汤森路透于近期发布了今年度区域律师事务所品牌指数榜单Regional Law Firm Brand Indexes 2022),伴随客户愈发重视律所布局全球、服务当地的综合性能力,今年的亚太区排名也出现了有趣的变化。











Thomson Reuters releases 2022’s Regional Law Firm Brand Indexes

Thomson Reuters has released its latest Regional Law Firm Brand Indexes and the Asia Pacific section shows interesting changes as clients are paying more attention to a firm’s combined capability to serve both regionally and internationally.

As in previous years, the Asia-Pacific Law Firm Brand Index is compiled of 377 interviews by asking each seven questions, namely top of mind awareness, favorability, consideration for top-level litigation, consideration for major M&A work, consideration for multi-jurisdictional litigation work, consideration for multi-jurisdictional deals, and most used for high-value work.

There was a slight reshuffle at the top of the 2022 Asia-Pacific Brand Index as Baker McKenzie regained the top position. The firm received three times the number of points for cross-border deal consideration than the next closest firm, and twice the number of points than the next closest firm for multi-jurisdictional litigation. The ability to deliver that pan-regional promise of a connected global experience with deep local knowledge has put the firm at the top of the Index this year.

The two other firms in the Top 3 of the Index are King & Wood Mallesons and Herbert Smith Freehills, ranked second and third, respectively. King & Wood Mallesons generated the highest levels of brand favorability and also was used more by clients for high-value work than any other firm in this year’s Index. Herbert Smith Freehills’ understanding of clients’ sectors and strategic goals has been a big point of differentiation for the firm across the region.

Chinese law firm heavyweights JunHe and Zhong Lun were ranked in fourth and fifth place, respectively, and both firms were cited by clients for their impeccable service.

The biggest mover of this year’s Index was Clifford Chance, which climbed 11 positions to reach the seventh-place ranking. Over the past year, Clifford Chance had positioned itself of having a reputation for incredible technical specialty along with first-class service and a coordinated, consistent global promise.

Dentons was ranked equally in the seventh place. Fangda Partners climbed four positions and AllBright Law Offices climbed 18 ones, they were ranked tenth and sixteenth, respectively. It is worth noting that several international firms all saw slight decreases in this year’s index.

The research points out that one of the big strategic challenges driving legal demand in the Asia-Pacific region is the changing complex regulatory environment in which global clients are operating, therefore Asia-Pacific-based general counsel are looking for strategic partners who can help identify and manage these challenges across boundaries.

Moreover, clients gravitated to the firms that they felt provided them with a sense of comfort and safety in a time of massive uncertainty. The researchers have also seen technical specialty grow in significance as clients want to know that their firms are on top of all the latest developments and are the definitive experts in their field. The other significant shift is the increasing significance of both global coverage and local market knowledge.

Click here to read/download the full Index.