


      诸多咨询机构在近期发布的报告中强调了提振消费对于下一阶段中国经济发展的重要性。波士顿咨询公司指出,“随着疫情扰动因素减弱,为更好释放经济新活力,‘扩内需’‘促消费’已成为加速全年经济增长的重要抓手。多项指标显示 ,2023 年中国经济活动将持续复苏;加之消费物理场景得以修复 ,线下接触型、聚集性消费也逐步回归常态”。







      在消费业务快速恢复的背景下,成进指出, 2023年法律合规部将“进一步了解业务策略和需求,助力业务团队的商业模式转变,提升公司品牌影响力”,同时也会继续关注消费品领域的营销和广告方面的法律合规风险,保障业务在活跃市场下的平稳发展。














      与此同时,立白也在持续贯彻“1+2”战略,即以一个品牌为引领、提高中台赋能、同时发展to B和to C两大平台的战略,并继续完成集团数字化转型升级,“我们也着力做好网络安全和数据合规工作”。为此,立白在2022年建立了数据合规和网络安全委员会,“全面统筹和推进网安和数据合规工作。截至目前,已建立了基本的合规体系,今年将进一步强化有关工作”。


      “蔡司中国法律合规部的数据合规团队,近年来一直在致力于构建完善的数据合规管理体系。目前,我们已经建立了一系列包括个人信息保护政策、数据保护影响评估流程、个人信息主体权利申请流程等在内的数据合规政策和流程。 跨境数据传输的监管要求也给企业的法律合规管理带来了新的要求和挑战。”






















      Consumption is expected to play a pivotal role in uplifting the Chinese economy in 2023. ALB speaks with general counsel in the field of consumer goods to discuss how in-house teams support innovative business models amid ever-changing consumption scenarios in China, how they tackle regulatory challenges such as data compliance, and how they plan to support efforts to boost consumer spending.

      China is one of the largest consumer markets in the world, with ever-growing consumer demand. The Chinese government has been encouraging consumption upgrades through a series of policy measures and reform initiatives to develop the consumer goods market further.

      Many consulting firms have recently emphasised the importance of boosting consumption in developing China's economy going forward. According to the Boston Consulting Group, "as pandemic-triggered disturbance weakens, to better unleash the new vitality of the economy, 'expanding domestic demand' and 'promoting consumption' have become important means to accelerate economic growth for the whole year. Multiple indicators point to the continued recovery of China's economy in 2023. In addition, the resumption of physical consumption scenarios means that consumption characterised by in-person contact and gathering will also gradually return to normal."

      Meanwhile, China's consumption patterns have rapidly changed over the past few years. The exponential growth of e-commerce provides consumers with a wide variety of products and a convenient shopping experience. Social media and short video platforms have become important channels for consumers to obtain product information and make purchase decisions. Going forward, the growing middle class, the younger generation and consumers in lower-tier cities will continue to steadily power consumption resilience.

      Zhang Junxin is the legal director of the legal department of Guangzhou Liby Group, one of the earliest and largest local Chinese companies in the daily chemicals industry, which owns many brands that are familiar to, and that cover all aspects of the daily life of Chinese consumers.

      Speaking of the performance of the consumer goods sector in the past few years and so far this year, Zhang points out that although China's economic growth has slowed down somewhat in the post-pandemic era, signs of sustained recovery can already be seen, and the growth of total retail sales of consumer goods is rebounding rapidly.

      "Last year, the omnichannel sales of FMCG declined slightly, but the overall trend remained stable. However, affected by the pandemic, consumers have become more cautious with spending, causing varying degrees of challenges to offline retailers. Therefore, the legal and compliance team will focus this year on risk management of accounts receivable to prevent credit risks," says Zhang.

      Cheng Jin is head of legal and compliance at Zeiss Greater China. German-headquartered Zeiss has a wide range of business interests in China, focusing on, among others, consumer optics such as the market for myopia prevention and control lenses. He says the pandemic has dealt a huge blow to the consumer goods market, and the entire industry faces a reshuffle.

      “During the pandemic, many physical optical stores were forced to close, as a result of which some lesser-known brands exited the market due to severe lack of business. Further, the eyewear market saw a sharp year-on-year drop in business last December when infection peaked,” Chen notes.

      However, like many other industries, the consumer goods industry rebounded in the first quarter of this year. "With the pandemic subsidising this January, the market recovered swiftly, largely back to 70 percent to 80 percent of the historical level in the same period. The peak winter holiday season in January and February was an added boost to the market, leading to year-on-year growth of over 40 percent."

