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在经济发展承压的2023年,长三角地区众多律所迎难而上、逆风而行,体量规模、业务开拓、营收获利等各方面依然取得了令人瞩目的成绩。经过ALB精心调研,星光熠熠的2024 ALB China 区域市场排名:长三角地区榜单现已呈现。










































赵律师建议律所通过倾听律师们的声音、关注他们的需求、解决他们的困难,培育、维护 温馨、和谐的工作氛围。”在关键时刻,人文关怀的力量更能激发专业人士的责任感和使命感,使他们更积极地投入到工作中,共同面对挑战、克服困难。”


2024 ALB China Regional Ranking: Yangtze River Delta Firms, Rising Lawyers, Client Choice

The Yangtze River Delta region stands out as a powerhouse of China's vibrant economy, with its legal sector at the forefront of innovation and transformation within the Chinese legal services market. Law firms are locked in fierce competition in terms of expertise, brand recognition, and the attraction of top talent. The surge in the number of lawyers, coupled with the ongoing professional development of young legal professionals, has breathed new life into this dynamic regional market.


The Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region is renowned for its cities with vibrant, outward-oriented economies and robust innovation capabilities. This area has fostered a thriving legal services industry that has experienced remarkable growth, positioning itself at the forefront of the country's legal sector. Law firms in the YRD region have cultivated significant influence and developed sophisticated brand-building strategies. 

As Lu Hongyi, executive director of Joint-Win Partners, aptly observes, “The Yangtze River Delta region is home to many cities with active and highly outward-oriented economies, as well as strong innovation capabilities. The region boasts a large legal services industry that has been developing at an astonishing speed and is leading the entire country. Law firms there also have greater influence and more mature brand-building experience.” 

In 2024, despite economic pressures, many firms in the YRD region rose to the challenges and still managed to achieve remarkable results in terms of size, business development, revenue and profitability. After rigorous research, ALB is proud to unveil the star-studded 2024 ALB China regional ranking for the YRD region.

One of the biggest changes in this year's ranking is that the number of winning firms has increased from 30 last year to 40, with an even split between local and non-local firms. All 30 winners from last year remain on this year's ranking for three consecutive years, which, together with ten new entries, shows that whilst incumbents continue to have a stronghold on the legal services market in the region, more and more new firms have joined this elite club.

Furthermore, ALB has also selected 30 Rising Lawyers under the age of 40 or with less than 15 years of practice, as well as 15 “Client Choice” lawyers through an online survey.


The development of the legal services market in the YRD region has been significantly impacted by rapid changes in recent times, as noted by many winning firms.

Paul Zhou, director of the national executive committee of SGLA Law Firm, observes, “In the past year, the legal services market in the region became more complex and volatile.” He points out that many law firms, especially leading ones in the region, have keenly felt the intensifying competition and growing operational challenges.

Zhou elaborates: “Traditional key markets for commercial legal services, such as IPOs, general finance, and real estate, continue to show a downward trend in client demand and fee expectations, a trend that began two years ago and is further declining. While new areas like data compliance and ESG have generated significant buzz, this has not yet translated into a substantial increase in service demand or revenue. Civil and commercial litigation, criminal litigation, and government legal services still hold a significant market share, but given the rising number of practising lawyers and the impact of short video streaming on the online marketing of legal services, individual lawyers are feeling increased competitive pressure in business development and case handling. In short, the days of rapid growth and high profitability may not easily return.”

However, Zhou adds that judicial administrative authorities have provided targeted support for the legal industry. For example, “the Several Provisions on Promoting the Quality Development of the Legal Services Industry in the Pudong New Area implemented by the Shanghai Pudong New Area Government in 2023 includes policies that increase support for the legal industry by encouraging firms to develop cross-border services and explore the special partner system, promoting lawyers' pro bono services and standardising the application for cost deductions, and exploring a system of full-time paralegals, etc.”

Xiang Zhenhua, partner and head of the Hangzhou office of Jingtian & Gongcheng, similarly observes structural changes brought to firms' business by evolving economic cycles and tightening regulatory requirements. While business volume for capital market practice such as IPO has barely increased, “volume for other areas such as mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, dispute resolution and data compliance is increasing. Therefore, overall demand for legal services in the YRD region is still relatively balanced at present.”

At the same time, Xiang admits that market competition has undoubtedly become more intense. Having been based in Hangzhou for years, he has noticed an influx of lawyers from outside the YRD region, such as the North and Southwest China, into Hangzhou or other cities in the YRD region.

