Submissions are now open for the 2022 ALB China IP Rankings.

2022 ALB China 知识产权业务排名申报现已启动。

Our Research


  • ALB will draw information from firm submissions, interviews, editorial resources and market suggestions to identify and rank the top firms for Intellectual Property in Asia. Interviews will be conducted only if needed.  

  • The IP rankings will be separated into two tables: “Patent” and “Trademark/Copyright”. The rankings will also be divided into tiers, with the first tier identifying the strongest IP firms in each jurisdiction. 

  • The rankings will cover the following jurisdictions: Mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. There will be no Asia-wide table.

  • The rankings will feature both domestic and international firms. The following jurisdictions will have separate tables for domestic firms and international firms: China, Japan.

  • Our research does not cover Australia and New Zealand.


Our Rankings


Our rankings are based on the following metrics: 排名基于以下标准进行:

  • The volume, complexity and size of work undertaken 律所开展工作的数量、复杂性和规模
  • Presence across Asia and in individual jurisdictions 在整个亚洲和各司法管辖区内的市场占有率
  • Key personnel hires and growth of the practice group 主要人员聘用和执业团队的成长
  • Key clients and new client wins 主要客户和赢得的新客户
  • Firm’s visibility and profile in the region 律所在相关地区的知名度和地位
  • Year-on-Year development and momentum 与去年同期相比的发展状态和发展势头

2022 ALB China IP Rankings will be published in our May 2022 issue.  

2022 ALB China 知识产权业务排名将会刊登在ALB 中国版杂志20225月刊上。

For China domestic firms, please download China Domestic Firms - ALB IP Rankings 2022 Bilingual Submission Form. docx and send your submissions to, the submission deadline is 18:00 February 25. 

For China international firms, please download IP Rankings 2022 Submission Form – Asia. docx and send your submissions to, the submission deadline is 18:00 February 18.

中国本土律所,请下载China Domestic Firms - ALB IP Rankings 2021 Bilingual Submission Form. docx,并将完成的报表格在2月25日18:00前发至

中国国际律所,请下载IP Rankings 2022 Submission Form – Asia. docx,并将完成的报表格在2月18日18:00前发至

Thank you, and please don’t hesitate to get in touch with either of us should you have any questions.