      As consumer goods business recovers at full steam, Cheng says that in 2023, the legal and compliance department will "better understand business strategies and needs, help business teams with business model transformation, and enhance the company's brand influence.” Meanwhile, the team will continue to focus on legal and compliance risks for marketing and advertising consumer goods, and support the steady growth of business in an active market.


      Although consumers are back, they are not returning to the old channels. In China, consumption is constantly being integrated with new scenarios and technologies. As a result, consumer goods companies must also constantly innovate and try "new ways to play the game.”

      news"The trend in China’s retail market sees the continued contraction of hypermarkets and the rapid development of new marketing channels such as convenience stores and communities. The legal and compliance team has been actively participating in the co-creation of new channel business models and has been empowering the development of new marketing channels. For example, we designed cooperation terms for emerging channel departments, released multiple business compliance guidelines, and directly got involved in addressing issues in business development as the legal project manager."

      Zhang Junxin, Guangzhou Liby Group

      Zhang shares with ALB that in terms of offline sales of daily chemical products, "the trend in China’s retail market sees the continued contraction of hypermarkets and the rapid development of new marketing channels such as convenience stores and communities."

      At the same time, emerging online channels have a considerable impact on the field of chemicals for everyday use. In fact, as early as 2018, Liby already launched a corporate strategy to accelerate digital transformation and upgrading, established its own digital centre, and developed different digital products targeting C-end consumers as well as B-end dealers, distributors and retailers, such as "digital business fairs" and livestreaming sessions.

      According to Zhang, during this process, "the legal and compliance team has been actively participating in the co-creation of new channel business models and been empowering the development of new marketing channels. For example, we designed cooperation terms for emerging channel departments, released multiple business compliance guidelines, and directly got involved in addressing issues in business development as the legal project manager of multiple projects."

      Zeiss has also noticed changes in its consumer optics business. In the past, the sales of its myopia lens products were mainly targeted at B-end channels. However, Cheng tells ALB that in line with the group's global headquarters strategy, especially the continuous progress made by the Greater China region in building up its headquarters functions, "the company will continue to enhance its brand in Greater China to influence more consumers, so it has become imperative for the legal and compliance department to actively play its role in this process."

      To this end, the team has been focusing on two aspects. "The first is to help the company transform to a B2C2B business model. The team is gradually building up local trademark strategic capabilities to more actively influence consumers. We proactively participate in the exploration and discussion of business strategies and models by business units, assist them in analysing legal and compliance risks, and offer them solutions while preventing risks."

      Second, more frequent interactions with consumers going forward also mean a heightened need to build up the company's brand. Therefore, "from the perspective of brand promotion, we work closely with business units in advertising compliance to empower business teams to step up brand promotion within the scope of legal compliance. Leveraging internal and external resources, we have organised various forms of professional training and sharing sessions concerning advertising compliance to enhance the legal and compliance awareness of business teams in the consumer goods segment."


      More interactions with consumers, especially online interactions, also mean that consumer companies will come into possession of a large amount of data. With the implementation of the three key data-related legislation in China, data compliance remains a topic keenly watched by general counsel in the consumer sector.

      "2022 saw rapid development of data compliance in China. It was the year when the Personal Information Protection Law and the Data Security Law officially came into effect. Many supporting standards and regulations are gradually being promulgated and implemented, and judicial administration and law enforcement are also being constantly strengthened," says Zhang.

      At the same time, Liby is pressing ahead with its "1+2" ​​strategy, which is to use one brand as the lead and to simultaneously develop two platforms that target B-end and C-end channels, and to continue with the group's digital transformation and upgrading journey. "We are focusing on cybersecurity and data compliance work in this process." To this end, Liby set up a data compliance and cybersecurity committee in 2022 to "comprehensively coordinate and drive cybersecurity and data compliance work. As of now, we have already established a basic compliance system, and will further strengthen relevant work this year.”


      "The data compliance team of Zeiss China's legal and compliance department has been working on building a comprehensive data compliance and management system in recent years. At present, we have already established a series of data compliance policies and procedures that cover personal information protection policies, the data protection impact assessment process, the process for applying for rights of personal information subjects, etc. Regulatory requirements on cross-border data transfers have also brought about new requirements and challenges."