He notes that one non-local firm added over 100 lawyers to its Hangzhou office within a year of establishing its presence in the city. Furthermore, he has observed a trend of career changes. Reports indicate that middle-aged professionals are taking bar exams and transitioning into legal careers. These new entrants to the legal profession often bring valuable work experience from other sectors, giving them an edge over fresh graduates in areas such as communication skills and building client trust. “This influx of players into the legal industry and the YRD region will inevitably result in more intensified competition, which will affect local lawyers in terms of fee rates, service levels, etc.,” says Xiang.


Faced with fiercer competition, firms believe they should fully leverage the high degree of integration within the YRD region.

Zhao Wenmei, chief partner of Beijing W&H (Shanghai) Law Firm, notes, "With the integration of the YRD region becoming a national strategy, the legal services market is also accelerating its own integration. Firms are actively establishing a presence in the region, while local legal services providers are enhancing cooperation to form closer collaborative networks." W&H has opened offices in cities such as Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wenzhou, Ningbo and Nantong, forming a legal services network covering major cities in the YRD region.

Lu from Joint-Win also observes the corresponding increase in demand for legal services brought about by macro policy support for the legal services industry in the YRD region and the increase in cross-regional business activities of enterprises. "Integrated development has raised the bar on the cross-regional collaborative capabilities of firms and the comprehensive competency of lawyers," Lu states.

Lu shares that different offices of Joint-Win Partners in the YRD region boast expertise and advantages in various fields, but through collaboration, the firm has built a diversified and professional legal services network. In the past 12 months, the firm also ventured beyond the YRD region, opening three new offices in Nanchang, Zhengzhou and Chengdu to "better meet the diverse needs of cross-regional clients through division of tasks and cooperation among teams across different regions".

Apart from riding the trend of integration, Zhao believes that specialisation can help build up a firm's core competitiveness. "A firm must first have a clear idea of its core practice areas and market positioning, and identify and concentrate on the practice areas where it enjoys competitive edges. On this basis, the firm can gradually expand and develop other practice expertise to provide clients with more comprehensive legal services."

Zhou from SGLA emphasises that talent represents the "brand image" of a firm, while solid organisational and operational management will contribute to exponential improvement in this image. SGLA is the first firm in China to expand through the "N+1" model. Unlike the traditional "1+N" model, SGLA centralises the management authority of the firm at the national level to the headquarters but continues to let the offices in regional markets decide and develop their own business operations.

Driven by this innovative model, the number of practising lawyers in SGLA's Shanghai office increased by 10 percent last year compared to the previous year, with total revenue up by 12 percent. In Jiangsu, SGLA set up seven offices in Nanjing, Suqian, Kunshan, Lianyungang, Xuzhou, Suzhou and Wuxi in quick succession to jointly run the Jiangsu regional market, which is under the overall charge of the Nanjing office. "Going forward, the Shanghai and Nanjing offices will strengthen collaboration to uplift the overall legal service capabilities of SGLA," Paul Zhou.


Data from China's Ministry of Justice show that as of early September this year, Chinese firms have established 207 offices in 37 countries and regions, with over 12,000 cross-border lawyers.

The YRD region has always been at the forefront of China's opening-up and internationalisation, with cross-border business and "going global" being common priorities among the winning firms.

"The legal industry has entered a mature market and may remain there for the long haul. Many firms and lawyers are facing the challenge of limited market share and weak business growth. In this context, firms can turn their attention to overseas markets to explore new growth points, and use 'going global' as a key path to open up new growth opportunities," says Lu.

She adds that Joint-Win Partners has established its first overseas branch in Hanoi, and has also opened offices in Tokyo and Jakarta. "This allows us to directly connect with local clients and gain a deeper understanding of the local legal environment, which provides strong support for cross-border business."

Zhao believes that "going global" by Chinese firms is an inevitable trend for the development of the Chinese legal services industry in a globalised world. Firms should recognise both the challenges and the opportunities brought about by this trend and take corresponding measures to address and seize them.

Cross-border business has always been a stronghold of Jingtian & Gongcheng. In the past year, most of the highlights of its three offices in Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou were related to cross-border business. According to Xiang, the overseas presence of firms should be more pragmatic. "'Going global' is not merely about setting up offices overseas and hiring local lawyers. It is about truly understanding clients and providing practical and solid support, so that clients have seamless access to personalised professional services."

As for the market in the YRD region and the overall domestic market, Xiang says that Jingtian & Gongcheng will remain level-headed, refraining from blindly pursuing size and headcount, and will go through careful strategic decision-making before establishing a new office. Lu, on the other hand, hopes that firms in the YRD region can reduce operating costs and improve service efficiency through cooperation and communication, as well as sharing of information and talent resources.


Rising Lawyers and "Client Choice" lawyers, specialising in different practice areas, have accumulated rich practical experience and achieved outstanding business performance and solid reputations through excellent market acumen and top-tier services. They share their observations of the YRD market.

