三位香港资本市场律师—— 郁昉瑾(Jean Yu)、高洋(Lindsay Gao)及王何维(Charles Wang)——携团队加盟了天元香港及其香港联营所。三位律师都以天元香港联营所合伙人身份加盟。

加入天元香港前,郁昉瑾律师曾任高伟绅律师事务所全球合伙人,长期从事香港资本市场法律工作, 她曾主导伊泰煤炭2012年9亿美元的赴港上市,以及北汽集团2014年110.25亿港元的赴港上市。

高洋律师此前在盛德律师事务所从事上市融资、发债及跨境并购业务,她的协助总融资规模超过600亿港币,主导项目专注于房地产、金融、教育、矿产能源等领域;王何维律师此前任史密夫斐尔律师事务所高级顾问律师, 负责香港资本市场的上市、并购及合规业务,对高教K12及培训类企业赴港上市经验尤为丰富。

天元律师事务所主任朱小辉律师表示:“继4月李竟弘(Nan Li)律师携团队加入后,本次加盟展示了天元致力于将香港资本市场业务做大做强的决心。天元将继续深化在粤港澳大湾区的布局。”


Tian Yuan gets cap markets heft in HK with hires from CC, Sidley, HSF 

Beijing Tian Yuan Law firm has hired three senior capital markets lawyers in Hong Kong - Jean Yu from Clifford Chance, Lindsay Gao from Sidley Austin and Charles Wang from Herbert Smith Freehills. 

The three lawyers join as partners of Tian Yuan’s associated firm in Hong Kong. While Yu is a former partner of Clifford Chance, Gao and Wang left their previous firms as senior associate and counsel, respectively.

Key IPOs that Yu has acted on include BAIC Motor's $1.42 billion listing, China CNR Corp's $1.2 billion IPO and Yitai Coal’s $902 million listing. 

Their appointments come some months after Tian Yuan Law Firm hired capital markets expert Nan Li as a partner in Hong Kong from Paul Hastings, where he was chief representative of the Beijing office.

“The new appointments show Tian Yuan's determination to further enhance its HK capital market's business," said Tian Yuan in a press release.


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