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今年登上ALB China榜单的十五位总法律顾问正是这方面的佼佼者。他们所在企业的性质不同(包括央国企、民营企业、外资企业),所属行业庞杂(包括能源、航空、TMT、生物医药、机械制造、金融、消费品、传媒文娱、新能源、基础建设、环保等),北上深之外,还有多位总法来自济南、南京、成都、长沙、天津几座城市,虽然有着不同的从业环境,他们身上却散发出近似的光芒。













































“同时,这份职业也带给我个人和家庭很大的荣誉感。还记得疫情期间,有天我和海外合作伙伴开会到晚上11点,当时我3岁的孩子问:妈妈你在干什么?我说:我在帮其他小朋友和大人不生病。她说:Mummy, you are my hero!那一刻我感到:这份职业真的是我人生中浓墨重彩的一笔。”她说。


For the ninth consecutive year, ALB has selected outstanding general counsels in the Chinese market. Throughout this journey, we have witnessed general counsels expanding their role boundaries, shaping their own value, and achieving growth amidst challenges. They are valuable assets to their respective companies and continuously script a remarkable life story with their outstanding achievements.


How to define a "general counsel (GC)"? Amid an increasingly stringent regulatory environment and ever-changing geopolitical landscape, exceptional professionals are continuously reshaping the scope and value of the GC role through their own experiences.

The fifteen GCs who made it to this year's ALB China ranking are true exemplars. They come from diverse corporate backgrounds (including state-owned enterprises, private companies, and foreign-invested firms), spanning various industries (such as energy, aviation, TMT, biotech, manufacturing, finance, consumer goods, media and entertainment, new energy, infrastructure, and environmental protection). These GCs hail not only from Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen but also from cities like Jinan, Nanjing, Chengdu, Changsha, and Tianjin. Despite working in different professional environments, they radiate a similar brilliance and passion for their roles.

Some of the ranked GCs shared their observations with ALB on expanding their professional boundaries, which has brought them challenges and a strong sense of professional fulfilment and achievement.


Christy Zhou serves as the senior director of legal & compliance and internal audit departments at pharmaceutical company CanSino Biologics. Before taking on the role of legal head in the biotech industry, like many GCs, she has experience in various legal roles. Reflecting on her career path, she believes these experiences accumulated at different stages have contributed to her growth as a better legal leader.

At the onset of her career, Christy Zhou chose to become a lawyer. "This allowed me to transition from being a law student to a professional lawyer. I gained overall improvement in my expertise and, as the counterparty, developed valuable skills in communication while dealing with clients," she recalled.

Later, Christy Zhou joined a futures company as the head of legal and compliance. "The three-year experience allowed me to gain a lot in the compliance field, and I learned good compliance-management thinking and logic."

In 2019, armed with this wealth of experience, Christy Zhou joined CanSino. She describes herself as a "grassroots-raised GC": starting as the sole member of the legal team and now expanding to a team of 17, providing support to the company’s legal, compliance, intellectual property, internal controls, and internal audit departments.

Christy Zhou tells ALB that her rapid growth after joining CanSino was due to the company's rapid expansion and the industry in recent years. As the legal team’s size and functions expand, she feels her management skills continue to improve. "In fact, for over a year, I have been trying to adjust the internal organisational structure to make management more reasonable. This has brought me great joy and has been a good exercise for my management abilities."

Zhou Benqiang is the chief compliance officer and general counsel at Sinohydro Engineering Bureau 8. He has been part of the company’s legal team for 16 years, serving as legal head for the past decade, during which he continuously explored and deepened his understanding of the GC role.

Today, Benqiang describes the essential qualities a qualified GC should possess as "strategic vision, strong professional competence, and exceptional management skills."

He explains, "Having a strategic vision means that a GC should start from the big picture of the company and make accurate judgments on any legal matter, providing precise decision-making support and strategic analysis for the company's leadership."

"Strong professional competence is the foundation for our profession," Zhou adds. "A GC needs to be familiar with and master all aspects of the company's business."

