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— 贺国良、郑寰,金诚同达律师事务所












“在环境方面,各国和地区制定了环境保护法律法规,要求投资者和企业减少污染、提高资源利用效率等。例如欧洲透明度指令(EU Transparency Directive)中要求上市公司披露与环境和社会相关的信息;美国证券交易委员会的相关规定要求上市公司披露与ESG相关的信息等。”


最后,“在治理标准方面,则包括公司治理、透明度、反腐败等方面的法律法规和标准,例如英国的《公司治理准则》(Corporate Governance Code)提供了关于公司治理、独立董事、报告透明度等方面的指导等”,陈律师分享道。




— 陈巍,德恒律师事务所


“可以预见,未来ESG议题必定成为中国企业‘走出去’的核心焦点,中国企业应将 ESG 因素纳入自身的海外投资并购战略,并确保所并购的目标公司或项目能够在持续运营的同时,能够应对 ESG风险,其中也包括与监管合规和声誉风险管理相关的风险。”他们建议道。



















由于中国相关规则制定尚未完善,PE/VC机构在国内投资中进行ESG评估时,需要同时参考国内外法律法规和指南,如 “联合国可持续发展目标;全球报告倡议组织《可持续发展报告指南(2016)》;国际标准化组织《社会责任指南》;中国社会科学院《中国企业社会责任报告指南》”,张律师说。
















The importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in investment, financing, and M&A deals is gaining prominence and exerting significant influence on transaction negotiations, post-transaction operations, and more. In response, the number of lawyers specialising in this emerging field has been growing in China. In an interview with ALB, these lawyers discuss the ESG challenges that Chinese companies often face both domestically and abroad, as well as how lawyers in this field can enhance their expertise.


Governments, regulators, and investors in an increasing number of countries have started to recognise the significance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. As a result, many businesses have integrated ESG standards into their operations and development strategies, and Chinese companies are no exception.


“The tightening of ESG regulations is a global trend. Therefore, with significant overseas investment, Chinese companies face frequent ESG challenges as they expand abroad.”

— He Guoliang, Zheng Huan, Jincheng Tongda & Neal


The concept of ESG originated in developed markets, and as Chinese enterprises accelerate their pace of globalisation, they have inevitably encountered their "first ESG lesson" in overseas markets. According to He Guoliang and Zheng Huan, senior partners at Jincheng Tongda & Neal, "China has been ranked among the top three in terms of total volume of outward foreign direct investment globally for four consecutive years, as stated in the 2021 Statistical Bulletin of China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment. Despite differences in the focus of ESG compliance management between emerging market countries and developed countries, tightening ESG regulations is a global trend. Therefore, with significant overseas investment, Chinese companies face frequent ESG challenges as they expand abroad."


He and Zheng have advised Chinese companies on numerous overseas investment projects and have observed that "currently, the ESG challenges faced by Chinese companies mainly occur in EU member states, such as Germany and France." Industries investing in overseas mining and energy sectors encounter greater challenges. For example, the lithium battery industry operates with mining activities in Africa and factories in Europe, resulting in complex raw material supply chains and higher ESG compliance risks.

He and Zheng highlight the comprehensive human rights and environmental protection standards imposed on enterprises by regulations applied by EU regulators. These include the European Council's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, the EU Regulations on Prohibiting Products Made with Forced Labour, Germany's Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, and France's Corporate Duty of Vigilance Law.

David Chen, managing partner of DeHeng Law Offices and head of its cross-border committee, shares similar observations. "ESG challenges faced by Chinese companies overseas mainly come from developed countries and regions such as Europe, North America, and Australia." Chen cites environmental protection, labour rights, and corporate governance as key areas of challenge in Europe. For instance, the EU has stringent environmental protection requirements for the energy industry, requiring Chinese companies to navigate environmental standards when acquiring European energy companies.

Investing in Australia's mining and energy sectors presents environmental protection, land use rights, and aboriginal rights challenges, necessitating compliance with relevant laws and regulations. ESG challenges are also present in cross-border investments and M&As in automobile manufacturing, electronic products manufacturing, and other manufacturing industries. Chen highlights the importance of addressing ESG issues like labour rights, supply chain transparency, and environmental responsibility in these sectors.