Zhou Zhehao, Rising Lawyer winner and partner at Zhong Lun Law Firm, paints a succinct picture of lawyers in the YRD region pursuing excellence while staying humble. "The key advantage of the YRD region is its large economic and market size. Lawyers there also have the 'big picture' mindset and are 'open and inclusive'. It is very obvious that the practice of lawyers in the region is driven by market forces."

Specialising in real estate, Zhou Zhehao observes that new developments in the industry have imposed higher requirements on lawyers. "In addition to traditional services such as real estate development and construction, financing and M&A, new urban renewal projects, infrastructure REITs, and real estate developer rescue, restructuring and risk prevention all require high-quality legal support from lawyers."

He adds, "To gain client recognition, a lawyer must keep his/her head down, focus on details, and rely on professional thinking to come up with service solutions. Lawyers spend 80 percent of their time on these behind-the-scenes tasks. The endless pursuit of professional quality is the most important attribute and ability of a top lawyer."

Another Rising Lawyer, Wang Jiangtao, partner at Joint-Win Partners, focuses on data compliance. "In recent years, clients' demand for data compliance services has become increasingly diversified. Apart from basic needs for data export compliance, data compliance policy development and data security risk assessment, inclusion of data assets in balance sheets is also a hot topic. Laws and regulations for data compliance and industry standards in segmented fields update frequently, and the iteration of data technology is also very fast. We must keep learning to keep up with the times."

Wang continues, "Although industry competition is fierce, I still believe that the top priority for lawyers is to focus on every case at hand. I don't pay too much attention to marketing, but business is growing steadily. I am a firm believer that only by providing high-quality legal services can a lawyer win the trust and support of more clients."

Ye Ping, managing partner of Co-effort Law Firm and a "Client Choice" winner, specialises in commercial dispute resolution and commercial crimes. He notes further specialisation and increasing internationalisation in this practice area, and suggests that lawyers should pay more attention to developing comprehensive legal services capabilities, working with lawyers in other practice areas, integrating resources and continuously innovating service models to adapt to market changes and client needs. Through relentless hard work, Ye managed to stand out in a short period and became the youngest managing partner in the firm's history.

Zhao from W&H, another "Client Choice" winner, and her team mainly provide legal services in the financial field. "In recent years, numerous small and medium-sized firms have emerged in this field, competing for market share by providing more flexible and cost-effective services. Further, as the number of lawyers continues to grow, and some traditional service areas such as financial loan dispute resolution have become significantly saturated, competition among lawyers has become ever fiercer."

She suggests that practitioners need to upgrade their professional capabilities and interdisciplinary knowledge, focus on segmented markets and achieve differentiated competition, innovate service models, and provide customised legal services solutions to maintain competitive advantages.


The winning lawyers, all with over a decade of work experience, are already leading teams, with some even becoming members of their firms' management. They all aspire to lead by example and help more young lawyers grow.

Wang from Joint-Win reflects on team leadership: "My primary consideration is how to enable team members to learn and help them quickly grow into mature lawyers who can perform independently. This means I need to constantly raise my own game so that I am capable of guiding the work of young lawyers and always generating stable and growing income for my team." Consequently, Wang often works even harder than young lawyers to ensure the continuous growth of business for her team.

She adds, "I want my team to focus on doing work well, rather than being consumed by negative thoughts, self-doubt or fear of the boss. If a member makes a mistake, I carefully review whether my instructions were detailed enough, whether I noticed their workload, and whether I assigned work according to each member's different personality."

Zhao emphasises the importance of a human touch in managing lawyers: "Managing a team needs clear and rigorous rules. However, management based only on rules is often rigid and lacks human touch, making it difficult to stimulate lawyers' intrinsic motivation and creativity."

She suggests that firms cultivate and maintain a caring and harmonious work atmosphere by listening to their lawyers, paying attention to their needs and addressing their struggles. "At critical moments, the power of care can better inspire a sense of responsibility and mission in professionals, letting them become more actively engaged in their work and face challenges and overcome difficulties together."

Ye from Co-effort believes that a firm can provide more support for lawyers in several ways. It can make available rich resources such as professional materials, case libraries and legal and regulatory databases to help lawyers quickly and accurately solve legal problems. It can leverage its brand influence and market channels to assist lawyers in market promotion and client development. The firm can organise regular team-building activities and training courses to enhance lawyers' teamwork and professional skills. Additionally, it can provide personalised career development planning and advice for lawyers, and have promotion mechanisms and opportunities to enable lawyers to realise their self-worth within the firm.


