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2022年度ALB China精品律所榜单现已出炉。这十家律所活跃在商/民/刑事争议解决、公司法、金融与资本市场、知识产权、数据保护、涉外法律业务等多个领域。凭借优秀的业绩,精品律所呈现出顶尖的专业之力。

由汤森路透、美国律师协会、Association of Legal Administrators联合发布的《2021年美国小型律所报告》(以下简称“《报告》”)用“一轮又一轮的过山车”来形容过去两年里的全球经济形势。洪流冲击之下,法律行业也无法独善其身。尽管大多数美国小型律所的领导者们对过去两年的业务状况表现出满意态度,并对未来抱有积极展望,但如何获得新的客户依然是他们在不断思考和解决的问题。



“当前环境下,汉韬一方面会不忘初心,不忘自身获得客户认可及口碑系安身立命的根基,坚持专注优势领域,保持及发扬汉韬特色,以专业、高效、精益求精的执业精神为客户持续提供高质量、高水平的法律服务,另一方面不断自我变革,结合具体环境及客观条件,提高效率、降低成本,提升服务质量水平,以客户的持续信任、稳固合作以及数年来积累的经验和资源保持行业竞争优势,并寻求快速、稳步发展。” 李玲律师说。









善嘉则采用的是党支部引领方向,合伙人大会下的管委会、监事会的三套班子管理模式,行政总监、财务总监、风险总监三条线具体实施,分工合作、各司其职。邓勇律师表示:“这些制度的创设、贯彻和实施,极大地从制度层面保证了团队的规范化运营、诚信化执业、品牌化服务… 自律所成立以来,我们保持着零投诉、零违法、零违纪,零重特大案件和责任事故的纪录。”





邓勇律师告诉ALB,在该所执业超过五年的律师占总人数的六成以上,这得益于善嘉对律师业务培训的重视。“事务所每周都集中律师进行为期半天的培训和研讨,学习新的法律法规、司法解释和理论文章,讨论疑难案件,交流办案心得。我所还经常请来国内外知名学者、教授和专业人士,独立或与有关部门联合举办各类讲座,如国有企业改革中的法律问题、民法典等。” 邓勇律师说。







2022 ALB China Firms to Watch

The ten law firms that made this year’s list span a wide range of practice focuses: Dispute resolution, corporate law, financial and capital markets, intellectual property rights, data protection, foreign law practice and more. With excellent performances, these boutique firms are showing their strengths in the highly competitive legal industry.


The 2021 State of U.S. Small Law Firms, a report released by the Thomson Reuters Institute, described the overall global economy in the past two years as “a roller coaster on repeat” for many countries and industries, and the legal industry has not been immune. As the report pointed out, leaders of small law firms generally view their firms as successful and are approaching 2022 and beyond with a positive overall outlook, but meanwhile acquiring new client business remains a top concern for many small law firms.

The Chinese boutique law firms are facing similar pressure from economic situation and peer competition. Li Ling, the director and founding partner of H&T Law Firm, shares with ALB that the epidemic has brought a certain degree of impact on the real economy and enterprises. On the one hand, it has weakened the activity of the real economy and investment and financing businesses, increased investment risks, tightened control of financial risks, increased difficulty in closing transactions, and reduced the scale of new projects. On the other hand, real enterprise debt default cases keep emerging. “Therefore, the new risks in the market are making it more difficult for companies in debt default to recover. As a result, in litigation and execution, debt collection has become more difficult and takes longer time. Meanwhile, as the judicial activities of courts is also impacted by the epidemic control measures, the efficiency and effect will naturally be challenged.”

The pressure from competition is also evident. Li observed that many firms that used to be active in other areas have shifted to non-performing asset disposal and finance and investment after being hit by the economic environment. For H&T, which has been targeting these practice areas since its establishment, the competition has been more fierce.

“Facing the pressure, H&T will on the one hand stick to our initial vision, concentrating on our strong areas, and on the other hand embrace innovation, improve our efficiency, maintain our competitive advantage in the industry, and seek rapid and steady development with the continuous trust of clients, stable cooperation, and years of accumulated experience and resources,” Li says.

While the economic environment is challenging, it also brings opportunities. Chen Yigong, the managing partner at PacGate Law Group, tells ALB: “Since 2020, industries like high-tech chip semiconductor and medical health have become very active. Also, thanks to the national policy and market demand, anti-trust is weighing more in transactions and our lawyers are participating in more litigation cases. Furthermore, PacGate lawyers have advised a number of U.S.-listed Chinese companies’ refinancing projects, making progress in foreign capital market practice. Currently, the number of refinancing projects that we are participating is among the top in the industry.”

For Sun&Co Law Firm, of which the core business is legal affairs of Party Committee, government and state-owned enterprises, in-depth knowledge and understanding of policies have become the key to go through the risks in the past two years after the epidemic outbreak. Sun&Co’s director Deng Yong shares: “We have been striving to expand the depth and width of our cooperation with the government by strengthening our capabilities of dealing with both routine legal affairs and urgent incidents, transitioning services like traditional legal counselling and contract review to providing legal demonstration of administrative decisions, participating in the formulation of administrative normative documents and the formulation of government emergency measures to deal with emergencies.”