"Finally, a GC should have the management capabilities of an entrepreneur. When handling problems, they should not only analyse legal risks but also comprehensively consider the actual needs of the company's development from a management perspective," he concludes.


With the continuous improvement of their abilities and the "call of the times" prompted by external environmental changes in recent years, GCs have keenly felt the widening of their professional boundaries.

"In recent years, there has indeed been a profound feeling that the responsibilities of a GC within the company keep expanding. In my case, for example, I am responsible for both legal and compliance matters, in addition to other management responsibilities," says Benqiang. "The expansion of responsibilities reflects the importance placed on the rule of law and compliance, but it also brings challenges and increased practice risks for GCs. Therefore, achieving responsibility expansion while 'staying within the boundaries' is crucial, and it is also the direction I will explore in the future."

In Christy Zhou's view, the expansion of GCs' responsibilities responds to the demands of the times. "If we go back 5 to 10 years, many aspects, such as internal control and audit, would be managed by the finance department, and intellectual property would be managed by the research and development department. However, the current trend is to centralise them under the GC, and we have indeed found that many matters can be better coordinated when placed under the GC," she says.

Specifically for CanSino, Zhou believes that as a biotech company, CanSino has been continuously developing more comprehensive legal and compliance functions along with the company's growth stages, which also serve as a typical example for the industry.

She explains that the company had few functional departments during the early financing stage, and her work primarily focused on legal matters. As the biotech company reached a certain stage and sought development in the capital markets, CanSino went public on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2019 and the A-share market in 2020. Zhou's responsibilities immediately expanded to include internal control functions. Compliance and audit functions were also added to the company's commercialisation progress.

As the company matured, especially during the transition from biotech to biopharma, Zhou's responsibilities expanded again to include intellectual property management. "We control the entire intellectual property process, including establishing a dedicated IPR team and integrating the management of patents, trademarks, know-how, trade secrets, and business secrets."

Through this journey of taking on more responsibilities, Zhou has gained a deeper understanding of her capabilities as a legal professional. Today, she confidently says, "You can expand your business according to the company's needs and your own growth potential; This is entirely achievable, although it also requires a lot of learning along the way."


With the expansion of functions, Christy Zhou's key realisation is that legal work must be made visible to the business to be effective.

"As legal professionals, we often work at our desks, making document changes and replying to emails. How can we truly integrate these desk-bound tasks with the business?" This has been a question she has been pondering.

Zhou has created a motto for her department: ‘precision is care.’ "We include this motto in every internal communication email to gradually change the business' perception of us. By removing their defensiveness, we can establish a better connection."

Furthermore, Zhou emphasises that her team must carry out their work with professionalism and attention to detail, actively communicating to make the business "see" their efforts. "For example, we have been publishing a weekly internal legal newsletter for three years, covering various aspects of the company's business. Many colleagues have provided positive feedback, finding the content interesting."

In addition, the team takes the initiative to lead legal risk assessments for different types of businesses within the company. "During the assessment process, we interact with the business departments, and they can clearly see what we are doing. We also proactively provide guidelines to assist with pre-evaluations before projects begin, ensuring smoother progress later."

Zhou Benqiang points out that he has also been contemplating the positioning and boundaries of legal work in the past few years, and his perspective aligns with Christy Zhou's approach.

"I have been exploring the integration of legal work with corporate development strategies, business management, and corporate culture. This shift transforms legal from a 'service department' to a 'value-creating department,' moving from the background to the forefront," he explains.

"After years of efforts, we have achieved significant results. Now, the company's legal department can create value for the company, just like the marketing and production departments, by participating in the market, securing projects, and generating profits," he adds.


As Zhou Benqiang mentioned, the expansion of responsibilities brings fulfilment and greater challenges, especially in the past year.

"The most memorable challenge of the past year was compliance. How to ensure the company achieves rapid development on a compliant track was a major question," Zhou Benqiang admits. "As Sinohydro Engineering Bureau 8 is an international construction company with business spread across Asia, Africa, and Latin America, involving various fields such as hydro power, thermal power, solar power, municipal engineering, railways, highways, smelting, petrochemicals, and agricultural infrastructure, the legal issues we face are complex."

