
by Hu Yangxiaoxiao 胡阳潇潇 |




中国对外投资:中东地区 (ZH/EN)


2024 ALB China客户首选律师  (ZH/EN)

今年,1944余位公司法务及商务人士参与ALB调研,评选出了他们心目中的20位首选律师。在“持续内卷”时代,客户对于律师的服务提出了哪些新的要求?他们希望律师具备怎样的特质?法律人又如何应对这些挑战? ALB与上榜者聊了聊赢得客户青睐的秘诀。 

2024 ALB China 十五佳成长律所 (ZH/EN)


穿越合规“迷雾” (ZH/EN)


探索全新“出海”策略 (ZH/EN)


Bankruptcy test

by Ranajit Dam, Reuters |

The lights have begun dimming for China’s solar industry and in particular Suntech Power Holdings, the country’s largest solar panel maker, whose biggest subsidiary declared insolvency after defaulting on $541 million of bonds last month. Aside from being one of China's most notable corporate failures in recent history, it could also be the first significant test of China's bankruptcy law since it was introduced in 2007, finds Ranajit Dam. Additional reporting by Reuters

Gathering momentum?

by Kanishk Verghese, Liu Zhen, Reuters |

China’s recent approval of several infrastructure projects has highlighted its growing intent to boost economic growth through public infrastructure spending. To help raise funds, Beijing also plans to implement sweeping bond market reforms. Large state-owned businesses stand ready to benefit, but risks and concerns remain. Kanishk Verghese reports Additional reporting by Liu Zhen at ALB, and Nick Edwards and Benjamin Kang Lim at Reuters

Beijing regional report: Quality growth

by Liu Zhen |

Beijing remains the centre of China’s legal industry, but the competition gets tougher. As the growth in headcounts fall clearly and inevitably, law firms are ploughing deeper in the more advanced market and a new generation of lawyers are gathering here to take up the central stage with their highly professionalised skills and international capability. Liu Zhen reports