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张建肖还补充,其团队开展了ISO27001信息安全管理体系和ISO27701隐私信息管理体系国际标准双认证工作,并顺利通过认证;与安全部门协作,从 0到1 搭建了公司 PIA (个人信息保护影响评估)流程机制,实现成功上线。

广东院的陈瑶介绍道,法律部创新搭建了合规制度体系,并将合规要求内化至各业务制度与流程,避免了 “两张皮”现象,体系的运行和有效性得到了内外部的肯定。“同时,广东院法律部作为专家组成员,参加上级集团与北京大学法律人工智能实验室合作开发建设智能合规系统,贡献了企业的经验做法。”

“在风险管理中,法律部聚焦数字赋能、推动管理方式升级,上线了‘点对点信息快递’模块,各管理机构可以通过该系统及时定向发送提醒信息,实现了风控的可查询、可追溯。” 陈瑶说。


















2024 ALB China Top 15 New Technology In-House Teams

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technological innovation, China's in-house legal teams are rising to meet unprecedented challenges. As the nation seeks to bolster its economic development through cutting-edge technologies, these legal professionals play a crucial role in navigating complex regulatory environments and ethical considerations. ALB's 2024 China Top 15 New Technology In-House Teams showcases the exceptional legal departments that are driving forward China's technological ambitions whilst ensuring compliance and risk management in fields ranging from artificial intelligence to biotechnology.


The relentless pace of innovation and advancement in cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing and biotechnology has not only transformed individual and social life but also profoundly impacted the global economic and social landscape. Amidst great uncertainty, China is actively seeking new drivers for economic development, with technological innovation becoming the core element of developing China's “new quality productive forces.”

In late August, the National Bureau of Statistics released a set of data related to technological innovation. In 2023, China invested 3.3 trillion yuan ($465 billion) in R&D, an 8.1 percent increase from the previous year. There were 12,145 specialised and innovative "little giant" enterprises, and the number of high-value invention patents per 10,000 people reached 11.8, up by 2.4 year-on-year. The contract value of technology market transactions stood at 6.15 trillion yuan, a 28.6 percent rise. The "new trio" of electric passenger vehicles, lithium-ion batteries and solar cells recorded total exports worth 1.06 trillion yuan, up by 29.9 percent.

From start-ups to industry giants, all high-tech businesses are rapidly advancing digital transformation, actively embracing new technologies, business models and markets, achieving remarkable results.

Behind each successful innovation lies an in-house team that responds to evolving regulations and compliance requirements, addresses legal and ethical risks related to new technologies, and provides strategic advice in a complex business environment.

The rapid changes in the new technology field have raised the bar for in-house teams. ALB has once again turned its attention to new technology companies in the Chinese market, listing the top 15 new technology in-house teams. Hailing from diverse fields such as AI, biotechnology, medical devices, electric vehicles, autonomous driving, new energy and Internet finance, these teams continuously innovate to make significant contributions to the development of their organisations.


The past two years saw different industries experiencing different pace, opportunities and pressures of development, which has impacted the work of in-house teams differently.

Li Auto Inc., a key player on the smart EV industry, has witnessed the industry’s rise in the early days to intensive competition now. To Zhang Jianxiao, Head of Data Compliance and Legal Research team of Li Auto Inc., the smart EV industry is constantly strengthening technology integration and prioritizing innovation.

"Smart EVs not only embody the finest craft of automotive engineering, but also integrate cutting-edge technologies such as electronic information and communications technology, so that the vehicles are not only smart themselves but can also interact with the external environment intelligently. Innovation is constantly happening in each and every aspect of the industry chain, from the perception system, control system and communications system on the upstream, to smart cockpit and autonomous driving in the midstream, and even downstream whole vehicle manufacturing and after-market services."

"On the other hand, the law possesses stability and a degree of lag. Technology integration and rapid innovation will thus cause greater uncertainty to legal compliance. For issues such as legislative gaps that emerge during the development of cutting-edge products, the in-house team must be able to expertly balance innovative development and compliance risks," says Zhang.

