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ALB聚焦于企业出海尤其是律师在助力企业的出海中的重要角色,于2025年推出首个出海业务律师榜单——2025 ALB China十五佳出海业务律师,希望通过此排名呈现过去12个月内中国市场上在助力企业出海方面取得卓越成就的顶尖律师(以下简称“出海业务律师”)。












In recent years, Chinese enterprises have shown diversified and strategic characteristics when investing overseas, actively seeking new growth opportunities. With the continuous improvement of the international business needs and capabilities of Chinese enterprises, they not only bring their products overseas, but also bring their business models overseas, deeply integrate into overseas markets, and carry out localized operations. The overseas strategies of Chinese enterprises are constantly upgrading, and therefore face increasingly complex legal and compliance challenges. In this context, Chinese lawyers are rapidly expanding the breadth and depth of their services to help clients invest overseas. Overseas investment lawyers are not only solvers of legal issues, but also key participants in their clients’ strategic planning. Based on the solid professional skills, global thinking for optimal layout in different jurisdictions, deep understanding of overseas business, cross-jurisdictional and even full process management capabilities,  the lawyers help enterprises smoothly navigate international and overseas markets.

ALB focuses on the important role of lawyers in helping companies’ overseas investments. It will launch its first overseas investment lawyers ranking in 2025 which is 2025 ALB China Top 15 Overseas Investment Lawyers. Through this ranking, we hope to present the top lawyers in the Chinese market who have made outstanding achievements in helping clients’ overseas investments in the past 12 months (hereinafter referred to as "overseas investment lawyers"). 

One firm can nominate at most TWO lawyers who had outstanding achievements in helping clients’ overseas investments, candidates can be of any nationality, but need to be based in mainland China during the past 12 months.


The list will be chosen based on a combination of the following: 

1) significant achievements

2) important cases and work in the past 12 months

3) clients the candidate has acted for 

4) significant accolades the candidate has received for work in the form of public recognition, awards, etc.

5) client and colleague feedback

The list of 2025 ALB China Top 15 Overseas Investment Lawyers will be published in ALB China’s February 2025 issue.

Please download the attached submission form from here, and direct submissions to no later than 18:00 Tuesday, December 17, 2024.

We look forward to receiving your submission soon.

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报名开始:2025 ALB China 十五佳律师新星/Submission open: 2025 ALB China Rising Lawyers

我们欣喜地通知,2025 ALB China 十五佳律师新星现已开始接受报名。


by Charlie Wu 吴卓言 |


