dong and zhao
Arthur Dong, Vicky Zhao


董律师善于处理复杂的涉外诉讼仲裁以及国际商事仲裁案件,他所涉及的专业领域包括大宗国际货物买卖、跨境投资并购、国际技术转移和知识产权保护、国际经销和商业代理合同争议等。董律师曾在适用HKIAC, ICC, SIAC, SCC, JAMS, CIETAC, BAC, SHIAC, SCIA等机构仲裁规则以及UNCITRAL仲裁规则的多宗国际商事仲裁案件中担任律师或者仲裁员,并代表客户处理涉及中国各级法院的商事诉讼案件。他多次成功为客户申请外国仲裁裁决在中国境内的承认与执行以及中国的涉外仲裁裁决在境外的承认与执行。

赵律师擅长处理复杂的跨境争议解决案件,曾办理适用国内及国际仲裁机构仲裁规则(SIAC, ICC, HKIAC, CIETACBAC等)以及临时仲裁规则进行的国际商事及投资仲裁案件,她还代理客户参加在中国各级法院的诉讼以及与仲裁相关的法院程序。赵律师主要专注于私募股权投资、兼并收购、公司治理、中外合资、股东纠纷、董事高管责任、金融、证券等方面的公司及商业纠纷处理业务。


JunHe adds dispute resolution duo in Beijing from Anjie

JunHe has hired dispute resolution experts Arthur Dong and Vicky Zhao as partners in its Beijing office from Anjie Law Firm, where they both practiced as partners.

With expertise on complex foreign litigation and arbitration, Dong’s practice involves a range of sectors like international trade, technology transfers and intellectual property protection, cross-border investments, antitrust private litigation and M&A, as well as distribution and franchise disputes. Dong has acted as legal counsel or arbitrator under HKIAC, ICC, SIAC, SCC, JAMS, CIETAC, BAC, SHIAC, SCIA and UNCITRAL rules and has represented clients in commercial litigation cases involving different levels of Chinese courts. He has also acted as an expert witness on Chinese law in several arbitration and litigation cases outside of China.

Zhao specializes in handling international arbitrations under various arbitration rules, such as SIAC, ICC, HKIAC, CIETAC, and BAC Arbitration Rules. She also represents clients in litigation and arbitration-related court proceedings before different levels of the Chinese courts. Her practice mainly focuses on corporate and commercial dispute matters such as private equity investment, M&A, corporate governance, joint venture, shareholder dispute, D&O liabilities, finance, and securities.

This is JunHe’s first partner-level in 2022.

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by Charlie Wu 吴卓言 |
