Haiwen adds trademark partner from JunHe in Beijing
Haiwen & Partners recently hired Ma Qiang, an expert in trademark law, as a partner in its Beijing office from JunHe.
Ma has expertise on trademark, copyright and anti-unfair competition. As an expert in trademark law, Ma has experience in litigation and non-litigation cases in this area, including determination, protection and implementation of trademark rights, as well as trademark overseas protection strategies. Prior to JunHe, Ma has also practiced in Unitalen Law Office and CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office.
In a statement by Haiwen, it said:“the addition of Ma will strengthen Haiwen in the field of intellectual property and enhance our comprehensive ability to provide clients with high-quality legal services.”
This is Haiwen Beijing office’s second important lateral hiring this month since adding Yang Jianyuan, an expert in cybersecurity, data compliance and anti-corruption, as a partner from Fangda Partners.
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