In addition to maintaining professionalism, actively maintaining external communication is another strategy for boutique law firms to build their brands. Advance Law Firm’s senior partner Li Ye says: “It has been two years since the outbreak of the epidemic, and the regular overseas visits of foreign legal services have completely stopped. There are increasing uncertainties in holding offline events for domestic clients, and large industry forums have been postponed. In this context, to better carry out law firm promotion activities, we actively cooperate with various media online platforms to hold online live broadcasting activities and hold small special salons offline. We also regularly share new trends with overseas counterparts and clients. These have all been helping us better understand clients’ feedback and meet their demands.”


Corporation management is becoming the choice for more and more boutique firms. H&T’s Li shares with ALB that as a medium-sized law firm adopting corporation management style, they can make hierarchical rights and responsibilities clear under their current structure, leaving the internal quality control system efficient and the case assigning mechanism fair and reasonable, making sure the final quality delivered to clients is higher than standard.

“H&T can concentrate the resources of the whole firm to maximum, respond quickly to urgent and difficult issues with high-level services,” Li says.

PacGate also manages the firm as a corporate, meanwhile they encourage lawyers to independently expand their business. Chen believes that through the resource sharing of the law firm, the professional advantages of lawyers complement each other, and the teams form mutual assistance and common development. “We help the teams play to their advantages by supporting each lawyer and partner with the whole firm’s resources. While the teams are open to each other for sharing, they also achieve their own targets.”

Advance Law Firm adopts flat management, and establishes three centres respectively orienting legal practice, operations, and clients. Li Ye introduces to ALB: “This allows lawyers to focus more on actual practicing, leaving the client experience and administrative support work to the client centre and operation centre. After the lawyers are admitted to our firm based on recruitment standards, their performance will be reviewed by their departments, and then by the two centres. Client centre will also work with projects’ leading lawyers on gathering clients’ feedback and demands, and the operations centre will carry out plans on all kinds of events for promotion and communication with clients.”

Sun&Co, on the other hand, is employing a Party-leading method of management. Under this structure, administrative director, financial director and risks director will divide the management tasks, taking on their responsibilities. Deng says: “the implement of this system has greatly guaranteed a standardized firm operation, high-level legal practice, and a good service brand. Ever since our establishment, we have kept a record of zero compliant, zero illegal act, zero disciplinary violation, and zero accident.”


Talent is one of the core competencies of a law firm. At the end of 2021, legal recruitment experts observed that salary will continue to be a way for law firms to attract talent in the future as competition for talent intensifies. This is reflected in the talent strategies of boutique firms.

Chen believes that the key to retaining lawyers lies in creating good conditions to support each lawyer’s career path, including salary and welfare, and clear planning for their professional development. “Therefore, we have set up and clear and transparent promotion system for lawyers to grow from junior lawyer to senior lawyer, associate, and partner. Furthermore, we can also customize young lawyers’ development plan so that they can give full play to their strengths and passion.”

Advance also uses competitive salaries as well as its firm culture and flexible management style to attract young lawyers. As Li Ye points out: “Each year, we set up targets guiding young people’s growing direction. We provide professional training from internal departments and from external third parties, and we also provide training related to communication skills, psychology, management, and sports. The ultimate goal is to cultivate excellent lawyers with high professionalism and physical strength.”

Deng shares with ALB that in Sun&Co, over 60 percent lawyers have stayed there for more than five years, which is a result of Sun&Co’s emphasis on professional training. “Each week, we hold a half-day seminar for lawyers to learn about legislation updates, difficult cases, and other experiences. We also constantly invite domestic and foreign well-known academics to give lectures on legal issues in state-owned enterprises’ reform.”

Last but not least, H&T’s Li tells ALB about their strategy: “We always tell lawyers about the real characteristics about the industries we are in, especially telling them about the hard bit honestly, so that lawyers can objectively judge if their passion is in the same direction with us. Secondly, we fully trust them by giving them opportunities to participate in practical work. Thirdly, we provide reasonable salary and promotion system. And fourth, we let them know and stick to our principle: only by achieving good results at work can they win a place here.”


Facing the future, Advance’s Li shares that they will head to a size growth to become a more comprehensive law firm, with an emphasis on developing teams in areas of intellectual property, foreign legal affairs, criminal compliance, civil and commercial, investment and finance, and construction. They will also accelerate their layout in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hangzhou as well as overseas regions.

H&T’s future plan is to continue providing legal services in projects with high bidding and risks, which is also how they characterize themselves. “By standing firmly on our culture and value, we will keep enhancing our professional capabilities and provide high quality services to our clients. We will place more emphasis on internal control and learning, and before we have a fully preparation, we are not in a rush to expand the size.”

PacGate’s plan is also more focused on professionalism than size growing. Chen says: “We are striving to expand our market share and win more business opportunities for our lawyers to serve more clients. We will not grow our size blindly, but legal services expansion will be a must-do task for us.”

Deng of Sun&Co says that talent cultivation will be one of the keys in the next stage. “By empowering the lawyers, we will also see them empower our law firm so that Sun&Co’s market competitiveness will be taken to a higher level. Also, we will optimize our internal management. Our goal for the next decade is to become a firm that is based in Chengdu, serves the Southwest of China, spurs to the GBA, and extends to Southeast Asia.”


Advance Law Firm

Guizhou Visen Law Firm

H&T Law Firm

HHP Attorneys-At-Law

PacGate Law Group

Shanghai Joius Law Firm

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

Sun&Co Law Firm

Tiger Partners

Yenlex Partners


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