"Further, China attaches great importance to the development of the smart EV industry. Policies and regulations not only provide the fertile soil for technological innovation, but also inject strong impetus into industry upscaling. The scenarios where smart connected vehicles can be used are constantly expanding: in addition to personal travel, they can also be used for public transportation such as unmanned cabs and self-driving buses, as well as for logistics transportation." According to Zhang, the constant emergence of new technologies and scenarios, and the relentless pace of introduction and updating of laws and policies, have also posed challenges to in-house teams.

In response, Li Auto Inc.’s team actively participates in industry seminars, legal training and related learning sessions, keeps close track of new technology, and maintains a comprehensive understanding of the latest laws, regulations and technology development trends, so as to support the company to develop AI in compliance with the law.

China Energy Engineering Group Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd. ("GEDI") is an international engineering and project contracting firm with national comprehensive class A engineering qualifications and has won many national awards and accolades. Chen Yao, legal specialist of GEDI's Legal Department, says that with accelerating transition to green and low-carbon development, China's new energy industry has ushered in the era of rapid development.

"In the field of photovoltaics and wind power, the energy engineering industry is booming thanks to constant innovation and iteration of technology. At the same time, government policy incentives and the continuous optimization of market mechanisms have provided solid support for the growth of the new energy industry. At present, China is already leading the global competition of clean energy technology." Nevertheless, Chen admits that exponential industry growth has brought about many challenges to the in-house teams of energy engineering companies, requiring them to constantly adapt to the new legal environment and market demands.

"First, the energy industry is seeing more diversified business offerings. For example, despite the rapid rise of the offshore wind power industry, relevant laws often lag behind industry development, as a result of which we tend to encounter many complex legal issues during project acceptance and execution for which no clear legal basis is available."

"Second, many of the projects GEDI undertakes are large overseas projects which are often governed by foreign laws. The large differences among the legal systems of different countries make it challenging for the in-house team to fully grasp the key points of foreign laws within a short period of time," says Chen.

GEDI's Legal Department responds to these challenges by closely monitoring updates of the laws and regulations in the new energy field, sharpening the team's ability to resolve complex legal issues, conducting rigorous risk assessment of key countries and projects, and nurturing risk control talents familiar with the common law system. On the other hand, the Legal Department also sources for foreign legal support and engages external professional legal services providers in countries that GEDI enters for the first time.

Fintech company Du Xiaoman more directly feels challenges in the financial industry. The first is tightening regulation and intensifying enforcement in the field of data compliance. Xing Jing, General Manager of the Legal and Compliance Department of Du Xiaoman, tells ALB that the rigor of China's data compliance-related legislation is world-leading. As the personal financial information handled by Du Xiaoman is highly sensitive, data compliance has become the "sword of Damocles" hanging over the company's head.

"Second, preventing and resolving risks and protecting user rights have become the focuses of regulators. The Internet financial industry faces severe challenges in protecting consumer rights and interests. The rapid development of emerging technologies has also led to the quick evolution of risks such as fraud and money laundering, creating new difficulties to the protection of user rights."

The third challenge comes from intellectual property protection. "The big data processing and smart risk control capabilities of fintech companies have made the industry more prone to IP risks and challenges. With the digital economy and society fast developing, risks such as leakage of trade secrets, core technology patent protection, and brand and trademark protection run through the entire lifecycle from R&D to operation," says Xing.

He adds that through organizational innovation, Du Xiaoman's Legal and Compliance Department has set up business teams and functional teams to support each other. The business teams provide support across various operational domains, including credit extension, wealth management, payment services, personal financial technology, and supply chain finance. Meanwhile, the functional teams oversee a range of critical areas: labour relations and administration, investment and financing strategies, consumer protection initiatives, management of seals and licences, intellectual property safeguarding, anti-money laundering measures, data compliance protocols, and prevention of criminal activities.


The development of AI, particularly the widespread application of large models, has arguably been the buzzword in technology circles over the past year. Many of this year's winners have made significant contributions to their organisations in developing AI applications.

Supporting the compliant development and application of new AIGC (AI-Generated Content) business has been central to the work of Du Xiaoman's Legal and Compliance Department. According to Xing, his team conducted a comprehensive assessment of compliance risks, data security risks, and network information content compliance risks of open-source software. This ensures that emerging AIGC business can grow in an orderly manner, with compliance achieved at the foundational level.

