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news “受疫情影响经济发展相对降缓,但以并购为代表的传统业务呈现出稳定态势,新业务的增长及创收发展迅速,律所可观的业务量为进一步吸引人才提供了基础。”

- 刘泽南,众猎国际



Kingfisher法律招聘负责人Levana Huang告诉ALB,这次2021“涨薪潮” 由美国律所Milbank率先公布,律师起薪从19万美金/年涨至20万美金/年。 “中国本土律所也很关注国际法律市场变化”。加上疫情受控、经济复苏后中国律师“工作量明显增大,薪水其实和不断上涨的工作量挂钩”。有一家中国律所在普涨之余,还提出了适用于律师的lock-step,也就是工龄工资制。在她看来,律师薪资在市场机制调控下实现正常增长,反映了经过二三十年发展后,“中国律所开始从‘人治’,逐渐走向规范化阶段”。



- Levana Huang,Kingfisher







此外,远程办公也开始被纳入中国律师的工作选项。如果说在欧美,“work from home”是疫情依旧肆虐下的不得已选择,在中国,它则更多体现了雇主对于雇员的体贴。“国内有一家精品所已经许可律所选择任意一天在家办公,甚至有律所对于律师是否进办公室也不再设硬性要求,这都是很大的制度性变化。”Huang说。




她观察到的第三类则是“地产领域投融资律师“。 “受政策调控,大型地产开发商、地产投资类基金都在寻求变化,更关注仓储物流、生命科技园区、数据中心,医养中心、兼顾工作与生活的泛公寓项目等新兴板块”。“互联网技术在地产相关场景的运用,”刘泽南进一步讲到,“近期热度很高的AI看房、物业智能管理系统等”,“是地产与其他板块交叉使投资需求增加的例子之一,也是地产投资新方向之一,对律师的需求量和技术要求都有所增加。”





















Huang则建议律所不断丰富律师培训项目,并注重培养合伙人的团队管理能力。此外,合理工作量也是律所管理者应思考的问题。 “过劳是导致很多律师选择跳槽甲方、工作量较小的二线内资所、外资所,或者参与小型精品所创业的原因。”她坦言。


“私下聊天时,我会建议律师时常去思考自身的优劣势。” Huang则说,“无论通过和同行聊天,或展开自我测试,或和信任的猎头保持密切沟通,重要的是定期展开自我评估。”


Despite continuing uncertainty in 2021, demand for legal services remained buoyant in China. Lawyers received higher pay and better benefits comparable to their global peers, driving a boom in the hiring market. ALB has a talk with two experts on legal recruitment market in the past year.


Despite occasional outbreaks, the Chinese government has kept the pandemic well under control, laying a solid foundation for the stable development of the legal service market in 2021. Lawyers were kept extremely busy, which not only increased pressure on them, but also spurred a greater demand for legal talent.

ALB's data proves this trend, as seen from the close to 100 China partner hires recorded in 2021. The firms doing the hiring include not only Red Circle firms such as Jun He Law Offices, Fangda Partners and Jingtian & Gongcheng, but also strong up-and-comers like Han Kun, Broad & Bright and Chance Bridge. International firms were relatively quiet when it came to senior hires in China, though, accounting for just 20 per cent of partner laterals.  

news"Despite the economic slowdown amid the pandemic, M&A and other traditional practice areas remained robust. New business areas also enjoyed good growth and generated considerable revenue, paving the way for more hirings."

- Liu Zenan, Connected-R International

According to Liu Zenan, partner at recruiter Connected-R International, the outstanding business performance of Chinese firms was the catalyst for hiring in 2021. "Despite the economic slowdown amid the pandemic, M&A and other traditional practice areas remained robust. New business areas also enjoyed good growth and generated considerable revenue, paving the way for more hirings," she says.

In addition to more active legal recruitment, another indicator of a burgeoning talent war was the number of law firms offering pay raises. Liu adds: "Last June showed the first sign of pay rise, and most law firms followed suit, and some are expected to adjust pay rates this January. We are watching this closely."

Levana Huang, Regional Business Director at Kingfisher, a legal staffing agency, tells ALB that the “wave” of salary increases started with Milbank. As economic activities rebounded, Chinese lawyers see "significant increase in workload, and therefore higher pay."

Huang also noticed that "some Chinese firms have recently proposed lock-step. This is a trend of standardization worth watching in the coming five to ten years." According to her, lawyers receiving regular pay increments demonstrates that "Chinese firms are increasingly meeting international standards.”

Fierce competition for talent has put pressure on firms to raise salaries. “There is high churn rate of talents among firms of similar calibre,” Liu notes. “More lawyers are also embarking on new careers at fund companies or innovation-driven high-tech firms.”

While Huang tells ALB says that 70 per cent of assignments handled by her team in 2021 were from foreign firms, indicating their continued competitiveness, she adds that senior associates from international firms are increasingly moving to local firms, a trend she expects to continue in 2022.

news"As economic activities rebounded, Chinese lawyers see significant increase in workload, and therefore higher pay…… lawyers receiving pay increments demonstrates that Chinese firms are becoming increasingly standardized."

- Levana Huang,Kingfisher


Huang points out that in 2021, both associates and partners were increasingly focusing on factors other than money when it came to their careers.

"Having a reasonable workload has become a focus. In many cases, firms have set minimum but not maximum number of billable hours,” she says, “Some lawyers complained about the heavy workload, and some of them reported having clocked 3,000 billable hours a year.”

Huang believes that the legal profession will pay increasing attention to wellness and mental health going forward. "Partners increasingly realize that young associates value their life and feelings, and the work-life balancing will be a mainstream topic going forward," she says.

