








在华商律师事务所执行合伙人齐梦林律师看来,“目前的政策调整期是资本市场的自我修复阶段,通过强监管来实现资本市场的更高质量发展”。不过他也坦言,“在监管趋严的情况下,企业对申报A 股IPO 态度更为谨慎、兴趣有所减弱,不过仍然保持着高度关注”。






其中一类破局方法是协助企业拓宽融资渠道,尤其“借助境外资本市场扩大融资路径”。齐律师说,华商近期就协助客户发行了超过6.7 亿元的离岸人民币债券并在澳交所上市,“项目由华商境内及香港律师团队携手提供服务,已经是华商本年度第二单同类型的债券融资业务”。

此外,近期华商资本市场与证券法律专业委员会还牵头成立了SPAC 上市办公室,“将服务于境内企业多元化的资本市场需求……我们在境外资本市场的布局不局限在港股、美股,也包括新兴资本市场印度、越南等”。































In the first half of 2024, China's domestic regulatory policies continued to weigh on local companies eager to secure funding from both domestic and international capital markets. The concepts of "stability" and "tightness" are still predominant in the A-share market, which has indirectly led to a renewed interest in overseas listings.


In the first four months of 2024, 35 companies successfully went public on the A-share market, a year-on-year drop of over 50 percent both for the number of companies and the amount of funds raised.

At the same time, after the Lunar New Year, A-share IPOs experienced a three-month period when zero applications were reviewed. It was not until May 16 that review of companies' listing and refinancing applications was reactivated.

In terms of regulation, the first half of the year continues to see the A-share market prioritize "stability and tight regulation.” During the annual Two Sessions, Wu Qing, chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, stated that regulation should focus on strengthening fundamentals and tightening both supervision and administration. Shortly thereafter on Mar. 15, the revised Provisions on On-site Inspection of Enterprises Applying for Initial Public Offering were promulgated for implementation, emphasizing that "making an IPO application means shouldering responsibilities" and significantly increasing the percentage of on-site inspection.

On Apr. 12, the Several Opinions of the State Council on Strengthening Regulation, Guarding against Risks and Promoting High-quality Development of the Capital Market, colloquially known as the new Nine Articles, were released, focusing on regulation over all aspects of a listed company. This is the first time in ten years that the State Council has again opted to guide the development of the capital market by issuing Nine Articles.

The new Nine Articles have also introduced the "1+N” regulatory framework under which the CSRC will issue a slew of supporting rules and regulations. Subsequently, the CSRC promulgated the Opinions on Strictly Enforcing the Delisting System and the Sixteen Measures for the Capital Market to Serve the High-quality Development of Science and Technology Enterprises, also known as the Sixteen Measures.

To Qi Menglin, executive partner of China Commercial Law Firm, "the current policy adjustment period can be seen as a phase of self-repair of the capital market where tight regulation is employed to achieve higher-quality development of the capital market.” However, he also concedes that "with tightening regulation, companies have become more cautious and less interested in applying for A-share IPOs, although they are still closely watching the space."

Tan Qing, partner of Tian Yuan Law Firm, however, sees bright spots in the new regulations. "The Nine Articles emphasize the need to 'increase tolerance of new industries, new business models and new technologies, better serve the implementation of national strategies such as science and technology innovation, green development and State-owned assets and State-owned enterprises reform, as well as the development and growth of small and medium-sized enterprises and private businesses, and promote the development of new productive forces'. Further, the Sixteen Measures highlight the importance of 'accurately identifying technology-oriented companies and prioritizing support to technology-oriented companies that have achieved breakthroughs in key and core technologies to go public to raise funds.'"

"These documents clearly demonstrate that the A-share market should focus on serving technology innovation enterprises that fit the development direction of new productive forces and master key and core technologies. Under the current regulatory stance, tech companies in industries such as new energy, new materials, advanced manufacturing and electronic information are prioritized for encouragement and have shown great interest in and expectations for A-share IPOs," says Tan.

In the face of changes in the capital market in the first half of 2024, Tan says that "the Tian Yuan team is also serving clients based on their actual needs. First, as regards listing projects of technology innovation enterprises that are in line with regulatory directions, our team has been strengthening various compliance inspections and assisting those enterprises to actively prepare for listing applications. Second, as regards projects facing difficulty in listing application, our team assists the affected companies in handling the repurchase requests from existing investors; for clients with the intention to sell, we actively look for potential buyers and offer equity sales services.”

