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商事仲裁在2021年也得到了长足的发展。2021年5月,《2021年国际仲裁调查报告》(2021 International Arbitration Survey)发布,香港、北京和上海入选全球最受欢迎的十大仲裁地,香港国际仲裁中心和中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会则入选全球最受欢迎的仲裁机构前五位,我国商事仲裁的国际影响力得到彰显。与仲裁有关的法律也在不断完善,例如,2021年7月,司法部发布《中华人民共和国仲裁法(修订)(征求意见稿)》;12月,最高人民法院发布《关于修改〈最高人民法院关于仲裁司法审查案件报核问题的有关规定〉的决定》。







“以我所擅长的股权争议领域为例,从公司的创立、运营直至解散、清算,股权问题几乎贯穿企业经营的每个环节,由此衍生出的争议纠纷也牵扯到各方股东的权益。那么,股权纠纷的常见类型有哪些?争议焦点在哪儿?作为律师该如何有针对性地进行风险防范?这些都可以成为深度解剖和研究对象。” 程钟律师说。他还列举到,股权转让、增减资、股权代持、股权激励、对赌协议、股东资格确权、股东优先权等常见股权纠纷,每一个内容都值得律师们仔细深入地学习和总结。因此,程钟律师建议道: “(诉讼律师)不仅仅要在工作中学习,还要更多地和法院、知名律师有良好的沟通,及时分享彼此在工作中遇到的问题和解决的办法,以开放兼容的态度,掌握知识的最前沿。”

在天同律师事务所合伙人、国内仲裁业务负责人朱华芳律师看来,专业化的核心内涵应该是以专业为本,“即律师是凭借卓越的业务能力和服务能力赢取案件的胜利、获得客户的认可的。” 她坦言,天同在确定战略定位时,选择的是“产品”领先战略,“我们的产品就是我们的专业服务。我们聘用最优秀的人才,采用最精细化的方式进行作业,从案件评估、文书起草、参加庭审、推进沟通到结案卷宗,每个环节都精益求精、全力以赴。”

最近几年,天同律师承担了国务院国资委的《融资性贸易法律风险防范研究》和《国企治理中公司人格否认风险防控研究》课题,最高人民法院的《营业信托纠纷案件审理中的法律问题研究》和《民事纠纷案件中涉及刑事犯罪法律问题研究》课题,中国证券业协会的《债券违约情景下承销商虚假陈述民事责任及风险防范研究》《IPO注册制下发行人与中介机构虚假陈述民事责任研究》和《资产证券化(ABS)的管理人民事责任及风险防范研究》课题。“这些课题成果既来源于我们执业实践中的观察、思考和总结,又切实地提高了我们处理这类争议的专业能力。” 朱华芳律师说。








据司法部统计,到2025年,全国执业律师人数将达到75万名,每万人拥有律师数达5.3。如何在激烈的竞争中树立个人品牌,从而脱颖而出?程钟律师深信,专业能力永远都是吸引客户的最强大的力量。他坦言:“如何独辟蹊径却又把传统的诉讼律师路径一一为客户解读,是考验一个诉讼律师语言表达能力的试金石。我们永远秉承客户利益与法律公平正义相结合的理念,不是简单地跟客户说‘NO’,而是永远为客户找到解决问题的‘Plan B’。此外,在通商律师事务所这个平台上,我们可以信赖和依靠团队群策群力的智慧,为客户提供一站式的法律服务,客户不需要在非诉和诉讼团队之间来回跳转,可以更好地拥有全局性的法律服务。”

朱华芳律师亦重视律师专业能力和律所作为平台的价值。她告诉ALB,在建立与客户的信任关系方面,律师有几点需要特别注意:“一是 ‘我们’而非‘你们’。把客户的事情当成自己的事情,把客户的工作人员当成同事,做与客户并肩作战的战友,而不仅仅是提供服务的乙方。二是 ‘我们’而非‘我’。任何一个案件,都集全所之力去处理好,突显团队作战的优势;同时,充分调动和认可客户工作人员支持和协助的关键作用,没有客户的配合,律师不可能办好案件。三是律师的工作目标是解决问题,而不是提出问题。律师要善于提出问题,但客户找律师,要的是解决方案;在提供解决方案上,光努力是不够的,还需尽力。四是真诚是最强大的力量。对案件的认识是什么,能做什么,不能做什么,坦诚沟通;同时,也要不断精进专业能力,敢于下判断。”











