- 2024年共有64支中概股完成美国上市,另有超百家企业在备案或排队之中
- 越来越多新品牌律所开始担任中概股上市的中国律师角色
美国律师方面,市场同样分化,且参与项目数量最多的是几家中小型规模律所:律师人数只有不到40人的纽约律所Hunter Taubman Fischer & Li(HTFL,翰博文)参与了12宗交易;另一家创立于2006年的纽约所Ortoli Rosenstadt(欧洛)则参与了10宗交易。
实际上这正是健康市场的表现:企业能够根据自身体量、成本考量找到相对应体量的服务律所。此外在投行、会计师事务所方面,可以看到为中概股提供服务的也并非顶流机构,例如R.F. Lafferty & Co.、Revere Securities、Wei, Wei & Co.,以及Marcum Asia CPAs。
Beyond Traditional Listings
Amid persistent obstacles to A-share listings, Chinese companies remain eager to go public in the U.S. At the same time, entrepreneurs are refining their expectations for U.S. listings, reshaping the landscape of legal advisory services.
- In 2024, a total of 64 Chinese companies completed their U.S. IPOs, with over 100 more in the pipeline.
- A growing number of new firm brands are stepping in as Chinese counsel for these listings.
Despite ongoing strains in U.S.-China relations over the past year, deal activity has painted a different picture. According to multiple industry reports, 2024 was a record-breaking year for Chinese IPOs in the U.S., with 64 listings completed. The momentum carried into 2025, as January alone saw 12 Chinese companies debut on U.S. exchanges, accounting for 41 percent of all IPOs in the U.S. market that month.
While listing activity remains robust, public perception of the U.S. IPO market has been relatively muted, largely due to the modest fundraising scale of most deals. In 2024, aside from high-profile IPOs such as Amer Sports, Zeekr, and Pony.ai, over 50 percent of Chinese listings raised only $5 million to $10 million, failing to generate significant market buzz.
At the same time, an intriguing shift is unfolding in the legal advisory space. The roster of law firms involved in Chinese IPOs is becoming increasingly diverse, with a rising number of small and regional firms entering the market.
For Chinese counsel, Wuxi-based Jiangsu Junjin Law Firm and Shenzhen-based China Commercial Law Firm ranked among the top five in deal volume. Junjin completed four IPO projects in 2024 and has five more in the pipeline, while China Commercial also handled four deals, with one additional public filing.
In total, at least 30 different Chinese law firms are currently engaged in IPO-related filings. Notably, Beijing-based Docvit Law Firm is emerging as a rising player—despite handling only one U.S. IPO last year, it has already filed for four upcoming listings.
On the U.S. side, the legal market is also diversified, with mid-sized firms dominating Chinese IPO deals. New York-based Hunter Taubman Fischer & Li (HTFL), a firm with fewer than 40 attorneys, participated in 12 transactions in 2024. Another New York firm, Ortoli Rosenstadt, founded in 2006, was involved in 10 deals over the same period.
New driving forces
Zhang Ting, head of international business at Docvit Law Firm, is a key figure behind the firm’s expansion into U.S. IPO advisory. In 2024, Zhang led her team in completing the Nasdaq listing of Eshallgo Inc, a Shanghai-based office equipment leasing company. “Although it was just one deal, it was highly representative—it was the first company using a VIE structure to secure approval from the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) before listing in the U.S.,” Zhang notes.
Docvit currently has four publicly disclosed U.S. IPO projects in progress, but Zhang reveals that many more remain under wraps. “Our overall pipeline looks strong,” she says.
Discussing the factors driving this wave of listings, Zhang points to the issuers’ financing needs, investors’ exit strategies, and continued bottlenecks in the A-share listing process as the primary reasons pushing more Chinese firms — including small and mid-sized ones — to seek IPOs in the well-established U.S. market.
However, another, less obvious driver is also at play. “An increasing number of Chinese entrepreneurs are looking to list in the U.S. not just for corporate financing or expansion, but also for personal cross-border asset allocation,” Zhang explains. “Through red-chip structures, some of their assets can be converted into overseas stocks or holdings.”
Trust services have long been a core strength of Docvit. “We’ve handled numerous trust arrangements for controlling shareholders of U.S.-listed Chinese companies,” Zhang tells ALB. Through this work, her team identified a rising demand for personal cross-border asset planning among entrepreneurs. Compared to traditional family wealth lawyers, who focus on estate planning and debt protection, capital markets lawyers can integrate trust structures with IPO planning, such as structuring shareholdings in line with disclosure requirements.
“In recent years, we’ve emphasised this unique aspect of our services in marketing our U.S. IPO practice,” says Zhang. “This strategy has helped Docvit secure a significant share of the market.”