      Cheng Jin, Zeiss Greater China

      According to Cheng of Zeiss, "the data compliance team of Zeiss China's legal and compliance department has been working on building a comprehensive data compliance and management system in recent years. At present, we have already established a series of data compliance policies and procedures that cover personal information protection policies, the data protection impact assessment process, the process for applying for rights of personal information subjects, etc."

      The increasing internationalisation of Chinese enterprises and the active business of foreign-invested enterprises in China have made data export a new hot topic in recent years. Zhang tells ALB that the implementation of the Measures for Data Export Security Assessment and the Guidelines for Application for Data Export Security Assessment (First Edition) last year and that of the Measures for Standard Contract on Personal Information Export this year have "put forward clear rules and requirements on data export, and the legal and compliance team watches business changes and regulatory trends in cross-border data transfers with ongoing interest."

      Cheng also has much to share: "Regulatory requirements on cross-border data transfers have brought about new requirements and challenges to the legal and compliance management of enterprises. Our team will further uplift the company's capabilities of cross-border data compliance management, step up relevant professional knowledge and skills and accumulate more experience. At the same time, we will carry out effective security assessment, so as to effectively manage risks of cross-border data transfers. In addition, in response to possible cross-border data compliance crises, we will effectively develop crisis response capabilities by both formulating rules and tightening operational procedures."


      With digital intelligence becoming a key word for the development of enterprises and even the economy, general counsel mention that in 2023, empowering the work of in-house teams with technological tools and continuing to promote digital transformation of the teams will also be one of their priorities.

      "Zeiss being a technology-driven company dictates that technology is never neglected by any of its departments. The legal and compliance department should also keep pace with the times, and embrace new technologies to empower our work and improve the level and efficiency of legal and compliance risk management," says Cheng.

      He adds that at present, Zeiss is focusing on internal process optimisation and system improvement, as well as the overall digital upgrading of the legal and compliance department. "For example, we developed and launched the Zeiss China electronic seal application system last year to enable online application for official seals and online examination and approval of such applications and ensure the traceability of the whole process."

      "Looking ahead, we will continue to beef up the application of new technological tools, and explore digital tools such as third-party risk prevention and control, electronic signing, and contract life cycle management. Our goal is to hand over more basic work to technology, while leveraging systematic and digital tools to further improve the efficiency of daily management and the level of legal and compliance risk prevention and control."

      Rapid changes in the daily chemicals industry over the past few years have also given Liby the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of digitisation. "Digital transformation is the direction for enterprises to build the future-ready core competitiveness. Our group embarked on the journey of digital transformation a number of years ago. The legal and compliance team also attaches great importance to digital transformation efforts."

      That is why the team is actively exploring and launching systems and tools that can lower costs and increase efficiency. "At present, we have introduced the contract e-signing system, the file management system, the intellectual property management system and the case management system. This year, we are scheduled to adopt the contract full life cycle management system," Zhang introduces.

      The booming of artificial intelligence this year has also pointed to a new direction for the technological exploration efforts of the department. Zhang says that the Liby team has been observing and researching the application of generative AI products such as ChatGPT, Midjourney and DALL.E on an ongoing basis. "AI can help us improve work efficiency and business innovation in certain business scenarios. When the timing is right, we may consider smart contract review and smart advertising review to help raise productivity."


      While supporting business growth, in-house teams are not slacking in their efforts to seek self-growth.

      Zhang says that although Liby is a Chinese private enterprise, its business is global. Therefore, "I hope that the in-house team can become a team that is rooted in China but has a global vision, and that has not only solid legal knowledge but also business acumen to be an excellent business partner."

      In recent years, the team has invested a lot of resources in team training. "We have held many training sessions, including those on data compliance, cross-border e-commerce, intellectual property and international arbitration rules, and will continue to increase investment in this area. In addition, we will also launch or switch to more advanced office systems to continuously improve work efficiency."

      On the other hand, the legal and compliance department of Zeiss Greater China has witnessed the continuous expansion of its functions over the past few years, and therefore has greater aspirations for its future roles.

      As Cheng puts it: "At present, the legal and compliance department of Zeiss Greater China has developed into a professional team that is capable of comprehensively covering the six major areas of legal affairs, compliance, export control, data security, intellectual property and corporate governance. We expect to undertake the corporate governance function in the entire Greater China region, and become a professional and efficient team that actively empowers business."

      The team has set itself two key development goals going forward. "On the one hand, we must protect the company's core interests from being harmed and guard against legal and compliance risks. On the other hand, we should facilitate business growth and empower business based on our understanding of the legal and compliance risks on local markets," says Cheng.


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