In the past year, China’s laws have evolved rapidly while businesses keep becoming more sophisticated thanks to constant innovation, thus litigators are facing higher requirements when it comes to the services they offer. Some of the litigators that made the list have shared with ALB about their thoughts and experience in practice, their observation of the industries, as well as their ways of building personal brand.



As this year just kicked off, the Chinese Supreme People's Court published the top 10 commercial cases for 2021 chosen from all national courts, with several of them being pioneering cases in their fields. For example, the case between 11 investors, including Gu Huajun and Liu Shujun, and Kangmei Pharmaceutical, on securities misrepresentation liability is China's first class-action lawsuit. Additionally, this is the first class-action lawsuit filed since the new Securities Law took effect. Over 50,000 investors were awarded a total of 2.459 billion yuan ($388 million) in November 2021 by the first trial court. Both the indemnification and investor amounts are unprecedented in history. Soon after the first trial, the China Securities Regulatory Commission said during a press conference that they will amend the class action system in light of this case in order to assist representative organizations in improving case assessment, decision-making, and implementation processes, as well as to ensure that class actions are conducted in accordance with the law.

The top 10 commercial cases in China also include the country's first personal bankruptcy case involving a man named Liang. "Personal bankruptcy law is a critical component of market exit and restructuring regulations. It has significant meaning to improving the market exit channel and economic cycle," an expert said in an interview with China News Service. With the approval of the central government, the Shenzhen government enacted the first local law governing personal bankruptcy; Personal Bankruptcy Regulations in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has taken effect since March 2021. The Liang bankruptcy case is the first personal bankruptcy and restructuring case that the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court has ruled and closed since the law took effect, in addition to being China’s first personal bankruptcy case as mentioned above.

Another significant restructuring case among the top 10 commercial cases is the substantive merger and restructuring case of HNA Group and 321 other entities. This is the largest bankruptcy and restructuring case in Asia, with the most debt, creditors, creditor categories, restructured entities, complex legal relations, and complicated procedures. It is one of the few restructuring cases that have been ruled directly by the Supreme People's Court. According to a scholar, the difficulties associated with a giant entity bankruptcy and restructuring case revolve around how to properly manage, maintain, operate, and process complex assets in order to protect the creditors' aggregate interests as much as possible. When hearing the case, the court specifically cited the substantive merger and restructuring rules from the 2018 Minutes of the National Court Work Conference on Bankruptcy Trials of the Supreme People's Court. It established the entity's scope, standard, and bankruptcy basis for the substantive merger and promptly initiated the substantive merger process. The outcome of this case establishes a precedent for future giant entities' bankruptcy and reorganization under the rules of law and market. It may also be referred to in the future when amending bankruptcy law provisions on substantive mergers and reorganizations, reorganization collaboration, and overseas recognition and enforcement.

As demonstrated by the examples above, existing laws are capable of effectively resolving cases, even those high-bid complex cases with no similar precedents to be referred to. On the other hand, the outcome of these cases also indicates the direction in which the law can develop in the future. As those who handle these cases directly, litigators bear a significant role and can have great impact in many aspects, from the specific case to keeping society’s fair and advancing the development of rules and laws.

Commercial arbitration also made significant progress in 2021. In May 2021, the 2021 International Arbitration Survey was published. Hong Kong, Beijing, and Shanghai have been named among the world's top 10 most preferred arbitration seats, while the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) and the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) have been named among the world's top five most preferred arbitration agencies, demonstrating China’s international influence in commercial dispute resolution. In the meantime, arbitration laws have been improved too. For example, in July 2021, the Ministry of Justice published the Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China (Amendment) (Draft for Comment), and the Supreme People's Court also issued the Decision of the Supreme People's Court to Amend the Relevant Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Issues Concerning Applications for Verification of Arbitration Cases under Judicial Review."