The ethical risks of AI are another key concern for the Legal and Compliance Department. On behalf of Du Xiaoman, the team was successfully selected as a member of the technology ethics working group of the China Artificial Intelligence Industry Development Alliance. This working group, guided by various national commissions and ministries, is jointly established by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) and relevant AI companies.

Xing explains, "Our team assists Du Xiaoman in tracking and studying developments on the frontier of AI technology ethics jointly with the CAICT and other peers. We actively participate in the research and formulation of relevant policy documents and detailed standards, guide AI companies in conducting AI ethics reviews, and promote the implementation of AI ethical principles."

The successful record-filing of the large financial model "Xuanyuan" as a generative AI model was also significantly supported by the Legal and Compliance Department. The team helped establish and improve various management systems and security protocols to ensure the lawful and compliant application of massive financial data to large models.

Zhang similarly emphasises the important role played by large models in her team's work at Li Auto Inc. "As the department in charge of legal compliance for Li Auto Inc.'s large models, the Data Compliance and Legal Research team coordinated various departments to achieve full compliance for R&D testing, market launch and operations. We also developed internal rules and a large model risk governance framework to ensure regulatory compliance." The company's "MindGPT" and "MindDiffusion Image Generation Model" have successfully passed record-filing, making them the first large model products among automobile companies to do so.

Beyond AI technology application, compliance and risk management remain top priorities for in-house teams. Li Auto Inc.'s Data Compliance and Legal Research team partnered with various departments to develop data compliance rules and conduct multiple privacy compliance training sessions. In a security test for automobile data processing by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, all ten vehicle models of Li Auto Inc. met the compliance requirements.

Zhang adds that her team also successfully obtained dual certification of ISO27001 Information Security Management System and ISO27701 Privacy Information Management System, and worked to build and launch the company's personal information protection impact assessment mechanism.

At GEDI, Chen reports that the Legal Department built an innovative compliance system and internalised compliance requirements in various business rules and processes. "As an expert group member, the Legal Department also participated in developing a smart compliance system in cooperation with the superior group and the Law and AI Lab of Peking University, sharing GEDI's experience and practices."

"For risk management, the Legal Department focuses on digital empowerment and promoting the upgrading of management approaches. It has launched a 'point-to-point information transmission' module enabling each management agency to send timely and targeted reminders, ensuring risk control work is recorded and traceable," Chen concludes.


Success is invariably a product of teamwork. A common thread among all winning in-house teams is their relatively youthful composition. For instance, members of GEDI's Legal Department average 35 years of age. This demographic is at a critical stage of career progression and well-suited to the rapid iteration characteristic of the new technology industry. As Chen notes, "My team is energetic, motivated, and possesses a strong capacity for learning. Team members can swiftly and accurately handle various legal issues, striving to deliver every legal service to high standards."

Chen elaborates, "Although our team comprises only ten members, 90% hold postgraduate degrees. Some joined us after private practice, others bring a wealth of experience from multiple roles, and a few have backgrounds in engineering management. This diverse knowledge mix, coupled with familiarity with the company's business and solid professional expertise, enables our team to not only provide legal opinions but also offer practical solutions."

Li Auto Inc.'s Data Compliance and Legal Research team consists of 15 full-time employees, including two postdoctoral fellows and five PhD holders, all graduates from top universities globally. Addressing the management of such a talented team, Zhang explains that they employ a flat management structure with a direct and efficient work culture, adopting a mentoring approach to better understand and support team members' challenges.

"We place great emphasis on learning and growth, encouraging knowledge and experience sharing among members. We regularly hold internal seminars and reading sessions, and actively provide opportunities for external training and meetings. We also offer comprehensive training for new joiners, value members' self-discovery and career growth, and provide diverse promotion paths for outstanding talents. These efforts underscore our commitment to nurturing top industry legal and compliance experts."