"Therefore, we need to collaborate with other business departments to jointly explore and study cutting-edge legal issues. Looking back, I can say that we have handled various challenges remarkably well."

For Christy Zhou, the most unforgettable challenge of the past year also occurred in the compliance field, specifically, the "construction of a marketing compliance system."

This, too, was a question posed by the pandemic-era. Originally, biotech companies were "small but beautiful" players in the pharmaceutical industry, progressing step by step. However, the past three years saw the industry thrust into the limelight due to the pandemic, pushing them to go through years of development within a short period. This rapid transformation brought significant commercialisation, marketisation, and internal compliance management challenges.

Zhou recalls that in 2020, her team had already built a basic marketing compliance system for the company. However, they realised its vulnerability when faced with real-world challenges. Over the past 12 months, with rapid expansion, the system faced numerous challenges from various business departments. Additionally, CanSino explored a new CSO business model beyond self-operation, adding even more pressure on compliance. "We had to integrate everything gradually," she says.

Fortunately, they successfully weathered this challenging period. Zhou tells ALB that in the next phase, they will focus on "establishing a standardised compliance system for the company, continuously refining the standards to align with business needs, seeking a balance between regulations and development, and ensuring compliance is implemented in specific business projects."


Exceptional GCs always focus on current achievements and actively contemplate future challenges.

Zhou Benqiang confesses that there are so many things he wants to do regarding the next steps in work planning. "I will lead the team to focus on AI, intelligent compliance, and other business areas. We will continuously bring in more legal talents, explore and innovate talent development mechanisms, and emphasise cultivating talents in investment, financing, and legal compliance. We will strengthen 'legal product output' and build a top-notch team of versatile legal and business professionals."

Christy Zhou summarises her key themes for the future in three words: support, risk control, and innovation. "In the future, I will provide long-term support for the company's goals and business development, especially in the face of challenges prevalent in the biotech industry. We have a lot of work to do in the market or technological aspects."

"Secondly, we will emphasise identifying legal and compliance risks, conducting evaluations, and ultimately formulating specific risk control measures to ensure their implementation," she says. "Lastly, innovation, especially in the compliance field, is crucial for GCs."

While achieving these goals, Zhou says she will also actively enjoy the sense of accomplishment that the role of a GC brings to her career and life. "My scope and vision as a legal professional have greatly expanded. I no longer speak solely in terms of laws and cases but can truly integrate rules into all aspects of business and practice."

"Additionally, this profession brings great honour to me, personally, and my family. I remember during the pandemic, one day, I had a meeting until 11 pm. My 3-year-old child asked, 'Mommy, what are you doing?' I said, 'I'm helping other kids and adults not get sick.' He said, 'Mummy, you are my hero!' At that moment, I felt that this profession truly leaves a significant mark in my life," she says.


2023 ALB China 十五佳总法律顾问
2023 ALB China Top 15 GCs

郭易玥Tracy Guo
Vaillant Group (China) Heating, Cooling and Environmental Technology

洪育文Hong Yuwen
China National Aviation Logistics

金浩Jin Hao
IBM Greater China

李程Richard Li

李琼嘉Li Qiongjia

李阳 Leo Li
Lingong Heavy Machinery

凌涛涛Annie Ling
Micro Connect

潘高翔 Rocky Pan
Shanghai M&G Stationery

慎凯Ricky Shen
Full Truck Alliance

万宜Eve Wan
Tianqi Lithium

徐斓Lucy Xu
China Literature

张小凤Zhang Xiaofeng
China Tea under COFCO

周本强Zhou Benqiang

周永强 Leo Zhou
Suez (Shanghai) Investment

周媛Christy Zhou
CanSino Biologics









The general counsel or head of legal affairs should be based in mainland China, and some of the key qualities we are looking for include:

     Scope and significance of work handled by the general counsel

     Any significant initiatives launched by the general counsel in their current role

     Feedback on GC’s work from business partners

     Years of experience and previous work history

     Awards and accolades      



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