While laws related to dispute resolutions are evolving, how the cases are handled is also changing, especially after the outbreak of COVID-19 when online trial has become the new normal for many cases. In July 2021, the Chinese Supreme People's Court's "all-in-one" international commercial disputes alternative dispute resolution platform was available for beta testing on the CICC website. In August 2021, the People's Court Online Litigation Rules took effect. There were over 3,500 courts that had access to the Chinese Mobile Mini Court online litigation platform at the time. At the end of December 2021, the Chinese Supreme People's Court issued the People's Court Online Mediation Rules, the country's first set of court guidelines for conducting online mediation. While an online trial may be more convenient, many litigators assert that it has a detrimental effect on persuasion and communication when compared to a traditional face-to-face trial. Communication is harder, and as a result, an increasing number of litigators are flexibly adjusting their working methods, communicating with their clients, courts, and arbitration agencies both online and offline, and paying more attention to the post-trial paperwork.

Additionally, the value of litigators is not limited to the courtroom, either online or offline, as legislation in emerging areas accelerates, making compliance top the companies’ list of concerns. For example, China's first data security law went into effect on Sept. 1. The "Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" also took effect in November 2021. Together with the Civil Code, Cybersecurity Law, E-commerce Law, and Consumer Protection Law, these two pieces of legislation provide comprehensive protection for personal data in the digital economic era. Last year was a turbulent year for the antitrust community. The Anti-Monopoly Commission of the State Council issued the Antitrust Guidelines for the Platform Economy Industry in February; the National People's Congress Standing Committee reviewed and released a draft of the Anti-monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft) for public comment. Due to the frequency with which legislation is introduced, many businesses in emerging industries are placing a higher premium on compliance. Cheng Zhong, a partner at Commerce & Finance Law Offices, says: “The amendment of law will render a business's risk assessment obsolete. Companies’ efforts to adapt to updated laws will undoubtedly be costly. This requires litigators to consider the cost of compliance for their client companies, persuade executives from the standpoints of law and business sustainability, and devise a cost-effective compliance solution.


China's legal industry has grown rapidly since the country's lawyer system was restored and rebuilt. Clients have become choosier than ever in recent years, particularly since the segmentation of legal services are constantly being refined. Given this, it has become critical for lawyers to maintain a professional demeanor in order to grow successfully. Cheng believes that a litigator’s professionalism is inextricably linked to the significant improvement of the entire judicial system, that is, as judges and prosecutor teams become more professional, litigators must keep up with the pace, refine their service areas, and develop more deeply in their own fields.

"Taking equity disputes which is my area of expertise for an example, equity is often involved in the whole life circle of a business from the foundation, operation, to liquidation, so the lawyers need to understand different types of equity disputes, their core focuses, and how the risks can be avoided. These are all the issues worth in-depth study,” Cheng says, and he lists a number of common equity disputes to ALB, such as equity transfer, investment increase or decrease, equity entrustment, equity incentive, valuation adjustment mechanism, shareholder qualification confirmation, and shareholder priority. Cheng also suggests: “It is insufficient to just learn these things from work; we will gain more knowledge by communicating with courts and famous lawyers, as well as by promptly sharing our problems and solutions with peers at work. Only an open-minded attitude can truly enable us to gain more cutting-edge knowledge.”

According to Zhu Huafang, a partner and the head of domestic arbitration group at TianTong Law Firm, a litigator’s capability is the essence of professionalism, “that is, litigators should win their cases and earn the client's respect for their high-quality professional practice and service.” She tells ALB that TianTong's strategic position is determined by its "product" leading strategy, and "our product is our professional service. We employ the best people and operate with the most refined methods. We make every effort to improve each process, from case evaluation, legal document drafting and participation in trials to improving communication and closing cases."