ESG regulations vary globally based on market development levels, and the degree of attention given to the three major sub-categories of ESG differs. Chen provides examples of ESG regulations that often pose challenges for Chinese companies overseas. In terms of the environment, countries and regions have formulated laws and regulations for environmental protection, pollution reduction, and resource utilisation efficiency. For instance, the EU Transparency Directive requires listed companies to disclose information on environmental and social matters. At the same time, the US Securities and Exchange Commission mandates ESG-related information disclosure for listed companies.

Social labour-related laws and regulations cover labour rights protection, occupational health and safety, labour relations, and more. When establishing branches overseas, companies must adhere to international labour standards outlined in the core conventions of the International Labour Organization, focusing on labour rights, working conditions, and social protection.

Governance standards encompass laws, regulations, and standards regarding corporate governance, transparency, and anti-corruption measures. For example, the UK's Corporate Governance Code provides guidance on corporate governance, independent directors, reporting transparency, and more. Chen emphasises that Chinese investment in recent years has primarily concentrated in Asia compared to developed markets. However, many Southeast Asian countries are implementing mandatory disclosure systems for sustainability reporting.


“Many Chinese companies have matured in terms of ESG-related matters in overseas investments and have already incorporated environmental and social risks into their investment decision-making.”

— David Chen, DeHeng Law Offices


ESG issues are expected to be at the core of Chinese enterprises' global expansion in the future. Therefore, Chinese companies should integrate ESG factors into their overseas investment and M&A strategies, ensuring that target companies or projects they acquire address ESG risks, including regulatory compliance and reputational risk management.

According to Chen, many Chinese companies have matured in terms of ESG-related matters in overseas investments. Some have already incorporated environmental and social risks into their investment decision-making and have enhanced communication and cooperation with local communities and stakeholders. These initiatives cover areas such as a low-carbon economy, energy conservation and emission reduction, labour rights, cultural respect, transparency and disclosure, stakeholder communication, environmental indicators, social performance, governance structures, and more.


Chinese companies facing ESG challenges in overseas investments are not left unsupported. Chinese ESG lawyers, who have gained experience over the years, are well-equipped to provide bespoke services in a diverse and complex cultural and regulatory environment. Chen states, "DeHeng's cross-border team has accumulated rich experience in helping clients deal with ESG challenges and can provide targeted legal services and advice."

Chen shares a memorable deal where the DeHeng team assisted a Chinese company in acquiring a Canadian mining company overseas. Mining companies in Canada often establish agreements with local indigenous populations in mining areas. These agreements involve sharing project rights and interests, compensating the indigenous population, providing employment and training opportunities, and prioritising indigenous communities for transportation and auxiliary services. Indigenous communities may also have the right to review mining companies' applications for certificates and permits, proposing solutions to mitigate environmental impact.

During this project, the client faced water shortage issues. The mining company proposed short-term, mid-term, and long-term plans and extensively consulted with regulatory authorities, indigenous communities, and other stakeholders. When approving the long-term water withdrawal plan, regulatory authorities primarily focused on the plan's impact on natural resources, wildlife habitats, and aboriginal rights. Therefore, the views of the aboriginal residents played a crucial role.

By conducting in-depth analyses of local ESG issues, the DeHeng team successfully identified and assessed relevant risks, proposed feasible risk mitigation measures, and facilitated the smooth progress of the deal.

Cross-border investment is one of JT&N's traditional strengths. Over the past few decades, the firm has advised large state-owned and private enterprises, including China Communications Construction Company, China Railway Construction Corporation, and China Energy Engineering Corporation, in numerous overseas investment and M&A projects. He and Zheng have witnessed the increasing importance of ESG compliance in overseas investments by Chinese enterprises. As their key client, Hesteel Group Company expanded globally; it reinforced its ESG compliance requirements after investment.

He and Zheng highlight how Hesteel Group has transitioned to "green steel," focusing on environmentally-friendly production and low-carbon products. This involves seeking green and low-carbon steel raw materials, establishing joint ventures for scrap steel processing, and building an integrated platform for processing and utilisation. Hesteel Group aims to reduce the carbon footprint of the global steel industry.

