
by Hu Yangxiaoxiao 胡阳潇潇 |




中国对外投资:中东地区 (ZH/EN)


2024 ALB China客户首选律师  (ZH/EN)

今年,1944余位公司法务及商务人士参与ALB调研,评选出了他们心目中的20位首选律师。在“持续内卷”时代,客户对于律师的服务提出了哪些新的要求?他们希望律师具备怎样的特质?法律人又如何应对这些挑战? ALB与上榜者聊了聊赢得客户青睐的秘诀。 

2024 ALB China 十五佳成长律所 (ZH/EN)


穿越合规“迷雾” (ZH/EN)


探索全新“出海”策略 (ZH/EN)


Look out for lawsuits

by Liu Zhen |

With China’s economic growth slowing down and a bevy of changes in policies, non-payment of debts and mortgages, defaults in honouring contracts, infringements and other related risks are looming larger than ever before; threats which could eventually develop into lawsuits. In such circumstances, real estate financing, private lending and private equity investment are the areas to keep an eye on for such defaults. Liu Zhen reports

Drug problems

by ALB, Reuters |

Ben Hirschler of Reuters investigates how GlaxoSmithKline missed all the red flags in China. Michael Martina of Reuters finds that compliance is now the buzzword for foreign firms in China after Glaxo. And Ben Hirschler, Ransdell Pierson and Kazunori Takada report on why China pays too much for medicines. Also, a timeline of the GSK scandal.

Hong Kong: Fund ambitions

by Ranajit Dam |

Earlier this year, the Hong Kong government proposed changes to the city’s investment laws to allow private equity funds to enjoy the same tax exemptions as offshore funds. These incentives are set to lure Chinese private equity funds, encourage more hedge funds and private equity firms to set up in the city, and seriously bolster Hong Kong’s potential to become a regional private equity centre, finds Ranajit Dam