Growing divergence
As the landscape of legal advisory firms serving U.S. IPOs continues to diversify, Zhang acknowledges a similar trend. However, she attributes this shift primarily to the unique nature of U.S. listings. “The U.S. market follows a disclosure-based regulatory framework, making the process relatively less demanding. Unlike A-share IPOs, which require lawyers to be deeply involved on-site for extended periods, the primary role of legal counsel in U.S. listings is to design the transaction structure,” she explains.
Another key distinction lies in market recognition. “While law firm brand carries significant weight in A-share IPOs, the U.S. SEC and attorneys tend to place more emphasis on individual lawyers’ reputations,” Zhang notes. In reality, the circle of lawyers specialising in U.S. listings is quite small. While new mid-sized and boutique firms continue to enter the market, the key partners behind them remain largely unchanged. This fluidity is primarily driven by the movement of individual practitioners. Zhang herself exemplifies this trend—having started her career in overseas listings at a major firm around 2005, she later joined Docvit, helping establish its U.S. IPO practice under a new brand.
The same dynamic applies to U.S. law firms that have long served Chinese issuers, particularly small and mid-cap Chinese IPOs. “The circle is tightknit. Some of the U.S. attorneys we frequently collaborate with today are people I first met back in 2006, when we were all junior lawyers. Over time, we have grown into team leaders,” Zhang reflects.
These U.S. firms have also developed distinctive pricing models and communication styles, making them the preferred choice for many Chinese issuers. “They understand the mindset of Chinese clients. Large firms typically charge by the hour with no fee cap, which is difficult for Chinese companies to accept. In contrast, these mid-sized firms offer capped pricing,” Zhang explains. Some firms also employ lawyers with Chinese backgrounds, reducing translation costs and minimising communication barriers. For example, Ying Li, head of Asian business at HTFL, previously worked at Zhong Lun’s New York office. HTFL’s overall team includes at least 17 other Chinese-origin lawyers.
This market structure in fact reflects a healthy level of segmentation, as companies can choose legal service providers that align with their scale and budget. The same pattern is evident among investment banks and accounting firms serving Chinese issuers, where top-tier institutions are not necessarily dominant players. Notable service providers include R.F. Lafferty & Co, Revere Securities, Wei, Wei & Co, and Marcum Asia CPAs.
Some law firms have also carved out a niche through targeted strategies. Jiangsu Junjin Law Firm, mentioned earlier, is one such case. According to an article published by the firm in June 2024, “Over the past 12 months, Junjin completed filings for 10 Chinese IPOs—securing a 15 percent market share under the new CSRC offshore listing regulations.”
With just 11 lawyers, Junjin has adopted a “regional strategy,” focusing its market expansion within Wuxi, where the firm is based. Of the 10 IPOs it handled, four were for Wuxi-based companies. Given the city’s dynamic private sector and supportive government policies for offshore listings, Junjin anticipates further growth opportunities. Additionally, the firm established a strategic partnership with one top player from the U.S. side - Ortoli Rosenstadt - as early as 2017, “aiming to provide professional services for more Chinese clients investing in the U.S.”
Evolving mindset
While the increasing competition in U.S. IPO services and the generally modest fundraising amounts of Chinese listings might suggest cost pressure, Zhang notes that legal fees remain largely unaffected. “Lawyers' fees are not directly tied to a company’s fundraising amount. Whether it’s a mid-sized or small-scale IPO, as long as the workload is similar, the legal fees are almost the same,” she says.
For issuers, however, this translates into rising costs for a U.S. listing. Beyond the legal and financial considerations, Zhang points to a shift in how Chinese entrepreneurs perceive IPOs. “More and more business owners now see going public as a long-term strategy rather than a one-time event. Additionally, follow-on financing is relatively easy in the U.S. —companies can issue convertible bonds or conduct secondary offerings within just a couple of months after listing. As a result, entrepreneurs are no longer just focused on the cost-effectiveness of the initial IPO.”
This evolving mindset means that demand for refinancing, M&A, and asset consolidation will continue to grow with each step requiring legal services, presenting sustained business opportunities for Chinese law firms already active in the U.S. IPO market.
Another emerging trend is the increasing role of Chinese lawyers in U.S. IPOs. “Before the new CSRC filing regulations, the role of Chinese counsel — especially for underwriters —was relatively limited. But with the new rules introducing long-arm jurisdiction, U.S.-registered underwriters are now required to submit a commitment letter to the CSRC. As a result, they place much greater emphasis on Chinese legal services,” Zhang explains.
However, as CSRC filing requirements are becoming more stringent, Zhang predicts that market concentration may increase. “The CSRC has certain expectations regarding law firms’ size and brand reputation, which could lead to a more consolidated market on the PRC counsel side.”
This, in turn, presents a critical window of opportunity for Chinese law firms to leverage overseas listings to enhance their branding. “IPO projects provide public visibility and carry a halo effect, making them a powerful tool for law firms to build brand recognition. Additionally, a strong international practice is a hallmark of all leading law firms,” Zhang emphasises.