With the growing importance of ESG factors, the role of lawyers in serving ESG-related needs is becoming more prominent. He and Zheng state that lawyers can provide enterprises with ESG-specific due diligence for cross-border deals, ESG compliance advisory services for daily operations, and assistance in ESG compliance system construction and related litigation. Chen adds that Chinese lawyers' ESG services are becoming more systematic. They offer professional legal advice and feasibility analysis to help clients develop investment strategies and implementation plans that meet ESG requirements. Lawyers can assess potential ESG risks and compliance issues, assist in building social communication and governance structure, and provide solutions. They can also help companies establish risk management frameworks, support sustainable development strategic planning, and ensure compliance with best ESG practices and international standards.

In addition to these specific services, He and Zheng note that law firms and the legal industry can play a role in formulating ESG evaluation standards. For example, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer has been appointed to review the ESG situations of large companies worldwide and develop a more reasonable and clearer ESG governance framework. This demonstrates how law firms can contribute to developing ESG evaluation standards.


ESG factors are increasingly considered in domestic investments due to the ESG wave and China's carbon peaking and neutrality goals. Zhang Nei, senior partner at Co-effort Law Firm, states that private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) firms in China incorporate ESG considerations into their investments. ESG investment aligns with China's green development philosophy, which aims to achieve carbon peaking by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. Comprehensive ESG assessments are gaining greater attention from investors.

ESG investments in China are booming in key areas such as new energy (renewable energy, smart grids, wind power), green transportation (electric vehicles, charging infrastructure), agricultural improvement (innovation and capacity increase), and new infrastructure (green construction). PE/VC firms conducting ESG assessments in domestic investments must refer to Chinese and foreign laws, regulations, and guidelines. These include the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the Global Reporting Initiative's Sustainability Reporting Standards, the International Organization for Standardization's Guidance on Social Responsibility, and the Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting Guidelines.

Zhang emphasises the pivotal role of lawyers in ESG assessments conducted by PE/VC firms. Lawyers provide legal advice based on domestic and foreign laws and regulations related to ESG investment, offer optimal solutions according to regulations and standards promulgated by foreign institutions and organisations, assist with documentation management and review, and more.

Furthermore, green bonds and other green financial products have recently seen increased adoption in China as clients leverage these products to accelerate their transformation. This has become another important service area for ESG lawyers. For example, energy industry clients use green bonds to promote investment in renewable energy projects. In contrast, power industry clients utilise such bonds to upgrade facilities or establish green power generation projects. Manufacturers tap into green financial products to advance environmentally friendly transformations in their production processes. Financial institutions actively issue green products to drive green finance development.

Advising on such projects requires lawyers to know not only margin trading and securities lending laws and regulations but also the characteristics of green finance. They must implement effective compliance measures based on each client's circumstances and design optimal deal structures.


The increasing emphasis on ESG factors, both domestically and internationally, has fueled the rapid growth of the first generation of Chinese ESG lawyers. During this process, lawyers have realised the unique requirements they must meet when advising on ESG matters. He and Zheng emphasise the need for diverse backgrounds among ESG lawyers. They should have expertise in environmental law, cross-border deal-making, and specialised knowledge of specific industries to understand their development directions and current status.

Chen of DeHeng points out that, besides comprehensive ESG knowledge and legal backgrounds, ESG lawyers must possess a broad understanding of business, the environment, and other fields. They should be able to work across disciplines with environmental, social, and governance experts, consulting firms, and other stakeholders to provide integrated solutions to clients.

Zhang adds that ESG lawyers should have a strong sense of social responsibility continually monitor industry trends, and promptly update clients on the latest rule changes. He foresees the service coverage of ESG lawyers expanding to overseas markets and expects Chinese lawyers to play a significant role in international ESG discussions.

In addition to enhancing their individual capabilities, more Chinese firms are establishing new ESG practice teams and becoming more deeply involved in this field. Chen notes that Chinese firms have room for improvement compared to European and US firms regarding the maturity of ESG practices. However, as the awareness and demand for ESG continue to grow among Chinese companies, he is confident that Chinese firms will increase investment, improve their professional capabilities, and elevate service levels to meet client needs.

He and Zheng believe that although Chinese firms entered the ESG field relatively late, many leading firms, including JT&N, have ventured into this domain in recent years. The ESG Research Center of the JT&N Research Institute will continue its dedication to ESG research and promotion, striving to provide ESG legal services aligned with both international standards and Chinese practices.



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