英国最大的上市律师事务所DWF与香港浩宸律师行签署联营协议。两家律所还宣布迎来海事及保险业务律师胡坚逊(Anthony Woo)以合伙人身份加盟。此前,胡律师执业于其礼律师事务所。


胡律师擅长解决多司法管辖区的商事纠纷,主要为发行人、船东、贸易商提供法律意见。胡律师于2016年加入其礼,此前,他在Hill Dickinson律师事务所担任合伙人。胡律师还曾在肯尼狄律师行、礼德律师事务所、欧华律师事务所工作。

DWF于去年4月在新加坡与Eldan Law成立联营。此次与浩宸的携手是DWF在亚洲最新建立的合作关系。

DWF enters into HK affiliation with Hauzen, hires from Clyde

DWF, the UK’s largest listed law firm, has entered an affiliation agreement with Hong Kong-based Hauzen. The two firms also announced the addition of marine and insurance lawyer Anthony Woo as an partner from Clyde & Co.

Established in 2017, Hauzen has five partners, and provides services related to financial markets, securities regulation, cryptocurrency, white-collar litigation, investment funds, Marshall Islands law, listed-company governance, and corporate services. The firm is also in association with the PRC’s Anjie Law Firm, which merged with Broad & Bright in 2021. 

Woo has expertise in multi-jurisdictional commercial disputes resolution, mainly representing insurers, shipowners, and traders. He joined Clyde & Co in 2016, prior to which he had been a Hill Dickinson partner since 2014. Woo earlier worked for Kennedys, Reed Smith Richards Butler, and DLA Piper.

This is DWF’s latest affiliation in Asia since entering into an association with Eldan Law in Singapore in April last year.

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by Kristen Liu 刘诗宇 |

英国最大的上市律师事务所DWF与香港浩宸律师行签署联营协议。两家律所还宣布迎来海事及保险业务律师胡坚逊(Anthony Woo)以合伙人身份加盟。此前,胡律师执业于其礼律师事务所。