






Ministry of Justice launches national lawyers’ big data platform

China’s Ministry of Justice and the All China Lawyers Association (ACLA) have together launched the National Platform for Lawyers’ Integrity Information. By visiting the website, the public now has access to any lawyer’s or law firm’s basic information, annual assessment status, and historical record of reward and disciplinary actions.

According to MOJ, China now has 5.76 hundred thousand lawyers and 36,000 law firms. The platform showcases the “integrity information”, including 1,061 pieces of administrative punishments and 376 actions against lawyers’ association disciplinary rules, of these individuals and institutions.

The platform also provides some insightful information. For example, by using the “search by map” function, one can have a clear breakdown of the number of law firms in different provinces, cities or even districts; by using the “advanced search” function, one can learn about the number of law firms of different sizes, or the number of law firm branches in a certain city.

MOJ hopes this platform to “play an important role” for the public when selecting lawyers. Also, by analyzing the punishment big data of a certain area, regulators can address to the illegal and rule-breaking behaviors more accurately.

MOJ also expects to link the platform with websites like China Judgements Online, Credit China, and SAMR’s Administrative Punishments Online in the future.


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