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金杜律师事务所近日迎来Jake Robson以并购业务合伙人身份加盟其新加坡办公室。加盟前,其曾任美富律师事务所合伙人。

根据金杜的一份新闻稿,Jake Robson在南亚与东南亚地区执业达14年。在美富任职期间,他在公司和并购业务领域积累了丰富经验,并负责美富南亚与东南亚的金融机构与金融科技相关业务。他专注于跨境并购、资产处置与投资、合资公司业务以及其它复杂的商业安排,为当地多家金融科技公司、金融机构、技术和电信业客户,以及资源性产业客户提供服务。


Jake Robson也是继2019年9月前伟凯律师事务所银行与融资业务合伙人John Shum后,第二位加入金杜新加坡办公室的合伙人。



KWM hires M&A expert from MoFo in Singapore

King & Wood Mallesons has hired Jake Robson as M&A partner in its Singapore office, from Morrison & Foerster.

According to KWM’s press release, Robson has practiced in the region for 14 years. He specialises in international acquisitions, disposals and investments, joint ventures and other complex commercial arrangements, having advised fintech, financial institutions, technology and telecommunications, and resources clients in the region.

The firm says Robson will play a key role in developing the firm’s M&A practice in the region in addition to the overall growth strategy for the Singapore office.

This is the second lateral partner appointment to KWM’s Singapore office, following the appointment of banking & finance partner John Shum from White & Case in last September.

Founded in 2015, KWM’s Singapore office focuses on corporate, M&A, international funds and investments and projects, infrastructure, energy and resources. It now has five partners.


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