In recent years, TianTong's lawyers have conducted the Research on Risk Prevention for Financing, and the Risk Prevention and Control of Piercing the Corporate Veil in the Governance of State-owned Entities for the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the Research on Legal Issues in the Trial of Business Trust Dispute Cases, and the Research on Legal Issues Involving Criminal Offenses in Civil Dispute Cases for the Supreme Court, the Research on Civil Liability and Risk Mitigation for Misrepresentation Made by Underwriters Under Bond Default, A Study On The Civil Liability Of IPO Registration Issuers And Intermediaries For False Statements, as well as the Research on Civil Liability and Risk Mitigation for Asset-backed Security (ABS) Managers for the Securities Association of China.

"The research findings are derived from our observation, reflection, and summary in practice, and directly benefit our professional capability to resolve such disputes," Zhu says.

Zhu also adds that in addition to professional capability, a lawyer must have their own specialty and be a master of it, which she believes is how professionalism is shown during work. "Focus is in TianTong's ‘gene’. Since our establishment, we have focused exclusively on commercial dispute resolution, with the goal of becoming an extremely specialized and thus extremely powerful law firm. Meanwhile, we have a more defined labour division within the dispute resolution group, such as a number of teams dedicated to intellectual property rights, bankruptcy, construction engineering, and new finance. The commercial team's partners each have their own area of expertise as well.”


An increasing number of cases have involved both criminal law and civil law in recent years. Catherine Guo, an expert in this area and a senior partner at King & Capital Law Firm, tells ALB that criminal compliance has been a major concern for businesses in recent years. A growing number of companies have realized the importance of criminal compliance for a long-term development. Guo's observations indicate that many companies, even those with complete internal legal systems, still lack overall coordination and prevention of criminal legal risks. She and her team have collaborated with a variety of Chinese and international businesses. Therefore, they always turn to external litigators for assistance as soon as they face criminal risks.

"For instance, there have been cases in which companies we represent were accused of corporate crime. Several of these cases arose as a result of employee negligence or due to investigations conducted by investigative agencies into personal crimes committed by employees or executives. When advising clients on how to respond to and cooperate with criminal investigations, it is quite common for us to use all available means to collect different types of formal and informal company documents, as well as other types of evidence, thus arduously demonstrating the company's subjective intent is irrelevant to the crime. Ultimately, these cases gained nol pros decision by public prosecutors, and the companies were acquitted of criminal charges. Nonetheless, the process could have been less concerning and stressful for companies under similar circumstances if criminal compliance awareness had previously been improved by the company's supervisors at the operational level. After all, criminal risk is the most lethal risk, despite its low likelihood of occurrence. As a result, I would consider criminal compliance to be a prerequisite for business management,” Guo says.

 Zhu specializes in commercial contract, corporate, and investment and financing disputes. This year, she is responsible for writing the Beijing Arbitration Commission's Annual Review on Investment Dispute Resolution in China.  Zhu has observed several noteworthy trends in investment dispute resolution: To begin, while the asset management industry's regulatory system has been improved with the adoption of a clearer adjudication process for disputes, numerous difficult issues remain unresolved. Second, the corporate system reform has entered a new phase with the publication of a draft revision of the Company Law, which will result in significant changes to the capital structure and corporate governance. Third, the securities investment dispute resolution system is rapidly evolving, with the goal of continuously improving the law enforcement system. Typical securities fraud cases, such as the Wuyang Bonds Case and Kangmei Pharmaceutical Case, have sparked intense debate throughout the industry and will inevitably result in industry changes. Last but not least, significant progress has been made in developing the legal system of bankruptcy, and the system for market entity withdrawal is continuously optimized.

"To summarize, with the constant emergence of new conditions, regulations, and cases, we are required to delve deeper into the industry, continue to learn, and improve our study in order to provide our clients with exceptional services. As a result, my team and I spent nearly half of last year writing the Research Report on Private Equity Industry Disputes in China, a nearly 120,000-word report in which we systematically studied and sorted out the current practice conditions and future development trend of private equity dispute resolution, and we raised related issues and solutions for the benefit of clients, industry practitioners, and investors," Zhu says.


