由万商天勤律师事务所发起设立的全球法律服务联盟V&T Alliance近日迎来第七家国际机构加盟。此次加盟的意大利律所KEIS Law Firm专注于公司法和公司业务发展,在佛罗伦萨、都灵等地设有办事处,未来还将在罗马、巴黎、米兰、巴塞罗那及上海开设分支机构。

V&T Alliance设立于2017年11月。万商天勤管委会主任张志律师在接受ALB采访时提到:“V&T Alliance的定位是整合全球资源,为中国企业服务。我们要求加入的服务机构在各大洲有一定影响力,还要有向中国企业提供服务的能力。”自设立以来,已有西班牙诚信法税顾问公司、丹麦安晟律师事务所、澳大利亚澳律律师事务所、美国Gutnicki 律师事务所以及新西兰陈萍律师行先后加盟,并在英国曼彻斯特设有联盟办事处。


今年12月7日,V&T Alliance也将在深圳召开第一次全球联盟大会。


V&T Alliance takes in Italian firm KEIS, broadens its global partners to seven ones

The Legal cooperation network-V&T Alliance, founded and led by V&T Law Firm, has taken in Italian KEIS Law Firm as its seventh global partner. KEIS specializes in corporate law and corporate development, it has offices in Italian cities like Florence and Turin, and is planning on venturing into Paris, Barcelona and Shanghai.

The V&T Alliance was created in 2017 and is aiming to provide global legal services to Chinese clients. It has expanded to Manchester, Madrid, Kolding, Sydney, Chicago and Auckland ever since by cooperating with local law firms. V&T told ALB that they had already began working on specific projects with alliance members, with a Danish company’s M&A going on in Shenzhen.

The Alliance will have its first global conference in the coming December, V&T added.


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