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总部位于江苏扬州的美华国际医疗科技有限公司近日成功在美国纳斯达克上市,募集资金3600万美元,成为去年滴滴赴美上市继而引发网络安全审查之后,第一家在美国上市的中国公司。大成律师事务所、The Crone Law Group担任发行人律师;金杜律师事务所、Robinson & Cole则为联席承销商提供法律意见。



该IPO项目中,Prime Number Capital、深港证券有限公司、Revere Securities、RF Lafferty & Co.担任联席承销商;奥杰律师事务所担任发行人的离岸律师。

Crone, R&C lead on first Chinese IPO in U.S. since thaw

The Crone Law Group and Dentons China have advised Meihua International Medical Technologies, a Yangzhou-headquartered medical equipment maker, on its $36 million IPO on the Nasdaq, with Robinson & Cole and King & Wood Mallesons advising the joint underwriters. 

This was the first U.S. listing by a Chinese company since last July, when Didi’s listing caused a cybersecurity-related investigation, putting such IPOs on hold. 
Established in 2007, Meihua is a supplier of disposable medical equipment, selling to more than 30 countries and regions worldwide.

The Dentons team was led by senior partner Li Shoushuang, who was assisted by senior partners Shi Jinjuan and Xia Ziyu.

The underwriters were Prime Number Capital, Shengang Securities, Revere Securities, and Rf Lafferty & Co., with Ogier acting as the issuer’s offshore lawyer.


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据彭博社消息,由贝莱德牵头的财团计划以 228 亿美元的协议收购香港长江和记实业在巴拿马运河两个重要港口的大部分股份,威嘉律师事务所将为买方提供法律服务,普衡律师事务所为卖方提供法律意见。