According to the Ministry of Justice, there will be 750,000 practicing lawyers nationwide by 2025, or 5.3 lawyers per 10,000 people. Building a unique personal brand to stand out from the fierce competition has become many lawyers’ concern. Cheng believes in professional competence's superior role in attracting clients. He says, "Whether a litigator can interpret all conventional solutions for a client in a unique and understandable way is a decisive test of his or her language skills. We are always adamant about protecting both our clients' interests and legal fairness and justice, never simply saying 'NO' to our clients, but always devising a 'Plan B' for resolving issues. Additionally, we can trust and rely on our team's wisdom to provide one-stop legal services to our clients through Commerce & Finance Law Offices, which eliminates the need for clients to switch between non-litigation and litigation teams and provides them with overall superior legal services."

Zhu also places a high value on lawyers' professional competence and the value of law firms as a platform. She tells ALB that there are a few things lawyers should keep in mind when it comes to establishing trust with clients: "The first is using 'we' instead of 'you.' It entails treating client matters as if they were our own, treating our clients' employees as colleagues, and working side-by-side with our clients, rather than viewing ourselves as merely a Party B providing services. The second is using 'we' rather than 'I'. In TianTong, any case will be managed by the entire firm, maximizing the benefits of teamwork. Furthermore, lawyers will be unable to effectively manage cases unless clients cooperate, so we are expected to fully mobilize client employees and recognize their critical role in providing support and assistance. Third, the goal of lawyers at work is to solve problems, not to raise new ones. Lawyers should be good at asking probing questions, but more importantly lawyers should also try their hardest to provide solutions. Fourth, the most potent force is sincerity. Lawyers must communicate openly with clients about their understanding of the case about what can and cannot be done. Additionally, they should constantly improve their professional competence and have the courage of making a decision."

Guo tells ALB that litigation is the basic skill in lawyers’ practice, thus the fierce competition, but finding and exploring new opportunities that few people ventured into is a way to win a place for themselves in this “red ocean.” "My experience has taught me to pay attention to the news in the industry you are interested in, find an emerging area and start preparing for it as soon as possible. Think about the possible legal consequences that may arise from new technologies when they are introduced to the market, and plan ahead of time and accumulate knowledge about frontier fields. Also, maintain communication and discussion with companies in these industries."

Having successfully transitioned from a journalist to a lawyer, Guo has her own perspective on personal branding. She emphasizes the importance of improving "recognition" as a lawyer. She previously worked for Xinhua News Agency and CCTV News Centre for 10 years prior to becoming a lawyer. She then spent over a decade offering a range of civil and commercial legal services and represented many high-profile criminal cases garnering both domestic and international attention. Guo’s recent focus has gradually shifted toward dispute resolution in automobile, new energy vehicles, and intelligent driving cases.

"Looking back from this perspective, it appears as though I have spent many years doing work that has nothing to do with my current key practice areas, but it is a process in which I gradually gained clearer recognition. Just as my colleagues and legal partners often say, 'Guo is a media-savvy lawyer who speaks fluent English, understands automobiles, and is also knowledgeable about criminal compliance.' I believe in the wise saying that goes ‘There are no useless steps in life as every step counts.’ The point is to understand how to transform your own experiences, including those you have already let go, into energy that propels you forward. This must be a purposeful transformation. Goal-oriented experiences can aid in your flourishing," Guo says.

Moreover, while the division of legal fields gradually progresses toward specialization, Guo reminds us, "Clients' needs indicate that it is difficult to have depth without breadth, as the legal problems they encounter are frequently complex and involve different legal fields. Lawyers who can truly solve practical problems for clients should be a collection of components, not a particularly fine screw. While it is an ideal state for a litigator to master in one or two with knowing most of the fields, this state does not occur immediately but requires over ten years of concentrated and dedicated experience."


