国际律师事务所安理在今年5月至10月期间的全球业务收入较去年同期相比下降7%。 该所在此期间的业务收入总额已由去年的八亿六千六百万美元下降至八亿四千万美元。

该所一半以上的业务收入来源于英国以外的分所和办事处,管理合伙人Wim Dejonghe 称已感受到业务回暖趋势。

Allen & Overy’s half year revenues fell by 7% in the last six months, according to the firm’s latest financial results.

Turnover for October 2009 decreased to US$840m compared to the US$866m in the same period last year.

Over half the firm’s revenues came from outside the UK and managing partner Wim Dejonghe said that the firm is starting to see an increase in activity. The firm’s work on the US$4.4bn Abu Dhabi government’s bank bailouts was noted as a highlight deal which boosted the firm. “Now we have our capacity right and have improved cost controls, our increased activity levels mean we are cautiously optimistic about what lies ahead,” he said in a statement. “We have made significant strategic investments, such as the recent lateral hires in high yield and litigation, and where we see further opportunities to improve our position we will continue to invest.”

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