In addition, working from home is also becoming an option for Chinese lawyers. "One of Chinese boutique law firm allows its lawyers to work from home one day per week. Some no longer mandates working in the office. These are major system changes,” she points out.


Professional expertise is crucial for lawyers. Which areas were most sought after in 2021?

According to Liu, the most sought-after lawyers in 2021 practice in three areas. "First is IP lawyers, particularly those specializing in pharmaceuticals and telecommunications." Second, as the domestic capital market opens wider to foreign capital, “lawyers practicing securities margin trading, asset management and secondary market channel distribution were favoured” to tackle the financing needs of innovative firms and the wealth management needs of residents. “Such talents, however, are mostly those who “returned from overseas due to the lack of training previously."

The third category is real estate lawyers. “Large real estate developers and property investment funds are shifting focus to logistics, life science, data centre and other emerging sectors amid regulatory scrutiny. To serve sectors derived from real estate, such as AI house viewing and smart property management systems,” says Liu. "The crossover sectors has increased the demand and skill requirements for lawyers."

Huang believes that the most-wanted practice areas are largely dependent upon market hotspots. In early 2021, "capital market lawyers were most sought after because of capital market recovery, SPAC boom and buoyancy of Hong Kong IPOs. Recruitment in this area nearly accounted for half of our team’s total business in 2021," she tells ALB.

Other hot areas in early 2021 include "bankruptcy, restructuring and labour law.” Labour lawyers were "particularly busy. In addition to retrenchment, they had to undertake compliance and investigation work, some of which involved white-collar crimes," she adds.

In the second and third quarters, "cybersecurity lawyers became increasingly in demand.” With the publication of the Measures for Cybersecurity Review, “firms started to hire such lawyers to support corporate and IPO projects.”

What’s more, soft skills are becoming increasingly important in legal hiring.

From the skillset perspective, "the emerging economic sectors in the past two years involve largely tech-related scenarios. They generally have application issues that ultimately stem from continued evolution of basic legal issues under technical scenarios. Lawyers are challenged as they have to test their understanding of technologies and rapidly visualize and understand their tasks and propose practical solutions according to the technology patterns and business models described by clients," Liu says.

Huang's insights are more from the mindset and resilience perspective. "With remote working, lawyers, especially junior ones, must know how to self-manage. In the face of sudden events, say long quarantine after a business trip, sudden illness, setbacks in life and work, lawyers are required to self-heal. These challenges are all testing lawyers' physical and mental health."

“Generally, outstanding Chinese lawyers will ascend to partnership in their thirties, by when they must lead teams, practice law and interact with other partners,” Huang adds. “Therefore, building personal and team brands is crucial as well."


As China's 14th Five-Year Plan places great emphasis on regional development, many Chinese firms have prioritized regional expansion in the past two years. An ALB survey reveals that these "new Tier-1 cities" are becoming more attractive to young lawyers.

Liu believes that “the development of Greater Bay Area, relaxed policies and geopolitical advantages of Hong Kong" have made Shenzhen the city most favoured by lawyers in the past two years apart from Beijing and Shanghai. She notes that many foreign firms and boutique firms set up offices there, and that big local firms already there are growing their presence.

Wuhan, Nanjing, and Xi'an (where the Supreme Court has set up new circuit courts), are also very attractive.

Suzhou was a dark horse in 2021, which, according to Liu, is due to it being home to a cluster of innovation-oriented biopharmaceutical companies as China's pharmaceutical sector sees rapid growth, strong financial support and accelerated digital transformation. "Suzhou needs and attracts lawyers because of its proximity to Shanghai, the frequent exchanges between bio-industrial parks in the two cities, and a large number of start-ups," Liu adds.


When it came to in-house hiring, thanks to the pandemic, companies “have shown keen interest in digital transformation and focused hiring on data and business cooperation,” says Liu.

High-tech companies are “becoming more mature, and many are planning listing after Series C funding. At that stage, the companies would start building in-house teams, or upgrade existing teams or hire general counsels.”

Small- and medium-sized funds were also active too. Targeting new consumer goods, high technologies, pharmaceuticals, and other emerging fields, “many created new in-house counsel vacancies, and embarked on a hiring spree last year.”

"In-house counsel must have deeper understanding of technologies than lawyers. They must be more flexible, form closer ties with business teams, and truly understand the core competitiveness and needs of their organizations," Liu says.

This is especially true for fast-growing innovative companies where "internal policies and mechanisms may not have been developed, requiring in-house counsels to be more proactive in communicating with other functions to make things happen."


According to a Thomson Reuters survey of 55 mid-size firms, the "escalating talent war" has become a top concern for law firm management. What is the best way to tackle this talent anxiety?

According to Liu, firms need to tailor their initiatives to lawyers of different levels of seniority. "As millennials value personal feelings and sense of accomplishment, firms need to have more supporting mechanisms to track and increase their sense of engagement with projects. For senior associates, a clearer promotional path is needed more."

Huang suggests that firms diversify their training programs and focus on fostering the team management skills of partners. In addition, making sure that lawyers have a reasonable workload should be priority for law firm management. "Heavy workload is one factor driving many lawyers to join their clients, second-tier firms with lighter workload, or small boutique firms."

Speaking of lawyers, Liu recommends to "keep learning new regulations and policies, and understanding international politics, the evolution of business models and technological advancements.”

"During my chats with lawyers, I often suggest them to think about their own strengths and weaknesses by chatting with peers, conducing self-assessment or talking to trusted recruiters," Huang adds.

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