li and WANG Jianfeng to lead the team.