Xing shares that Du Xiaoman's Legal and Compliance Department has long emphasised the importance of continuous learning. They organise regular book-sharing activities, engage in peer exchanges to learn from industry leaders about data compliance management and electronic seals management, and have established a resources network with various professional associations, arbitration institutions, courts, higher education institutions and professional media.

These efforts have yielded tangible results. "In 2023, many team members obtained professional qualifications, including IP research centre certification, internationally recognised anti-money laundering certification, corporate compliance officer certification, fund/securities practising qualifications, professional archives management qualification, electronic documents/archives management credentials, and data security officer certification," Xing reports.

Furthermore, each team empowers members who have attained relevant qualifications to become deeply involved in the company's operations and decision-making, contributing to its development. Li Auto Inc.'s Data Compliance and Legal Research team strives to be proactive. "We get involved in rule-making and conduct legal research at early stages, promptly dissect and analyse new laws and regulations and the company's compliance obligations, and provide training to create more space for business development," Zhang explains.

GEDI's Legal Department provides comprehensive legal support for all engineering projects and reviews all economic contracts. Chen elaborates, "We attend cost and risk analysis and review meetings for major projects at the 'ex ante prevention' stage, conduct in-depth reviews of contract terms during the bidding stage to identify legal risks, and have built a full-process legal support system for the 'interim control' stage to resolve various legal issues that arise during contract performance."


Regarding her team's future strategy, Chen emphasises a pivotal shift from reactive legal issue resolution to proactive risk management.

"Firstly, as GEDI expands its overseas operations, the Legal Department will focus on enhancing risk prevention and control capabilities for international projects. We'll intensify our efforts to train legal professionals capable of supporting global business ventures, thereby providing robust support for the company's international expansion.

Secondly, as a pilot enterprise for digital transformation among State-owned enterprises under the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, GEDI recognises that IT-driven management is the future. The Legal Department will continue to upgrade smart risk control through technological means, emphasising digital empowerment and enhancing risk management functions within existing business systems to elevate the company's overall risk management capabilities.

Thirdly, we will maintain our focus on improving the efficacy of compliance management, comprehensively strengthening due diligence in the performance of duties."

For Zhang at Li Auto Inc., the development of technologies such as AI and autonomous driving will become the core competitiveness of smart vehicles. However, the legal framework governing these areas is still evolving. Consequently, the in-house team will closely monitor the formulation of relevant laws and regulations in the coming phase.

"Moreover, as law enforcement details concerning vehicle-related personal information protection and data security continue to be refined, data compliance requirements for smart connected vehicles will remain a key area of focus. Our team will actively participate in the formulation and consultation of laws, regulations and standards by competent authorities. We aim to share industry challenges, help both the industry and our company achieve high-quality, law-compliant development, and contribute to the advancement of new quality productive forces."

Du Xiaoman will maintain its focus on AI application. According to Xing, the company will accelerate technological innovation, continuously lowering the threshold for AI technology application to help financial institutions further improve service levels. "The Legal and Compliance Department will provide comprehensive lifecycle IP legal support, assisting technology departments in strengthening protection of original high-tech achievements and supporting the company in maintaining its competitive edge in the technology field."


2024 ALB China Top 15 New Technology In-House Teams
024 ALB China

IP & Data Compliance Team, Beijing Kingsoft Cloud Network Technology Co., Ltd.



Legal Affairs Department, Beijing Kuangshi Technology Co., Ltd.



Legal Department, China Energy Engineering Group Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd.



Legal and Compliance Department, Du Xiaoman



Department of Legal & Intellectual Property, Foxconn Industrial Internet Co.,Ltd.



Legal Department, Guangdong Kaineng Green Energy Co., Ltd.



Legal Department, Hesai Technology Co., Ltd.



Data Compliance and Legal Research, Li Auto Inc.



China Legal Department, Lumenis Be Laser Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd



Legal Team China,



Legal Affairs Department, Shanghai Bluepha Microbiology Technology Co., Ltd. 



Legal and Compliance Department, Shanghai SAIC Mobility Technology Service Co., LTD.



LegalRisk Control Center, So-Young International Inc.



Legal and Risk Control Department, Tianqi Lithium Corporation



Legal Department, Xiaomi Group