2024 ALB China Regional Ranking: Yangtze River Delta Firms
2024 ALB China 区域市场排名:长三角地区律所

Local Law Firms 长三角地区本地律所

AllBright Law Offices

Boss & Young Attorneys-At-Law

Brighteous Law Firm

C&T Partners

Capital Equity Legal Group

Co-effort Law Firm LLP

Dehehantong Law Offices

Fadedongheng Law Firm

Hiways Law Firm

Hui Ye Law Firm

Jiangsu HE&PARTNERS Law Firm

Jin Mao Law Firm

Joint-Win Partners

L&H Law Firm

Ronly & Tenwen Partners

SGLA Law Firm

Shanghai Hansheng Law Offices

Sunshine Law Firm

T&C Law Firm

Zhejiang Hightac Law Firm

Non-local Law Firms 长三角地区非本地律所(长三角地区业务)

Beijing DHH Law Firm

Commerce & Finance Law Offices

Dacheng Law Offices

DeHeng Law Offices

Global Law Office

Grandall Law Firm

Grandway Law Offices

Guantao Law Firm

Han Kun Law Offices

Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm

Jingtian & Gongcheng


Kangda Law Firm

King & Wood Mallesons

Long An Law Firm

Tahota Law Firm

Tian Yuan Law Firm

TianTai Law Firm

W&H Law Firm

Zhong Lun Law Firm


2024 ALB China Regional Ranking: Rising Lawyers
2024 ALB China 区域市场排名:律师新星

Local Law Firms 本地律所

Chen Cheng 陈诚
Junan Century Law Firm

Chen Shi 陈石
Zhejiang Hightac Law Firm

Chen Shisong 陈士松
Brighteous Law Firm

Duan Jieqi段洁琦
Jin Mao Law Firm

Fu Xiaoning傅肖宁
T&C Law Firm

Peter Huang黄剑林
Hiways Law Firm

Li Junpu李隽溥
CM Law Firm

Lou Xiujun娄秀君
L&H Law Firm

Lu Zhaoyu卢昭宇
Shanghai Zhihe Partners

Ma Mingwei马铭蔚
Zhenghan Law Firm

Tang Kai唐凯
Fadedongheng Law Firm

Wang Jiangtao王江涛
Joint-Win Partners

Wei Wei韦玮
Shanghai Riying Law Firm

Wu Ying吴瑛
Hui Ye Law Firm

Wayne Zhou周渭
AllBright Law Offices

Non-local Law Firms 非本地律所

Vanessa (Shuhui) Dai戴书晖
Global Law Office

Deng Lulu邓璐璐
Anli Partners

Mark Fu傅广锐
King & Wood Mallesons

Guo Zhiwei郭志炜
DeHeng Law Offices

Vincent Song宋继聪
Han Kun Law Offices

Sun Xumin孙旭民
AnJie Broad Law Firm

Cindy Tang汤雪
Haiwen & Partners

Wu Rong巫蓉
Jingtian & Gongcheng

Yan Zhiguo严至国
Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm

Yao Yunke姚云柯

Ying Ying应莹
Tahota Law Firm

Yuan Shaoying袁少颖
Dacheng Law Offices

Zhai Xiaojin翟晓津
Tian Yuan Law Firm

Zhang Wenbo张文波
TianTai Law Firm

Zhou Zhehao周喆豪
Zhong Lun Law Firm


2024 ALB China Regional Ranking: Client Choice
2024 ALB China 区域市场排名:客户首选律师

Gan Weimin甘为民
Jingtian & Gongcheng

Huang Jianing黄加宁
DeHeng Law Offices

Huang Shaoli黄少力
Shanghai HanSheng Law Offices

Jiang Haitao姜海涛
Commerce & Finance Law Offices

Kong Yu孔瑜
Tahota Law Firm

Liang Lijin梁丽金
Hiways Law Firm

Lin Han林菡

Luo Hongtao罗弘韬
Grandall Law Firm

Ma Yahong马亚红

Ni Dadao倪大刀
Guantao Law Firm

Shi Xuechun史雪纯
Lifeng Partners

Wu Weiyi吴卫义
Hairuo & Partners

Yang Wenjun杨文珺
Boss & Young Attorneys-At-Law

Ye Ping叶平
Co-effort Law Firm LLP

Zhao Wenmei赵文梅
W&H Law Firm


Local Law Firm – Headquarters 
本地律所  总部所在地

Shanghai 上海


Hangzhou 杭州


Nanjing 南京


Suzhou 苏州


Ningbo 宁波


Non-Local Law Firm – Headquarters 
非本地律所  总部所在地

Beijing 北京


Chengdu 成都


Rising Lawyers – Locations 

律师新星  工作所在地

Shanghai 上海


Hangzhou 杭州


Nanjing 南京


Ningbo 宁波


Client Choice – Locations 
客户首选律师  工作所在地

Shanghai 上海


Hangzhou 杭州



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