Cheng plans to expand into bankruptcy within the next year or two, effectively combining bankruptcy and restructuring with dispute resolution. Additionally, he wishes to offer more comprehensive and specialized data security and corporate compliance legal services for domestic and international clients. He tells ALB that 2021 will be a big year for bankruptcy restructuring of A-share listed companies. In 2021, 19 listed companies applying for bankruptcy restructuring received court approval. However, in the decade before 2021, only 73 total A-share companies declared bankruptcy and were restructured. Most bankruptcy restructuring took place in 2019 and 2020, with a total of 19 companies going through restructuring. In terms of the applications, 2021 saw the largest number of companies applying for restructuring, with a total of 23 companies. "This indicates that 2022 will continue to be a big year for bankruptcy restructuring of A-share listed companies. From a national perspective, this field is also gradually gaining popularity and offers many opportunities for legal services. Therefore, focusing on seizing the opportunity is the main task of Shanghai Office of Commerce & Finance Law Offices in 2022. I believe there is good future development potential in the field of non-performing asset disposal."

Guo shares with ALB: "In the upcoming years, I will lead the team to continue conducting in-depth research of the industries we interested in, including automobile manufacturing and modification, continue following industry development, and keeping in touch with industry experts to constantly add value through our experience in intelligent driving dispute resolution and expand our collaboration with more automobile companies."

Zhu says: "The working goal of dispute resolution lawyers is to professionally and efficiently resolve problems and create value for clients. And this is where we are heading in the upcoming years. While gaining trust and respect, I will push myself and MY teammates to grow continuously. I also hope that I can do whatever I can to contribute to the progress of the industry and the development of legislation.”



2022 ALB China十五佳诉讼律师

Cheng Zhong 程钟
Commerce & Finance Law Offices 通商律师事务所

Dai Yue 戴月
King & Wood Mallesons 金杜律师事务所

Deng Youping 邓友平
Jingtian & Gongcheng 竞天公诚律师事务所

Melissa Feng 冯婧
GEN Law Firm 己任律师事务所

Catherine Guo郭庆
King & Capital Law Firm 京都律师事务所

James Li 李晨
Dentons China 大成律师事务所

Liu Xiangwen 刘相文
Zhong Lun Law Firm 中伦律师事务所

Vincent Mu 牟笛
Llinks Law Offices 通力律师事务所

Niu Lei 牛磊
Global Law Office 环球律师事务所

Sun Shaosong 孙韶松
Guantao Law Firm 观韬中茂律师事务所

Melody Wang 王晓萌
Shanghai Lang Yue Law Firm 上海朗悦律师事务所

Wang Zheng 王正
Zhenghan Law Firm 上海虹桥正瀚律师事务所

Collins Yue 岳巍
AllBright Law Offices 锦天城律师事务所

Zhu Huafang 朱华芳
TianTong Law Firm 天同律师事务所

Zou Weining 邹唯宁
JunHe LLP 君合律师事务所



For this year’s list of ALB China Top 15 Litigators, the selection committee conducted detailed analysis and evaluation of the candidates’ litigation work in the past year primarily by assessing the following two aspects and also drawing from third-party recognition:

1.       Cases provided by lawyers that showcased their achievements in the past year; and

2.       Cases which lawyers participated in and for which judgments were pronounced in the past year, the information of which is available through public channels.

The criteria for assessing objective information in these two aspects include, among others:

a.       Difficulty of cases

b.       Litigation strategies employed by lawyers

c.       Influence of cases

d.       Innovative nature of cases


在本次的ALB China十五佳诉讼律师的评选中,评委会主要参考以下两个方面的内容,并引入第三方的认可情况,对报名者在过去一年的诉讼成就进行了详细的解析、评价:

1.       律师提供的可代表其过去一年工作成就的典型案件;

2.       公开渠道可获取的该律师参与的裁判案例。

该两方面客观信息内容的评选标 准包含但不限于以下几个 方面:

a.       案件难易程度

b.       律师诉讼策略

c.       案件影响力

d.       创新性


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