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此外,过去一年中国所出现了 “扎堆出海”的趋势,据ALB不完全统计,至少37家中国律所新设立了超80家境外办公室。中国所走出去的步伐在加快,尤其倾向于在东南亚、美国、新加坡等地设立办公室,此外还包括非洲南部和西部、中亚、中东等新兴市场。刘泽南观察,“国际化脚步的加快带动了国际服务能力的加深,从而使中国律所以更加深入、完整且全链条地服务国际项目为目标。”












Despite uneven economic growth across regions, the global economy remains remarkably resilient amidst challenges, with cross-border business gradually picking up. Legal service providers are adapting to meeting client demands from the evolving market. 

In 2024, ALB recorded over 130 partner-level lateral moves in China’s legal market, with hiring activities relatively balanced throughout the year. Liu Zenan, a partner at legal recruitment firm RIGHT Search & Selection, notes that the market remained quiet in the first half but warmed up in the second half as business activities picked up. 

On the Chinese firm front, Jingtian & Gongcheng, Han Kun, Global Law Office, and Zhong Lun stood out in attracting talent. Among international firms, approximately 20 notable hires were recorded, with Appleby, Stephenson Hardwood, and White & Case leading the way. However, most new partner hiring for international firms were in their Hong Kong offices. Estimated by ALB. 

For both in-house and law firms, hiring for intellectual property (IP), and cross-border business commercial were active; and hiring for capital markets, private equity, and M&A investment were more subdued in the first half but had a rebound in the second half. Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong remain as key talent hubs, and Southeast Asia and Europe emerge as recruitment hotspots for in-house counsels as Chinese companies accelerating overseas expansion. Liu observed. 

Areas in demand

What practice areas had active hiring in 2024, and what qualities could set apart the top candidates in the current market? Liu observes that China’s growing outbound activities have driven significant recruitment in compliance and IP protection. Industries such as renewable energy, e-commerce, home appliances, gaming, electronics, telecommunications, and semiconductors experienced strong legal hiring demand.

In compliance, geopolitical tensions and protectionist trade policies have increased cross-border trade frictions, creating higher compliance risks for Chinese companies expanding overseas. As a result, demand has surged for legal professionals skilled in navigating foreign regulatory frameworks, managing compliance programs, and conducting risk assessments.

In IP, China’s shift toward innovation-driven economy heightens the importance of IP protection, following a notable increase in the enterprises’ IP applications overseas. China companies are encountering more friction regarding IP due to stronger enforcement of IP laws in other countries, which leads to increased disputes and concerns about infringement. Therefore, the demand has increased for IP lawyers specialized in international IP litigation and arbitration. 

Hiring in commercial dispute resolution remained steady, reflecting consistent market activity. Increased regulatory pressure has also driven corporations to grow their in-house legal teams, which in turn has stimulated hiring at law firms, Liu notes. 

However, corporates and law firms have different hiring needs regarding M&A lawyers. Corporations increased hiring demand for experienced M&A lawyers to navigate them through the  heightened uncertainties faced in a deal due to geopolitical and economic challenges, while law firms not. 

"To manage financial and regulatory risks corporates exposed to, M&A deals are now have more complex deal structures and varied financing means ," Liu explains. "To address these challenges, companies are hiring experienced transaction lawyers as in-house counsels to strengthen their capabilities to invest, especially for the purpose of supply chain security, technology acquisition, Belt and Road initiative, energy storage and electricity generation, and natural resources development."

Talent mobility

A key trend in 2024 was the steady movement of professionals from international law firms scaling back in China to domestic firms. Despite their reduced presence, international firms have maintained involvement in major projects, while the increasing internationalization of Chinese firms has enhanced their ability to handle global assignments.

According to Liu, international firms has been repeatedly involved in cross-border deals. Meanwhile, the growing internationalization of Chinese firms and the talent flow from international firms to Chinese firms have significantly enhanced the ability of Chinese firms handling global assignments.

Liu identifies the strengths international firms displayed in cross-border deals. These include the thorough knowledge of diverse jurisdictions and regulatory landscapes, the culture familiarities to the commercial target in due diligence, and the precedent deals accumulated in a region. 

Meanwhile, Chinese firms showed a strong trend of overseas expansion over the past year. ALB estimates at least 37 firms established more than 80 new overseas offices, focusing on regions like Southeast Asia, the U.S., and Singapore, as well as emerging markets including South and West Africa, Central Asia and the Middle East. Liu notes that this rapid expansion has deepened Chinese firms’ capabilities to provide one shop service on international projects.

“In time, it would gradually strike a balance between Chinese firms and international firms in the Greater China market regarding service capabilities and service opportunities,” Liu predicts.

Trends and recommendations

A dynamic market brings new opportunities and more cautiousness to job seekers. Liu says that successful placements in 2024 requires recruiters to bridge the expectation gap between employers and candidates by let both sides frankly communicate their needs and goals.  

“Candidates are still mostly motivated by higher compensation in a job move. Other factors being weighted in a sequence are job security, work flexibility, autonomy, and mutual respect. On the other hand, employers set higher bar of technical skills, and examine more commonly the soft skills of adaptability, resilience, and service attitude.

“Candidates’ worldview and personal value shape their perception of an industry or the employer’s business strategy. Aligning candidate’s personal value and worldview with the employer’s business strategy plays a more pronounced role in a hunting.” Liu observed.  

Liu emphasizes adaptability for both candidates and employers. Candidates should embrace change, seize opportunities, and stay agile to  market trends and industry advancements. Employers, meanwhile, should always be people-first, and balance employees’ skills and potential to meet evolving goals. “No one could be a universal solution. Success lies in leveraging individual and team strength to adapt to change,” says Liu.

Looking ahead to 2025, Liu remains optimistic. “The market is recovering. The Hong Kong stock market signals warming up, which is likely to boost the Greater China legal sector. Chinese companies continue global expansion and seek for more influence in the cross-border projects, which promotes the role Chinese legal professionals assume .” “In a rapidly changing environment, maintaining a positive outlook is crucial. Adapting to change and seizing opportunities must be prioritized,” Liu concludes.


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