近日,德和衡简家骢永本金月(前海)联营律师事务所和西班牙知名法律与金融服务公司Iberus Legal & Finance签订合作备忘录,为中国企业投资欧洲提供涵盖“商业咨询+法律税务服务”的整体服务方案。




GBA law firm DHH Kan & LL inks cooperation MoU with Spanish consultancy

DHH Kan & LL (Qianhai) Law Firm has entered into a cooperation agreement with Spain's Iberus Legal & Finance to provide services across business advisory, tax, and legal to Chinese companies investing in Europe.

Established in 2019, DHH Kan & LL Law Firm is a joint venture between Beijing DHH Law Firm, Fred Kan & Co. and L&L Law Firm. It is the first firm in Shenzhen run by lawyers from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau. The firm’s practice includes cross-border capital markets, cross-border dispute resolution, Qianhai Free Trade Zone and Greater Bay Area finance and investment, Belt and Road Initiative-related investment and finance, as well as international trade.

Iberus operates in the legal and financial services sectors, and employs bankers and lawyers. Its Tarsso Law Firm and Crea Asset Management Company provide legal, financial, tax and asset management services to clients before, during and after investment.

“At present, Iberus and DHH have been discussing possible cooperation in a number of sectors, including the new energy sector, real estate and finance, and the healthcare sector, to assist Chinese companies to invest and expand their business in Europe and European companies to open up the Chinese market.” said DHH Kan & LL in a statement.

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by Kristen Liu 刘诗宇 |

近日,德和衡简家骢永本金月(前海)联营律师事务所和西班牙知名法律与金融服务公司Iberus Legal & Finance签订合作备忘录,为中国企业投资欧洲提供涵盖“商业咨询+法律税务服务”的整体服务方案。