Where clients still wish to raise funds amid the current capital market climate, "we work with clients to link them up with providers of 'patient capital' who have a long-term investment horizon, such as government-guided funds, listed companies in the same industry and other industrial investors. For clients who may face challenges to list on the A-share market, we assist them to seek listing on Hong Kong or U.S. stock market to broaden financing channels," says Tan.

According to Qi, the capital markets team of China Commercial Law Firm is "also actively adjusting service offerings. We would also guide enterprises to adjust expectations, and to embrace the global capital market."

One way is to help companies broaden financing channels, especially by "leveraging overseas capital markets.” Qi shares that the firm has recently assisted a client in issuing offshore RMB bonds worth more than 670 million yuan for listing on Chongwa (Macao) Financial Asset Exchange. "Our Mainland and Hong Kong teams worked together on this project which is already the second bond financing project of the same type that the firm has worked on so far this year."

In addition, the firm's capital market and securities committee has recently taken the lead in setting up a SPAC listing office "which will serve the diversified capital market needs of domestic enterprises... Our coverage of overseas capital markets is not limited to Hong Kong and U.S. stocks, but also includes emerging capital markets such as India, Vietnam, etc."

Speaking of expectations for the A-share market in the second half of the year, Tan points out: "At present, the CSRC is making countercyclical adjustments to new share issuance while comprehensively considering tolerance on the secondary market. Both the CSRC and stock exchanges have rolled out a slew of reform documents to support the Nine Articles and the Sixteen Measures, adjusted the application criteria for listing on relevant boards, and strengthened regulation over matter such as dividend distribution by listed companies and reduction of holdings by major shareholders, which has laid foundation for the development of the capital market in the next stage."

"If the secondary market enjoys stable performance in the second half of 2024, then there will be a market basis for ending countercyclical adjustments, which may potentially serve to restore the original rhythm of IPOs to a certain extent," predicts Tan.


Tightening regulation at home may have hindered the A-share listing by some companies, but it has brought more activity to the Hong Kong capital markets.

Nan Li is a member of the management committee of Tian Yuan Law Firm as well as managing partner of its Hong Kong office. According to him, recent changes in Hong Kong's capital markets began on Aug. 27 last year when the CSRC issued the document titled Coordinating Arrangements for Balancing the Primary and Secondary Markets, Optimizing IPO and Regulating Refinancing, which puts forward the requirements of "tightening the pace of IPO and refinancing in a phased manner.”

"Beginning in the third and fourth quarters of last year, a number of listing projects originally destined for the A-share market have successively moved to Hong Kong. Further tightening policies since the start of this year have prompted more companies with a wait-and-see attitude to make up their minds and switch to Hong Kong."

"Compared to the same period of last year, the number of Hong Kong listing projects that are underway or are in the pipeline has increased significantly, possibly doubling on a YoY basis. This reflects what we often term as the 'seesaw effect' between A-shares and Hong Kong stocks. If regulation on the A-share market becomes more stringent, more companies will turn to Hong Kong."

Li sums up the popular industries for Hong Kong listing this year in three categories. "The first category is what we call the 'red and yellow light industries' of the A-share market, including retail consumption, logistics and supply chain, etc. These companies choose to come to Hong Kong because they engage in industries where A-share listing is explicitly restricted or prohibited."

"The second category includes technology and high-tech manufacturing companies. As the five sets of criteria for the STAR Market continue to tighten and the requirements for listing on ChiNext, the Main Board and even the New Third Board also become more stringent, some innovation companies, including those in the fields of autonomous driving, robotics and chips, have also turned to Hong Kong. The third category is for industries that are not on the restricted or prohibited list, yet face difficulty in reality to pass IPO application review, such as companies engaging in medical and healthcare services, (non-academic) education, culture and entertainment, etc."

Despite market sentiment picking up, poor market liquidity and high IPO failure rates in the past two years have also caused issuers to remain more cautious towards Hong Kong listing. Can Hong Kong government take measures to restore market confidence?

In Li's view, "a lot can be done... For example, during this year's 'Two Sessions', Tim Lui, chairman of the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong, suggested to lower the threshold for individual investors for the Hong Kong-Mainland Stock Connect Scheme from 500,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan. If this suggestion can be taken up soon, it will be extremely encouraging.”

As to the prospects of the Hong Kong stock market in the second half of the year, Li believes that "driven by continuous tightening of A-share listing approvals, the pipeline of Hong Kong listing projects may be even better than now.”

In the previously sluggish Hong Kong capital markets, another topic that has attracted attention is privatization. Since the beginning of this year, many companies have completed privatization and exited the market in the first quarter, while Vinda International, China Traditional Chinese Medicine Holdings, SciClone Pharmaceuticals and L'Occitane are either soliciting or undergoing privatization.

Li shares that the Tian Yuan team is currently providing solutions for a series of privatization and listed company M&A deals, and there are indeed many opportunities for relevant transactions. However, he also admits that "privatization deals largely depend on market conditions, and there is usually 'a lot of talk but little execution'. If the Hong Kong stock market remains in a slump, more privatization deals may be brokered. However, if the Hong Kong market continues its current recovery momentum, many projects currently in discussion may not go ahead."

Although privatization deals are not yet the mainstay on the market, Li keeps a close watch of this sphere and believes that a wave of privatization will gradually come in the next five to ten years. This is because "the first generation of entrepreneurs born in the 1950s and 1960s will gradually pass the baton to their successors who may have different priorities for developing the businesses... With the changing of the guard, opportunities for privatization and M&As will gradually increase."


Apart from Hong Kong, regulatory changes on the domestic capital market have also led to an upsurge in Chinese companies turning to the U.S. markets for listing.

This is clearly borne out by the numbers: in 2023, a total of 48 China concept stocks went public on the U.S. market. In contrast, as of end April this year, 23 China concept stocks have completed U.S. listing, with another 22 pending record-filing with the CSRC and 46 awaiting listing after completing CSRC record-filing. The second half of 2024 may witness a slew of U.S. listing of China concept stocks in quick succession.

Witsus Consulting is a cross-border business consulting company specializing in red chip and VIE design for overseas listing, overseas investment record-filing, Document No. 37 registration and other services. CEO Wang Guanda tells ALB that overseas listing, especially U.S. listing, has indeed been much more active this year.

The primary reason behind the increased activity is still that "the red and yellow light system of the A-share market and a series of recent reform moves have caused great uncertainty to the listing of companies in certain domestic industries. As a result, many high-quality domestic companies, such as those engaging in the Internet, consumer goods, technology and biotech, are turning to overseas listing."

In addition, SPAC listing in the U.S. also provides a simpler and more feasible path for China concept stocks. In 2023, a total of 11 China concept stocks went public on the U.S. market in the form of SPAC, while two have completed de-SPAC deals so far this year. "SPAC listing has a shorter cycle and more controllable cost. Our clients YS Biopharma and EV-sports car maker Lotus both went public on the U.S. market via the SPAC route," says Wang.

In terms of the popular industries for U.S. listing this year, Wang points to sectors similar to those that are seeking listing in Hong Kong, namely consumer goods, biotech, technology, business services and life services.

"Post-pandemic, the consumer market recovered, and investors' confidence increased. Relevant companies are therefore seeking to list overseas. For example, we are advising a beef noodle company and a milk tea company in their IPO restructuring. Although the biotech industry is in a short-term trough due to higher IPO failure rates, growth momentum of the industry has not completely passed. We are also touching base with companies in the fields of customized reagents, medical examinations, and new drug research and development."

In technology and services fields, Wang observes that in addition to some companies that are already of considerable size, in the past two years, "some medium-sized and even small-sized companies are also pursuing overseas listing." For example, Witsus Consulting's current clients include, among others, a company specializing in the underlying technology for smart charging, a Xiamen-based smart access control company, a Shandong-headquartered education services company, an education payment system company based in Chengdu, two insurance technology companies, three to four human resources service companies. "It can be seen that smaller companies also have strong desire for listing and fund-raising."

However, the drivers behind are somewhat different. According to Wang, "some come from founders' ideas; some are driven by investors; and others may be due to more passive reasons."

Naturally smaller companies are often more sensitive to the fees charged by listing intermediaries, and Witsus Consulting has also acutely felt competitive pressure. However, Wang is convinced that the more complex and challenging the capital environment is, the more necessary it is to rely on the services of professional intermediaries. "More emphasis should be placed on compliance in all operations so as not to dig unnecessary holes for companies."

"In the past two years, both overseas stock exchanges and domestic regulators such as the CSRC, the Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange have raised requirements on red chip structure, foreign exchange administration under capital account and overseas investment compliance. With the SAFE promulgating the Guidelines for Capital Account Foreign Exchange Business (2024 Edition) on Apr.12, regulation in this segment is becoming more and more specialized," adds Wang.

He offers three suggestions for companies planning to list overseas. "First, plan early; second, closely watch and observe, and intensively research, regulatory trends and developments; third, partner with more professional advisory and intermediary agencies."



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